Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Aetia Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Xenoblade 3 - Aetia Region
See the full interactive map of the Aetia Region in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn about the Aetia Region, its full interactive map, Landmarks, Unique Monsters, Rest Spots, quests, and if you can return to Colony 9!

Aetia Region Interactive Map

Aetia Region, Lower

Areas in Aetia Region
Elgares Depths
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Aetia Region, Upper

LandmarkLandmark Rest SpotRest Spot ShopShop Named GraveNamed Grave
Ether ChannelEther Channel Traversal SkillTraversal Skill FabricatorFabricator Point of InterestPoint of Interest
Soldier Husk.pngSoldier Husk Quest EventQuest Event ContainerContainer SkirmishSkirmish
Supply DropSupply Drop Nopon Coin X-ChangeNopon Coin X-Change LadderLadder Secret AreaSecret Area

How to Use the Map

How to Return to Colony 9

Accept 'Where The Heart Is' Hero Quest

Xenoblade 3 - Where The Heart Is

Noah and his allies return to Colony 9 during the Hero Quest, Where The Heart Is. This Hero Quest can be unlocked during Chapter 3, after officially recruiting Valdi.

Where the Heart Is Walkthrough

Aetia Region Quests

Click to Jump to a Section!
Standard QuestsStandard Quests Hero QuestHero Quests CollectopaediaCollectopaedia

Standard Quests

Preparing for Battle
Recommended Level: 3
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony 9
How to Unlock:
Automatically unlocks before leaving Colony 9.
Quest Giver: N/A
0 G / 480 EXP / 5 SP
Supplies in the Wind
Recommended Level: 4
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Yzana Plains
How to Unlock:
Defeat the enemies at the Alfeto Valley Mouth but do not continue to Alfeto Valley for the main quest.
Quest Giver: Pollux
310 G / 230 EXP / 3 SP
Farewell Melody
Recommended Level: 5
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Yzana Plains
How to Unlock:
Defeat the enemies at the Alfeto Valley Mouth but do not continue to Alfeto Valley for the main quest.
Quest Giver: Lenny
390 G / 290 EXP / 3 SP
Friendly Support
Recommended Level: 5
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Yzana Plains
How to Unlock:
Defeat the enemies at the Alfeto Valley Mouth but do not continue to Alfeto Valley for the main quest.
Quest Giver: Laurea
390 G / 290 EXP / 3 SP
The Hillside Hulk
Recommended Level: 10
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Milick Meadows
How to Unlock:
Progress through Chapter 2.
Quest Giver: N/A
0 G / 680 EXP / 5 SP
An Off-Seer's Anguish
Recommended Level: 25
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony 9
How to Unlock:
Complete Zeon's Hero Quest and acquire the topic “Colony 9's Off-Seer” at Colony 9. Discuss it at a rest spot to unlock the quest.
Quest Giver: N/A
1210 G / 940 EXP / 3 SP
Live Combat Training
Recommended Level: 27
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony Gamma
How to Unlock:
Discuss the topic “Request from Teach” at a rest spot after completing Teach's Hero Quest. Next, interact with the noticeboard near Gamma Canteen and choose “Live Combat Training”. Finally, discuss the topic you acquired at the canteen to unlock the quest.
Quest Giver: N/A
1410 G / 1160 EXP / 3 SP
Lean Times in Colony 9
Recommended Level: 27
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony 9
How to Unlock:
Complete Zeon's Hero Quest and acquire the topic “Colony 9 Shortages” at Colony 9. Discuss it at a rest spot to unlock the quest.
Quest Giver: N/A
1210 G / 940 EXP / 3 SP
Forgotten Supplies
Recommended Level: 28
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony 9
How to Unlock:
Complete Zeon's Hero Quest and acquire the topic “Colony 9's Situation” at Colony 9. Discuss it at a rest spot to unlock the quest.
Quest Giver: N/A
610 G / 940 EXP / 3 SP
Light Memory x1
Theoretical Knowledge
Recommended Level: 28
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony Gamma
How to Unlock:
Discuss the topic “Request from Teach” at a rest spot after completing Teach's Hero Quest. Next, interact with the noticeboard near Gamma Canteen and choose “Theoretical Knowledge”. Finally, discuss the topic you acquired at the canteen to unlock the quest.
Quest Giver: N/A
1410 G / 1160 EXP / 3 SP
Nopon Register
Recommended Level: 55
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Millick Meadows
How to Unlock:
After activating the Fabricator from the Hillside Ferronis Hulk, talk to Shillshill by the Hilltop Caravan to receive the quest.
Quest Giver: Shillshill
920 G / 3920 EXP / 3 SP
Nopon Coin (Silver) x7
The Illusion Returns
Recommended Level: 56
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Captocorn Peak
How to Unlock:
Clear “Charity and Hypocrisy” and “Tactical Eradication” then complete “Imminent Illusion” in Chapter 4. Next, clear “Severed Connection” and “Side Story: Mio”. Finally, go to the quest-related event at Captocorn Peak at the Aetia Region.
Quest Giver: N/A
0 G / 0 EXP / 0 SP
Teach's Teachers
Recommended Level: 57
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Colony Gamma
How to Unlock:
Progress through Chapter 3.
Quest Giver: Teach
1840 G / 3140 EXP / 3 SP
Moon Anklets x1
The Battlescar Hulk
Recommended Level: 58
Basic Info
Aetia Region - Everblight Plain
How to Unlock:
This quest automatically unlocks when run northward from the first area you spawned in Everblight Plain.
Quest Giver: N/A
0 G / 9560 EXP / 10 SP

