Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Dreadwyrm Nizoont Boss Guide

XC3 - Dreadwyrm Nizoont Guide

Dreadwyrm Nizoont is one of the Superbosses in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Check out where to find Dreadwyrm Nizoont, how to beat it, and the best party setup against this boss!

Dreadwyrm Nizoont Superboss Information


Dreadwyrm Nizoont Lv. 105
XC3 - Dreadwyrm Nizoont
Region Pentelas
Location Maktha Wildwood, L — Low Maktha Wildwood, Cavern of Oblivion
Type Terrestrial Life


Dreadwyrm Nizoont is found sleeping in a cave on the southeast area of Maktha Wildwood, L. You'll first find a long tunnel that stretches south and leads to areas with hazardous surfaces (you can neutralize its danger by recruiting Segiri).

Continue heading south, past the Gorgeous Mandora Unique Monster, and you will find a Unique Trick Device. Solve this puzzle to open the door and find this superboss.

How to Beat Dreadwyrm Nizoont

Dreadwyrm Nizoont Boss Guide

Purge Its Invincible Buff

XC3 - Dreadwyrm Nizoont invincible buff

Throughout the battle, Dreadwyrm Nizoont can apply an Invincible buff on itself that will last for a few seconds and can even persist during Chain Attacks. Needless to say, check the shield icon below its HP bar first and wait for it to disappear before using powerful attacks like Talent Arts and Chain Attacks.

You can remove this buff instantly using the Troubadour's Twin Moons or the Soulhacker's Snake Eyes.

Clear Debuffs and Heal

XC3 - affected by Bleed

Dreadwyrm Nizoont can also inflict debuffs to your party with its attacks. Its tail swing not only deals damage in a huge arc, but also inflicts Blowdown and Bleed. The superboss can also inflict Blaze by raining fireballs from above.

The War Medic's Cure Bullet can take care of these debuff problems as it can both clear any active debuff on your team as well as negate the next few debuffs that your allies will get. Don't forget to heal any damage that you receive from these attacks!

Start Combos with Noah's Ouroboros

XC3 - Break effect on Dreadwyrm Nizoont

This superboss also has high Break resistance, making it difficult to start combos. Don't bother equipping Break Arts to any of your characters, but you can equip other combo Arts such as Topple and Daze because you can still use them to follow up the steps below.

To start a combo against Dreadwyrm Nizoont, equip Phantom Slash on Noah's Ouroboros and durin battle, use Fusion Arts with Noah and Mio until interlink level reaches 3. Phantom Slash's effect inflicts Break on all enemies at interlink lv3. Although the Break effect is not guaranteed, this Art has a high enough proc chance and can be spammed.

Once the superboss Breaks, you can now smoothly complete a Smash or a Burst combo!

How to Use Combos

Spam Chain Attacks

As soon as you fill up the gauge, initiate a Chain Attack and plan your orders well to rack up damage multipliers. Keep canceling Arts, performing role actions, and completing combos so you can use Chain Attacks more frequently.

You can also use Chain Attacks as an opportunity to heal your entire team or revive downed allies with Nia's Chain Order.

Wait for your allies to be revived before executing

If you have downed allies, it would be better to wait for your Healers to revive them before starting a Chain Attack (unless there are enough to complete Nia's order). The more party members available during Chain Attacks, the more orders you can complete and the stronger each attack will get due to the increasing multipliers.

Best Party Setup Against Dreadwyrm Nizoont

Recommended Leader Setup

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Troubadour IconTroubadour
Master Arts Class Arts
Multi Blast Multi Blast
Shield Bash Shield Bash
Myopic Screen Myopic Screen
Autumn Rain Autumn Rain
Twin Moons Twin Moons
Ring o Ring o' Roses
Master Skills Gems

Recharge allies' Arts

Keep your allies recharged with Ring o' Roses so they can effectively fulfill their roles. If the superboss starts targeting non-Defenders, stay beside your Defenders and cast this art so they can use aggro-drawing Arts and if your team needs healing, rush towards the other Healers to recharge their healing Arts.

You can place multiple Ring o' Roses fields by increasing your attack speed with the Steady Striker X gem to make it recharge faster, increase their duration with the Eternal Formation skill, or with the Devotion Necklace accessory (this recharges your Arts when an ally is downed).

Remove boss buffs with Twin Moons

Whenever Dreadwyrm Nizoont uses buffs, purge them quickly using Twin Moons. Its Invincible buff only lasts a few seconds (can still be annoying), but its Attack Up buff takes significantly longer to wear off.

Use Unlimited Sword whenever available

With this Troubadour setup, Noah can easily and quickly charge his Unlimited Sword Talent Art. Use it whenever it's available to gain access to Arts with powerful effects, including AoE healing.

This Talent Art's timer stops during Chain Attacks and you can also use its unique Arts during orders! Try starting a Chain Attack before the buff disappears to maximize its duration.

Recommended Party Members

Member/Class Role
・Main damage dealer
・Vital Bullet is useful for emergency healing
・Clears debuffs and negates incoming debuffs with Cure Bullet
・Draw more aggro with Taunt Pulse
・Provide additional defense to allies with Electro Field
・Can switch aggro with your Lost Vanguard
・Deals decent damage
(Power Soul)
・Secondary damage dealer
・Can remove boss buffs with Snake Eyes
・Can be both a Healer and a damage dealer
・Heroic Chain reactivates all other allies if used to complete an order
・Chain Order revives downed allies

Don't equip Break Arts

As mentioned above, Dreadwyrm Nizoont has a high Break resistance that can only be broken with Noah's Phantom Slash Ouroboros Art. You can still equip other combo Arts and Ouroboros Arts, though, as they will still smoothly proc once the superboss is in Break state.

Set Burst Master Arts to your allies

Be sure that your team can complete Burst (Break > Topple > Daze > Burst) combos using their Class Arts and Master Arts.

The Troubadour's Way Home Art is the only Master Art with the Burst effect that you can use if you follow this party setup, but you can also use Mio's Dominion Flower unique Talent Art or Taion's Lurking Spider Ouroboros Art for completing Burst combos.

Don't equip Smash Arts

If you already Burst the boss from its enraged state, you would want to change your team combo to Smash, but keep the target in a Launched state for as long as possible. Do not equip Smash Arts (like the Lost Vanguard's Mighty Beat) to AI-controlled allies as they will smash Dreadwyrm Nizoont the fist chance they get.

This is to maximize the damage that you can deal while either of the duo is immobilized, especially since the Incursor class gains damage buffs against Launched enemies.

Give Lifegiving Expertise and Soothing Breath to Healers

You're going to need to have your Healers revive allies faster and with more health if you're against powerful foes like superbosses. Give both Noah and Eunie Lifegiving Expertise X and Soothing Breath X so they can get your team back up faster.

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