Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Best Arts for Each Class and Role

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Best Arts for Each Class
Classes are only as good as the Arts they wield in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on for a complete breakdown of the best Arts and build for each class roles, including a summary of their effects and why they were chosen as the best.

This page is being constantly updated. Stay tuned as we continue to find and test the best Arts for each Class in XC3!

Best Arts for Each Class and Role

All Class Roles
AttackerAttackers DefenderDefenders HealerHealers

Click on any of the links above to quickly jump to that class type section!

Attacker Role

All Attacker Classes
SwordfighterSwordfighter OgreOgre Flash FencerFlash Fencer YumsmithYumsmith
Full Metal JaguarFull Metal Jaguar StalkerStalker IncursorIncursor Soul HackerSoul Hacker
Martial ArtistMartial Artist SeraphSeraph Machine AssassinMachine Assassin Royal SummonerRoyal Summoner

Click on any of the links above to quickly jump to the list of best Arts for each class!

Best Arts and Build for Swordfighter

Best Combat Arts
Sword StrikeSword Strike Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
・Sets up the Daze + Overclock Buster combo.
・Side hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Edge ThrustEdge Thrust Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.
・Shortest cooldown out of all Swordfighter Arts.
・Great damage multiplier when hitting the back of an enemy.
・Back hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great for removing aggro when Defenders lose aggro or when on low HP.
Best Master Arts
Maximum VoltageMaximum Voltage Effect: Attacks become unblockable and damage dealt is boosted by 20%.
・Great Stance Art since you will mostly be autoattacking.
Giant SwingGiant Swing Effect: Knockback
・Can interrupt enemy actions when used by itself.
・Deals a massive amount of damage when fused with Sword Strike.
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Quick to recharge.
・Supports early-game Healers by lowering enemy Ether resistance.

Swordfighter Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Ogre

Best Combat Arts
Big ImpactBig Impact Effect: Inflicts Blowdown on enemy when attacking from front.
・Great damage with a knockback effect that can interrupt enemy actions.
・Front hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
HammerheadHammerhead Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 100%.
・Very quick to recharge, making it a very consistent source of damage for this class.
・Side hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Maximum VoltageMaximum Voltage Effect: Attacks become unblockable and damage dealt is boosted by 20%.
・Great damage-oriented stance that allows you to focus on dealing damage during fights.
Best Master Arts
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great for removing aggro, especially during the early-game when characters are swapping around Defender roles.
Hidden ThornHidden Thorn Effect: Bleed
・Bleed DoT and Art Power Multiplier adds another layer of damage when fused.
Cross ImpactCross Impact Effect: Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
Power Charge can significantly increase the damage dealt by your positional Arts like Big Impact and Hammerhead.

Ogre Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Flash Fencer

Note: If you are using Noah as the Flash Fencer of your party, switch out Saber Strike for Infinity Blade to deal more damage.

Best Combat Arts
Cross ImpactCross Impact Effect: Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
・Greatly improves the damage output of your Arts.
・Can be paired with Phys. Defense Down to have Fencer Arts deal massive damage.
Null SlashNull Slash Effect: Increases Critical Rate by 50% when attacking from side.
・Short cooldown with a high power multiplier.
・Hits multiple enemies in group combat.
・Side hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
AccelerationAcceleration Effect: Boosts auto-attack and Arts speed. Also raises damage taken by 25%.
・Increased attack speed helps you charge Mastered Arts faster.
・Boosts auto attack DPS while Arts are on cooldown.
Best Master Arts
No Love LostNo Love Lost Effect: Physical Def. down
・Sets up follow-up Arts nicely when fused with Cross Impact.
・Boosts overall damage as Fencers are Physical Attackers.
Aerial SlashAerial Slash Effect: Grants high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
・Deals high damage on hit especially when fused with Null Slash.
・Quick to recharge.
・Provides both survivability and damage boosts.
Glitter StreamGlitter Stream Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
・Quick to recharge.
・Great Side Break potential since you will mostly be positioned beside or behind the enemy.
・Gives Fencer the chance to set up Daze or Launch combos.

