Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Zeon's Ascension Quest: Reasons to Evolve Walkthrough

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Walkthrough

Reasons to Evolve in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the Ascension Quest of Zeon, so completing it allows you to rank Guardian Commander up to level 20. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes how to unlock the quest, all rewards, and the quest location.

Reasons to Evolve Location and Rewards

Aetia Region - Colony 9

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 5
How to Unlock Complete the Standard Quest “For Colony 9” and rank up the Guardian Commander class to Rank 10 on any of your characters.
Recommended Level 49
Quest Giver Kite


4600 G 4900 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards

Character and Class Limit Broken

Zeon - Guardian Commander Class

Character Class Role
ZeonZeon Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Guardian Commander IconGuardian Commander Defender ImageDefender

Completing this quest allows you to rank up the Guardian Commander class past Rank 10, all the way up to Rank 20. Since Zeon is a Hero, their class also instantly ranks up to Rank 20.

Reasons to Evolve Walkthrough

Reasons to Evolve Walkthrough

Complete all Prerequisite Quests and Talk to Kite

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Start the Quest Kite

To unlock Reasons to Evolve you must first rank up the Guardiam Commander class in any of your characters up to Rank 10 and complete the For Colony 9 Standard Quest. However, unlocking this quest requires you to complete four more quests in Colony 9.

Once these conditions have been met, Zeon's Ascension Quest will become available. While Zeon is in your party, talk to Kite to begin the quest. Kite can be found inside Colony 9 and his location will be marked with a ?.

Required Quests and Their Recommended Levels

Quests Recommended Levels
Lean Times in Colony 9 Lv. 27
Forgotten Supplies Lv. 28
An Off-Seer's Anguish Lv. 25
For Colony 9 Lv. 42

Gather Info around Colony 9 to Aquire the Topic The Fields

Map of Conversations for The Fields Topic
All Conversations for The Fields Topic
Around the fields Inside the Ferronis
At the assembly square At the canteen

After talking to Kite, you need to gather information from four conversations around Colony 9. After listening to all these conversations, the topic The Fields will become available to discuss.

Discuss the Topic and Talk to Juniper in Colony Iota

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Juniper Location

Discuss the topic The Fields in any Rest Spot to receive the next objective, which will be to visit Juniper at Colony Iota in the Pentelas Region. A short cutscene will play out after talking to Juniper.

Return to the Colony 9 Fields and Find a New Plot of Land

Once the cutscene has finished, head to back to the Colony 9 Fields. After returning to the fields, the characters decide to find a new plot of land for farming. There will be three spots marked on your map as potential farm plots.

The two farm plots farther away from from Colony 9 cannot be used to farm. Only the one closest to the Colony 9 Rear Gate is applicable for the quest, so it is best to head straight there rather than checking out the other two spots.

Talk to Kite in Colony 9

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Kite Location

Once you have selected a plot of land, you will need to talk to Kite inside Colony 9. You can find him next to a tent near the Colony 9 Rear Gate.

Gather 10 Spongy Spuds in Maktha Wildwood

After talking to Kite, return to the Pentelas Region and head to Maktha Wildwood. You need to gather 10 Spongy Spuds found around the area where the map marker is located.

Plant the Seeds in the Fields and Wait for Rain

Once you have gathered 10 Spongy Spuds, return to the plot of land where the new fields will be set up. A cutscene will play out where the team and a few residents from Colony 9 start to plant the seeds.

Talk to Splishsplash to Make It Rain

Map View Overwold View

After planting the seeds, you will need to wait for rain. However, you can speed speed this up by talking to Splishsplash, a Nopon who can call the rain for 10,000 G. They are found just northwest of the fields. During these portions of the quest, a ? will appear at the their location on the map.

Gather 10 More Spongy Spuds in Maktha Wildwood

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Spongy Spuds Location

Unfortunately the first batch of spuds is unsuccessful so you will need to return to the same area in Maktha Wildwood to gather 10 more Spongy Spuds.

Plant the Seeds in the Fields and Wait for Rain Again

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Spongy Spud Patch

After gathering the 10 Spongy Spuds return to the fields once more and plant the seeds again. You will also need to wait for rain a second time, but if you have enough gold, you can return to Splishsplash to call the rain.

Hand Over the Required Items to Url

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Give Url Items

Once it has rained and the seedlings have started sprouting, you will need to gather materials to make Url's Special Fertilizer. Talk to Url in Colony 9 to find out what materials he needs. Once the gauge reaches 100%, he will give you the fertilizer.

Required Materials for the Url's Special Fertilizer

Item Completion Rate
Helix Conch +40%
Sheperd's Purse +5%
Milky Soy +10%
Rich-Smelling Anlood Bone +20%

Rich-Smelling Anlood Bone is the Easiest to Gather

Map View Overwold View

Rich-Smelling Anlood Bone is the best item to gather for the quest since it is relatively easy to farm from Rudoni Anloods, which are common to the northwest of Kamos Guidepost. It also fills up the gauge by 20%, so you will only need five of these to complete this objective.

Return to the Spongy Spud Patch and Wait for Rain

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Spongy Spud Patch Seedlings

Once you have the fertilizer in hand, return to the Spongy Spud Patch to give it to the saplings and wait for rain one final time. You can again talk to Splishsplash to call for rain if you still have the gold.

Examine the Spuds to Acquire the Topic Spongy Spud Woes

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Examine Spuds

When you return to the fields after the rain, a few of the spuds will be ruined. Examine the the plants to find the five ruined spuds. Once you have examined all five of them, the topic Spongy Spud Woes can be discussed.

Discuss the Topic Spongy Spud Woes in a Rest Spot

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Spongy Spud Woes

Once you have acquired the topic Spongy Spud Woes, head to any Rest Spot to discuss it. During the discussion, the squad decides to pluck out all the bad spuds so they do not affect the healthy spuds.

Pluck the Bad Spuds Out and Talk to Juniper

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Pluck Bad Spuds

Return to the Spongy Spud Patch and pluck out all the bad spuds in the field. Once you have plucked all five bad spuds, head back to Colony Iota and talk to Juniper once more.

Return to the Spud Patch and Defeat the Monsters

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Reasons to Evolve Defeat Monsters

Head back to Colony 9 and make your way to the spud patch once again. Upon arriving, you'll see Kite defending the fields against a trio of monsters. Defeat all the monsters and watch one final cutscene to complete the quest.

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