Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Cadensia Region Full Interactive Map and List of Quests

Xenoblade 3 - Cadensia Map
See the full interactive map of the Cadensia Region in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn about the Cadensia Region, its full interactive map, Landmarks, Unique Monsters, Rest Spots, quests, and more!

Cadensia Region Interactive Map

Areas in Cadensia Region
Li Garte Prison Camp
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Map Legend
LandmarkLandmark Rest SpotRest Spot ShopShop Named GraveNamed Grave
Ether ChannelEther Channel Traversal SkillTraversal Skill FabricatorFabricator Point of InterestPoint of Interest
Soldier Husk.pngSoldier Husk Quest EventQuest Event ContainerContainer SkirmishSkirmish
Supply DropSupply Drop Nopon Coin X-ChangeNopon Coin X-Change LadderLadder Secret AreaSecret Area

How to Use the Map

Cadensia Region Quests

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Standard QuestsStandard Quests Hero QuestHero Quests CollectopaediaCollectopaedia

Standard Quests

The Atoll Hulk
Recommended Level: 46
Basic Info
Cadensia Region - Erythia Sea
How to Unlock:
This quest automatically unlocks when you get near the area. Sail westward until you see a small sandbar in the middle of a slightly secluded rock formation.
Quest Giver: N/A
0 G / 7120 EXP / 10 SP
Unspeakable Being
Recommended Level: 58
Basic Info
Cadensia Region - Predator's Paw
How to Unlock:
Complete the quest "Castle Access".
Quest Giver: N/A
2190 G / 4600 EXP / 3 SP
Sonic Sensor x1
The Sandbar Hulk
Recommended Level: 62
Basic Info
Cadensia Region - Erythia Sea
How to Unlock:
This quest automatically unlocks when you get near the area. Sail north eastward until you reach the Lavi Sandbar. Roam in the area until you catch a glimpse of the Ferronis.
Quest Giver: N/A
0 G / 10720 EXP / 10 SP
Uniting the Seven Nopon
Recommended Level: 64
Basic Info
Cadensia Region - Great Sword's Base
How to Unlock:
Progress through Chapter 7.
Quest Giver: Samon
1180 G / 4290 EXP / 3 SP
Nopon Coin (Silver) x8

List of All Standard Quests

Hero Quests

This section contain spoilers for the main story and other side story arcs.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
Transparent Dreams
Recommended Level: 45
Cadensia Region - Conchrock Beach
How to Unlock: Head to the quest-related event at Conchrock Beach at the Cadensia Region after getting the Boundary.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
Doing It My Way
Recommended Level: 46
Cadensia Region - Ishan Isle
How to Unlock: Visit Ishan Isle during Chapter 5.

List of All Hero Quests

Collectopaedia Cards

This section is currently under investigation. Stay tuned for updates!

List of All Collectopaedia Cards

Cadensia Region Unique Monsters

Cadensia Region Map

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Unique Monster Map Location

Spectral Remy (Lv. 42)

Great Sword's Base

Littlefort Morley (Lv. 46)

Erythia Sea, Needle Reef Beach

Navigator Helios (Lv. 48)

Erythia Sea, Erythia Relay Base

Widdershins Radler (Lv. 48)

Eythia Sea, Anu Shoals

Taskmaster Imperion (Lv. 49)

Erythia Sea, Erythia Relay Base

Intrusive Neville (Lv. 49)

Erythia Sea, Migrow's Rosary

Barbed Merod (Lv. 51)

Erythia Sea, Anu Shoals

Virtuous Gulkin (Lv. 52)

Erythia Sea, Tengate Ruins

Galloping Ghuldan (Lv. 56)

Erythia Sea, Farlaine Underpass

Hardshelled Admory (Lv. 57)

Erythia Sea, Krezen Cliffs

Foolhardy Saide (Lv. 58)

Great Sword's Base

Covetous Gerondon (Lv. 60)

Erythia Sea, Cape Arcaphor

Otherworldly Rodsin (Lv. 60)

Erythia Sea, Welkin Falls

Spiky Aurelia (Lv. 63)

Erythia Sea, Antol Pit

Talkative Dirakha (Lv. 63)

Erythia Sea, Cape Arcaphor

Abysmal Rakshmi (Lv. 64)

Erythia Sea, Lavi Sandbar

4 Blades in the Dark (Lv. 65)

Erythia Sea, Colony 15

Whirlpool Triumvirate (Lv. 66)

Erythia Sea, Oshia's Reef Ravine

Sharkblade Nedd (Lv. 67)

Erythia Sea

Sundappled Floria (Lv. 71)

Great Sword's Base, N'ohm Wetlands

Jealous Mizraile (Lv. 72)

Erythia Sea, Lavi Sandbar

Oceanic Lucera (Lv. 73)

Erythia Sea, Anu Shoals

Demonic Krenolur (Lv. 75)

Erythia Sea, Daedal Isle

Naval Gyrus (Lv. 75)

Eythia Sea

Heroic Gulkin (Lv. 76)

Erythia Sea, Place of Heroes Past

Seatiger Tridence (Lv. 77)

Erythia Sea, Patulia Bay

Flyswatter Kamado (Lv. 77)

Erythia Sea, Daedal Isle

Ragemaw Tempeldo (Lv. 78)

Erythia Sea, Daedal Isle

Killhappy Brijaidor (Lv. 79)

Erythia Sea

Slack-Jawed Zephal (Lv. 80)

Erythia Sea, Daedal Isle
(During Storms/Rainfall)

Ravenous Babayaga (Lv. 84)

Erythia Sea, Patulia Bay

Seadragoon Melchior (Lv. 85)

Erythia Sea

Obliterator Centaurio (Lv. 91)

Agnus Castle Barbican, Levnis Workyard

The King-Kings (Lv. 102)

Erythia Sea, Demihuman Gutter

Levialord Empireo (Lv. 110)

Erythia Sea, The Aegis Sea

All Unique Monster Locations

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

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Xenoblade 3 - CadensiaCadensia Region Xenoblade 3 - Agnus CastleAgnus Castle Region
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Xenoblade 3 - CityCity


5 Anonymousalmost 2 years

It is for the Signifier's Ascension quest, "A Farewell Reset"

2 Anonymousover 2 years

Does anyone knows what is behind this metal door in the erythia sea?


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