Flash Fencer Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Yumsmith

Best Combat Arts
Extended SlashExtended Slash Effect: Boost damage dealt when attacking from the front by 50%.
・Great when facing off against enemies with high block chance.
・Damage boost when attacking from the front makes gives it a solid position alongside Defenders and Healers.
・Front hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
FlashbackFlashback Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from one side.
Side Break is great for setting up Daze or Launch combos.
・Side hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Energy GrenadeEnergy Grenade Effect: Launches a grenade that detonates in a circular AOE, inflicting Blaze on enemies standing within it.
・Perfect for single targets due to the consistent DoT Blaze with a short cooldown.
・Ether damage gives nice DPS alternatives in battle.
Best Master Arts
Spearpoint ThrustSpearpoint Thrust Effect: Bind
・Great lockdown when it hits.
・Can be paired with Energy Grenade to ensure max tick damage from the Blaze.
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Great debuff to have since Yumsmith playstyle revolves around buffs and debuffs.
・Works for any party composition.
No Love LostNo Love Lost Effect: Physical Def. down
・Great debuff to have since Yumsmith playstyle revolves around buffs and debuffs.
・Works for any party composition.

Yumsmith Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Full Metal Jaguar

Best Combat Arts
QuickdrawQuickdraw Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 50%.
・Evasion bonus is great for survivability.
・Short cooldown.
・Fast Art animation speed compared to other Jaguar Arts.
・Front hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Dead SetDead Set Effect: Fully removes own aggro.
・Fully removes aggro, which is great when you accidentally pull an enemy.
・Accuracy Up is a big bonus as most of your damage will be from auto attacks.
DemolitionDemolition Effect: 30% change to ignore defense.
・Sweeping, frontward AoE is great for hitting multiple targets.
・Chance to ignore defense is also good since the Art takes a while to reset.
Best Master Arts
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Since your Arts are mostly Ether Attacks, the debuff pairs well with them.
・Quick to recharge.
・Can boost other Ether attacks from squadmates.
Aerial SlashAerial Slash Effect: Grants high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
・Gives you the option to Side Break enemies and open up into Art Combos.
・Crit. Rate bonus ensures that your Fusion Arts will deal a ton of damage with this.
Glitter StreamGlitter Stream Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
・Pairs really well with Demolition for the chance to ignore enemy defense.
・Can be used on its own to give the Jaguar more team play utility.
・Side hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.

Full Metal Jaguar Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Stalker

Best Combat Arts
LandslideLandslide Effect: Boosts damage to launched enemies by 100%. Also evades attacks while Art is active.
・While the damage boost is very niche, the quick recharge and power multiplier more than make up for it.
・Long animation prolongs Evade duration for dodging attacks.
・Can be used when you accidentally draw aggro for Attack dodges.
Driving ArrowDriving Arrow Effect: Inflicts Bleed when Art hits enemy rear.
・Great positional damage on top of the Bleed DoT.
・Back hits count as Role Actions, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Rapid ShotRapid Shot Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 100%.
・Main DPS source as it deals a lot of Crit. Damage.
・Can be boosted with Cross Impact then fused with Demolition to deal a massive amount of burst damage.
Best Master Arts
QuickdrawQuickdraw Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 50%.
・Great ability to fuse with Landslide, especially when drawing aggro from an enemy.
・Can be used on its own for some quick attack canceling that charges your Chain Attack gauge.
・Short cooldown.
DemolitionDemolition Effect: 30% change to ignore defense.
・Chance to ignore defense works extremely well when fused with a side-hitting Rapid Shot.
Cross ImpactCross Impact Effect: Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
・Works extremely well with any of the Stalker's primary Arts due to the damage buff.
・Quick animation and a relatively short cooldown.