List of All Standard Quests

Hero Quests

This section contain spoilers for the main story and other side story arcs.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
Where the Heart Is
Recommended Level: 22
Aetia Region - Alfeto Valley Mouth
How to Unlock: After Ethel leaves your party, listen to the two NPCs talking just outside the Ferronis to acquire the info “Colony 9 Lately”. Discuss it at a rest spot to unlock Zeon's Hero Quest.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
Going Beyond Power
Recommended Level: 25
Aetia Region - Alfeto Valley
How to Unlock: Return to Aetia Region after Ethel leaves your party and head to the place where you first discovered the Ouroboros.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
A Gray Matter
Recommended Level: 26
Aetia Region - Murmur Rise
How to Unlock: Complete Valdi's Hero Quest, "The Kind Right Hand", and unlock the Wall Climbing traversal skill. As soon as you have it, scale the wall to the northeast of the Kamos Guidepost and follow the Airdrop smoke to get to his starting quest location.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
Side Story: Mio
Recommended Level: 50
Aetia Region - Colony Omega
How to Unlock: Progress through Chapter 6.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
A Twist of Fate
Recommended Level: 52
Aetia Region - Colony Omega
How to Unlock: Complete Side Story: Mio in Chapter 6 then head to Colony Omega at Aetia Region, Upper.
Quest Name Hero Recruited
Recommended Level: 56
Aetia Region - Captocorn Peak
How to Unlock: Complete the standard quest “The Illusion Returns”.

List of All Hero Quests

Collectopaedia Cards

Item List ・Yellow Nopon Pebble x1
Withered Kapiba Branch x1
First Completion Rewards +30 Affinity
Tool Belt x1
Repeating Rewards 40 EXP / +6 Affinity
Item List Wraithwood x1
Shaded Acorn x1
Salty Cabbage x1
First Completion Rewards +30 Affinity
Apprentice Vambraces x1
Repeating Rewards TBD
Item List Supersonic Vang Organ x2
First Completion Rewards +30 Affinity
Breastfang Necklace x1
Repeating Rewards 40 EXP / +6 Affinity
Item List Surge Circuit x1
Smalnut x1
Shimmer Leaf x1
First Completion Rewards +30 Affinity
Friendship Ring x1
Repeating Rewards 40 EXP / +6 Affinity
Item List Wraithwood x1
Splendorshell x1
Seafoam Soap x1
Purple-Ring Pine x1
Plate Pothos x1
Pillowshroom x1
Fire-Fighting Hydrojet x1
Bloody Doomcap x1
Beaknib Quill x1
Tirkin Notebook x1
First Completion Rewards +200 Affinity
Nopon Coin (Silver) x1
Repeating Rewards TBD
Item List Trippleg Joint x3
Treasured Gogol Liquor x3
Tough Hox Pelt x2
First Completion Rewards +0 Affinity
Light Weak Guard x1
Repeating Rewards TBD

Completing Collectopaedia Cards repeatedly gives less reward points.

List of All Collectopaedia Cards

Aetia Region Unique Monsters

Aetia Region, Lower

Aetia Region Map

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Unique Monster Map Location

Sycophantic Lilith (Lv. 5)

Yzana Plains

Lapdog Veece (Lv. 9)

Alfeto Valley

Indiscreet Gombaba (Lv. 12)

Millick Meadows

Perturbed Bilkin (Lv. 13)

Millick Meadows, Viliera Hill

Migratory Circe (Lv. 14)

Millick Meadows

Househunter Carly (Lv. 21)

Alfeto Valley, Volff Lair

Gushing Masquin (Lv. 24)

Yzana Plains

Repulsive Deepus (Lv. 24)

Yzana Plains, Sonata Saddleback

Sensitive Catullus (Lv. 26)

Alfeto Valley, Sepulchral Cliffpath

Altruistic Maribel (Lv. 29)

Millick Meadows, Murmur Rise

Petrivore Judomar (Lv. 31)

Melnath's Shoulder, Melnath's Pass, Upper

Phantom Streya (Lv. 51)

Millick Meadows

Well-Plated Zelinka (Lv. 53)

Yzana Plains, Svinne Cavity

Witchwind Kujjat (Lv. 59)

Everblight Plain, Rottswoe Battlescar

Wicked Wolf Aranqui (Lv. 70)

Millick Meadows, Fuschian Fields

Fang-King Clavein (Lv. 80)

Elgares Depths

Jingoistic Gigantus (Lv. 80)

Millick Meadows, Viliera Hill

Perilwing Ryuho (Lv. 100)

Melnath's Shoulder, Coolley Lake

Aetia Region, Upper

Aetia Region, Upper Map

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Unique Monster Map Location

Spiralhorn Baccro (Lv. 56)

Captocorn Peak, Tsang Road

Stonehoof Torphan (Lv. 57)

Captocorn Peak, Piula Path

Keen Chicky-Chicky (Lv. 59)

Captocorn Peak

Timbercorn Cthinos (Lv. 61)

Captocorn Peak

All Unique Monster Locations

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

PLEASE spoiler tag the story-related Heroes! I came here to find a map and was spoiled on a late-game story-related Hero I did not know about the moment I scrolled down!


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