Stalker Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Incursor

Best Combat Arts
Aerial SlashAerial Slash Effect: Grants high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
・Relatively quick to recharge with amazing damage on hit.
・Grants Evasion and a High Critical Rate, making it perfect for an Attacker class.
SidewinderSidewinder Effect: Increases Critical Rate by 50% when from back.
・High critical rate modifier that allows you to play behind an enemy.
・Relatively quick to recharge, making it perfect for the movement-heavy playstyle of the Incursor.
Glitter StreamGlitter Stream Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
・Does amazing damage while also being able to set up Daze and Launch combos via Side Break.
Best Master Arts
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great for reducing aggro since you will usually play away from your Defenders and Healers.
Cross ImpactCross Impact Effect: Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
・Great for buffing the damage of your Talent Art or any of your primary Arts.
DemolitionDemolition Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 50%.
・Can be fused with a heavy-hitting Art like Glitter Stream in order to grant it a chance to ignore enemy defenses.

Incursor Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Soulhacker

Stay tuned as we update this section with the best Arts for the Soul Hacker class!

Soulhacker Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Martial Artist

Best Combat Arts
FocusFocus Effect: Boosts Arts recharge speed by 20% and shortens auto-attack intervals by 25%.
・Amazing Stance that allows you to have Arts constantly off cooldown, with faster auto attacks speed-charging Agnus Arts at the same time..
Jackal ClawJackal Claw Effect: Grants a high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
・Deals a massive amount of damage while being quick to recharge by synergizing with Focus.
・Increased Crititcal Rate affects autoattacks, boosting DPS across the board.
Detonating HitDetonating Hit Effect: Inflicts Daze on enemy when attacking from side.
・Can be used to finish Daze combos and set up for Arts that deal bonus damage against Dazed enemies.
・Deals decent Physical damage on hit.
Best Master Arts
Shield BashShield Bash Effect: Topple
・Can be used to set up Daze or Launch combos when hitting an enemy inflicted with Break.
・Can combo with Detonating Hit, being used to set up your primary Art for a Daze sequence.
FlashbackFlashback Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from one side.
・Short cooldown that can be lowered even more by Focus.
・Inflicts Side Break, making it so that you can complete the Break + Topple + Daze combo by yourself.
Cross ImpactCross Impact Effect: Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
・Relatively short cooldown that also benefits from the reduction of Focus.
・Power Charge can modify all of your primary Arts to hit for massive damage.

Martial Artist Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Seraph

Best Combat Arts
Leveling FireLeveling Fire Effect: Boosts damage dealt by 50%, but reduces HP when using Arts.
・Despite the HP cost for the boost, the 50% boost to Attack is great for a class that relies on auto attacks.
Crimson LanceCrimson Lance Effect: Inflicts Topple on enemy when attacking from side.
・Deals decent damage while also synergizing with Flashback in order to set up a Break + Topple combo.
DragonDragon's Snarl Effect: When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP. Grants a high Critical Rate.
・Increased Crit. Chance pays off due to reliance on auto attacks for damage.
Best Master Arts
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great for disengaging at low HP or if the enemy refuses to relinquish aggro.
FlashbackFlashback Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from one side.
・Deals a decent amount of damage.
Side Break is great for setting up a Topple with the Crimson Lance Art.
QuickdrawQuickdraw Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 50%.
・Attack boost stacks with your current buffs
・Evasion increases your survivability, allowing you to dodge both enemy attacks and Arts when using your HP reducing Arts.

Seraph Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Machine Assassin

Best Combat Arts
Terror OnslaughtTerror Onslaught Effect: Inflicts Resistance Down when Art hits enemy rear.
・Used to start your debuff combo, with Resistance Reduction being beneficial to all of your party's attack types.
Tyrant CrossTyrant Cross Effect: Applies 1 randomly chosen debuff(s) when Art hits.
・Follow-up to Terror Onslaught, allowing you to stack debuffs in preparation for Havoc Slayer.
Havoc SlayerHavoc Slayer Effect: When an attack hits, spreads the target's debuffs to other enemies in range.
・Allows your debuffs to spread to multiple enemies, completing the Machine Assassin's basic debuff combo.
Best Master Arts
Spearpoint ThrustSpearpoint Thrust Effect: Bind
・Great lockdown skill to have when playing with party members that rely on positional Arts.
・Can combo with Havoc Slayer to spread Bind across multiple enemies.
No Love LostNo Love Lost Effect: Physical Def. down
・Another great debuff that benefits all Physical Attackers in your party.
・Can combo with Havoc Slayer to spread Bind across multiple enemies.
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Another great debuff that benefits all Ether Attackers in your party.
・Can combo with Havoc Slayer to spread Bind across multiple enemies.

Machine Assassin Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Royal Summoner

Stay tuned as we update this section with the best Arts for the Royal Summoner class!

Royal Summoner Class Guide

Defender Role

All Defender Classes
ZephyrZephyr Heavy GuardHeavy Guard Guardian CommanderGuardian Commander
Lone ExileLone Exile Lost VanguardLost Vanguard Noponic ChampionNoponic Champion

Click on any of the links above to quickly jump to the list of best Arts for each class!

Best Arts and Build for Zephyr

Best Combat Arts
Butterfly BladeButterfly Blade Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Essential for generating aggro.
・Extremely quick to recharge, making it easy to keep aggro during the early-game.
Air FangAir Fang Effect: Boosts damage dealt against attacking enemies targeting you by 50%.
・Very good DPS boost when generating aggro at early levels.
・Extremely quick to recharge, making it the perfect partner to Butterfly Blade.
Speed DemonSpeed Demon Effect: Boosts evasion by 30% and reduces damage dealt by 15%.
・Evasion is very good since it can dodge both Attacks and Arts while negating all the damage when successful.
Best Master Arts
Crash OutCrash Out Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Very good for establishing aggro.
・Can be fused with Butterfly Blade if you lose aggro.
Ether CannonEther Cannon Effect: Accuracy Down
・Debuff works well with your Evasion focus and class skills.
Myopic ScreenMyopic Screen Effect: Daze
・Can be used to set up a Daze + Overclock Buster combo during early-game.
・Adds combo utility for the class much like Heavy Guard has Topple.

Zephyr Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Heavy Guard

Best Combat Arts
Bull RushBull Rush Effect: Topple
・Can be used to set up a lot of combos including Daze, Launch, and Smash.
・Synergizes well with early-game classes.
Crash OutCrash Out Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Better for generating aggro as it has a lower cooldown and better AoE than Uppercut Slash.
Solid StanceSolid Stance Effect: Reduces damage taken by 25% and damage dealt by 25%.
・Allows you to hold aggro while still being able to make use of Arts unlike Variable Turret.
Best Master Arts
Wide SlashWide Slash Effect: While Art is active, evades enemy attacks at the cost of a low Critical Rate.
・Perfect for keeping aggro at low HP or while Healers are being revived.
Glow RingGlow Ring Effect: Target Lock
・Early-game Target Lock Art you can equip to gain an advantage when fighting multiple enemies.
Giant SwingGiant Swing Effect: Knockback
・Knockback effect is perfect for interrupting enemies in between Art cooldowns.
・Can be fused with any of your primary Arts to give them more damage.

Heavy Guard Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Guardian Commander

Best Combat Arts
Shield BashShield Bash Effect: Topple
・Can set up Daze or Launch combos for the team.
Noble TauntNoble Taunt Effect: Taunt
・One of the only aggro-generating Arts of the Guardian Commander.
・Can be fused with Target Lock Arts to make it more effective.
Falcon SwoopFalcon Swoop Effect: Boosts damage dealt by 50% when Awakened.
・Very short cooldown compared to Imperial Sword, making it great as a Fusion Art.
・Deals bonus damage once the class is Awakened.
Best Master Arts
Aerial SlashAerial Slash Effect: Grants high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
・Augments damage since this class constantly loses aggro.
・Can be fused to increase the damage output of Falcon Sweep.
Mighty BeatMighty Beat Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Can be fused with Shield Bash to give it aggro generation.
・Very quick to recharge, allowing consistent aggro generation compared to primary Arts.
Glow RingGlow Ring Effect: Target Lock
・Can be used to augment Noble Taunt via Fusion.
・Quick to recharge.

Guardian Commander Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Lone Exile

Best Combat Arts
Demon SlayerDemon Slayer Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Great aggro generating Art that has a very short cooldown.
Gale SlashGale Slash Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 50%.
・Great DPS especially if you are drawing enemy aggro.
・Gives great Tactical Point returns during Chain Attacks.
Jaws of DeathJaws of Death Effect: Boosts damage dealt by 30% and aggro drawn when attacking by 25%.
・Very good boost to aggro generation and DPS.
Best Master Arts
Mighty BeatMighty Beat Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Makes sure that using Arts generate aggro.
・Does great damage when used as a Fusion Art.
Aerial SlashAerial Slash Effect: Grants high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
・Can be fused with Gale Slash to deal a massive amount of damage.
・Grant evasion which is perfect for a Defender that does not rely on blocking.
Glow RingGlow Ring Effect: Target Lock
・Can augment aggro generating skills to also proc Target Lock.
・Very useful as an AoE taunt when fighting mobs of enemies.

Lone Exile Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Lost Vanguard

Best Combat Arts
ShockwaveShockwave Effect: Enemies performing Arts will be knocked back.
・Great for interrupting special attacks.
・Does good damage while also being quick to recharge.
Mighty BeatMighty Beat Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Very quick to recharge, making it extremely easy to keep aggro on you as long as you are using your Arts.
Taunt PulseTaunt Pulse Effect: Deals continuous damage to enemies in a fixed radius and draws in more aggro.
・Great for keeping mobs of enemies trained on you.
・Great aggro generation balance between this and Mighty Beat.
Best Master Arts
Noble TauntNoble Taunt Effect: Taunt
・Very good for drawing aggro.
・Works with Taunt Pulse as the this is a Taunt Art rather than a Stance Art.
Gale SlashGale Slash Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 50%.
・Augments DPS when being attacked by enemies so you can still contribute to overall team damage.
・Noticeable advantage when facing off against Unique Monsters.
Crash OutCrash Out Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Very good for keeping aggro on you.
・Can be fused with non-aggro generating Arts like Shockwave.

Lost Vanguard Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Noponic Champion

Best Combat Arts
Dazzling IllusionDazzling Illusion Effect: Boosts evasion by 20% and boosts aggro drawn when attacking by 25%.
・Great for boosting both evasion and aggro with one move.
Refractive EdgeRefractive Edge Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50% at the cost of a low Critical Rate.
・Great for maintaining aggro.
・Can be fused with a non-damaging art to evade attacks while active.
・Critical Rate drop does not matter with this build.
Tri-SlashTri-Slash Effect: Break
・Great for starting combos with this character.
Best Master Arts
QuickdrawQuickdraw Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 50%.
・Can be fused with a non-damaging Art to evade attacks while active.
・Increases the damage of front attacks.
Noble TauntNoble Taunt Effect: Taunt
・Very good for drawing aggro.
・Can be fused with non-aggro generating Arts like Tri-Slash.
Crash OutCrash Out Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
・Very good for keeping aggro on you.
・Noticeable advantage when facing off against Unique Monsters.

Noponic Champion Class Guide

Healer Role

All Healer Classes
Medic GunnerMedic Gunner TacticianTactician War MedicWar Medic ThaumaturgeThaumaturge
StrategosStrategos SigniferSignifer TroubadourTroubadour LifesageLifesage

Click on any of the links above to quickly jump to the list of best Arts for each class!

Best Arts and Build for Medic Gunner

Best Combat Arts
Myopic ScreenMyopic Screen Effect: Daze
・Great for setting up early-game Daze + Overclock Buster combos.
・Short cooldown.
Group HealGroup Heal Effect: AOE / Heal
・Amazing healing potential until the late-game due to its Power Multiplier.
・Does not rely on hitting the enemy to proc heals.
Power RingPower Ring Effect: Creates a circular AoE on the ground that grants Attack Up for all allies inside it.
・Short cooldown ensures you can have two up at the same time.
・Casting counts as a Role Action, charging your Talent Art in the process.
・Very effective at higher class ranks due to its increasing AoE.
Best Master Arts
Spearpoint ThrustSpearpoint Thrust Effect: Bind
・Bind is a great control skill to have for a support.
・Allows your Healing for Field Arts to deal damage when fused.
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Great early-game debuff for the Agnus classes.
・Retains team play utility until late-game.
HornetHornet Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 100% of Healing Power.
・Heals that use autoattack recharge are very useful while waiting for primary Arts to recharge.
・Can pair with non-Healing Arts to get increased Heal uptime during combat.

Medic Gunner Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Tactician

Best Combat Arts
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Very quick to recharge, with better damage than Avenging Eagle.
・Debuff suits early-game combat since tougher enemies at the early stages rarely have Evasion.
Stormy SkiesStormy Skies Effect: AOE / Heal
・Quick to recharge and your only Healing Art before unlocking Masteries.
Hazy FigureHazy Figure Effect: Creates a circular AOE around the user that grants an Evasion Up buff for all allies within it.
・Great buff to have for the party since Evasion allows characters to dodge both Attacks and Arts.
・Casting counts as a Role Action, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Best Master Arts
Myopic ScreenMyopic Screen Effect: Daze
・Allows the Tactician to start early-game Daze combos.
Ether CannonEther Cannon Effect: Accuracy Down
・Good pocket debuff to have during prolonged fights against stronger enemies.
Multi BlastMulti Blast Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
・Great secondary Healing Art to have as you enter mid-game.
・Can be fused with non-Healing Arts like your Field Art to give it extra utility.

Tactician Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for War Medic

Best Combat Arts
Heal BulletHeal Bullet Effect: AOE / Heal
・Better utility than Cure Bullet which has a longer cooldown.
・Great to have in order to keep cycling Healing into Art rotation during combat.
・Guaranteed Heal without having to hit an attack.
Multi BlastMulti Blast Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
・Great damage and Healing Art to have since it allows you to sneak damage into the support mix.
・Great during Chain Attacks for both damage and field heals.
Advanced CooldownAdvanced Cooldown Effect: Creates a circular AOE on the ground that grants Defense Up for all allies inside it.
・Relatively short cooldown.
・Casting counts as a Role Action, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Best Master Arts
OverfallOverfall Effect: Ether Def. Down
・Complements your class by lowering defenses against your Ether attacks.
・Can be fused with Heal Bullet to give it both damage and more utility.
Dark BannerDark Banner Effect: AOE / Sleep
・Nice pocket Sleep debuff to have during the mid-game.
・Gives a damage boost to primary Arts when fused.
Spearpoint ThrustSpearpoint Thrust Effect: Bind
・Nice bit of control to have as Bind is perfect when most of the party has 1 or 2 positional Arts.
・Deals decent damage when used.

War Medic Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Thaumaturge

Best Combat Arts
Rank SplitterRank Splitter Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
・Gives your character quick-to-recharge Heals that regenrate a lot of HP.
・Useful during Chain Attacks, especially when regenerating HP for the entire party during difficult fights.
Divine ProtectionDivine Protection Effect: Creates a circular AoE on the ground that grants the Armor Veil buff for all allies inside it.
・Very quick to recharge, meaning you can have it at almost 100% uptime if you rarely miss autoattacks.
・Perfect for playing alongside Defenders, stacking buffs for them when facing off against powerful Unique Monsters.
Spearpoint ThrustSpearpoint Thrust Effect: Bind
・Great control skill to have, especially when you have Attackers that use a lot of positional Arts with long wind-up times.
Best Master Arts
Advanced CooldownAdvanced Cooldown Effect: Creates a circular AOE on the ground that grants Defense Up for all allies inside it.
・Great for stacking buffs for your allies, especially when fused.
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great aggro remover to have in a pinch since you will be dealing damage and healing.
Multi BlastMulti Blast Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
・Good secondary Heal to have, mixing up Ether damage with your Physical Arts when fused.

Thaumaturge Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Strategos

Best Combat Arts
Earth BindEarth Bind Effect: Bind
・Great utility, granting a control Art that helps party members that rely on positional Arts to be more effective.
MoondogMoondog Effect: Creates a circular AOE on the ground that regenerates the HP of all allies inside it.
・Perfect for supporting Attackers and Defenders that are stationary throughout fights.
・Casting counts as a Role Action, charging your Talent Art in the process.
Mirror TrapMirror Trap Effect: Buffs allies in an AOE around the user with Counter Heal which heals characters whenever they take damage from an enemy.
・Amazing Healing Art to have when facing Unique Monsters with a higher level than your party.
・Great buff to give your Defenders, especially for ones that can monopolize enemy aggro.
Best Master Arts
Advanced CooldownAdvanced Cooldown Effect: Creates a circular AOE on the ground that grants Defense Up for all allies inside it.
・Great Defense buff for your allies, especially when fused with your Regenerate Art.
Multi BlastMulti Blast Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
・Good secondary Heal to have since its timed recharge is unaffected by enemies that cause you to miss autoattacks.
Energy GrenadeEnergy Grenade Effect: Launches a grenade that detonates in a circular AOE, inflicting Blaze on enemies standing within it.
・Can be paired with Earth Bind to ensure max tick damage from the Blaze.

Strategos Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Signifer

Best Combat Arts
Resonant FlagResonant Flag Effect: Grants own buffs to all allies.
・Needed in order to pull off your main buff combo of Aureole + Resonant Flag.
AureoleAureole Effect: Applies 1 random buff(s) to self.
・Needed in order to pull off your main buff combo of Aureole + Resonant Flag.
Heal HarmonyHeal Harmony Effect: Creates a circular AOE around the user that grants a Regenerate Buff for all allies within it.
・Amazing Healing Art that is quick to recharge while also guaranteeing the Regenerate Buff for all allies within the AOE.
Best Master Arts
Advanced CooldownAdvanced Cooldown Effect: Creates a circular AOE on the ground that grants Defense Up for all allies inside it.
・Great Defense buff for your allies, especially when fused with your Regenerate Art.
Multi BlastMulti Blast Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
・Good secondary Heal to have since its timed recharge is unaffected by enemies that cause you to miss autoattacks.
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great for shaving off aggro during fights that are going poorly.
・Can be saved for situation when you have to revive a downed ally.

Signifer Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Troubadour

Best Combat Arts
Ring oRing o' Roses Effect: Creates a circular AOE on the ground that speeds up Art recharge for allies standing in it.
・Faster Art recharge greatly benefits party, boosting effectiveness of each class type while inside the circle.
Autumn RainAutumn Rain Effect: AOE / Regenerate
・AOE regeneration benefits Defenders, allowing them to safely take aggro no matter the situation.
Shadow ParadeShadow Parade Effect: Boosts Arts recharge speed by 25% and increases damage taken by 25%.
・Amazing party utility as the Art recharge speed boost allows you to keep cycling through your buffs and heals.
Best Master Arts
Multi BlastMulti Blast Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
Solid StanceSolid Stance Effect: Reduces damage taken by 25% and damage dealt by 25%.
・Good secondary Heal to have since its timed recharge is unaffected by enemies that cause you to miss autoattacks.
・Works well with the Art Recharge Boosts of this class.
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Effect: Halves own aggro value.
・Great for shaving off aggro during fights that are going poorly.
・Can be saved for situation when you have to revive a downed ally.

Troubadour Class Guide

Best Arts and Build for Lifesage

Stay tuned as we update this section with the best Arts for the Lifesage class!

Lifesage Class Guide

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