Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Unlock Gray and Ascension Quest Conditions

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Gray
Gray is a recruitable hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn more about Gray's stats, Arts, skills, and chain attack bonuses as well as how to unlock Gray's Hero Quest and Ascension Quest!

How to Unlock Gray

Complete A Gray Matter Hero Quest

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Gray

To unlock Gray as a hero, you first need to complete Gray's Hero Quest: A Gray Matter. To accept this quest, you must first meet with Gray at Murmur Rise in the Aetia Region. You will see his map marker as a question mark.

Gray's Hero Quest: A Gray Matter Walkthrough

Gray Profile and Voice Actor

Class Role
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Full Metal Jaguar IconFull Metal Jaguar Attacker ImageAttacker
Tier Rank Nation
S Rank Icon Keves
Voice Actors
ENG: Shaun Dooley JP: Chiba Shigeru
Gray is the Full Metal Jaguar Attacker in the game. He uses twin guns and drones that increase their damage every time they hit, helping the team defeat the enemies faster.

Gray Hero Rating

Attack Defense Healing Support

Gray Strengths and Weaknesses


Gray makes an excellent Attacker since each attack that hits will increases the damage of his subsequent attacks. His class is ideal for Heroes, which you cannot control, because it performs well even with only Auto-Attacks.


Though Gray's attacks increase in damage each time they hit, when he misses the damage resets, so it is important to always keep his accuracy up. This also means that he won't be very effective at the very beginning of battles.

Gray Ascension Quest Unlock Conditions

Payback for Treason

After recruiting Gray, they and their class will be capped at Rank 10. To break the class limit and rank them up to Rank 20, you must first complete their Ascension Quest: Payback for Treason.

Payback for Treason Walkthrough

Gray Best Arts

Best Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Dead SetDead Set Buff Self Fully removes own aggro.
ShowdownShowdown Ether Attack Frontward AOE Boosts accuracy by 40%.
ExecutionerExecutioner Ether Attack Frontward AOE Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 120%.

Showdown and Dead Set are by far the best Arts for Gray due to the importance of accuracy for this character. These two Arts also have other additional effects that come in handy like removing aggro or increasing evasion.

Gray Arts And Skills

Arts List

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
DemolitionDemolition Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 300%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect 30% change to ignore defense.
Dead SetDead Set Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Accuracy Up Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 40s
Effect Fully removes own aggro.
VengeanceVengeance Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 210%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 11s
Effect Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 70%.
ShowdownShowdown Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 260%
Buff/ Debuff Evasion Down Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 17s
Effect Boosts accuracy by 40%.
ExecutionerExecutioner Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 260%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 23s
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 120%.

Talent Art

Base Art Information
Violent StreakViolent Streak Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Deals defense-bypassing damage; also evades attacks while Art is active.

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

Skills List

Skill Base Effect
Sixth SenseSixth Sense Boosts accuracy against enemies performing Arts by 60%.
Shock ShotShock Shot Boosts damage against enemies performing Arts by 60%
Bullet SymphonyBullet Symphony Each attack that hits boosts damage dealt by 10% (max. 255%). Missing cancels the boost.
Precision ShotPrecision Shot Boosts the accuracy of auto-attacks by 100%.

List of All Skills

Gray Default Equipment

Default Accessories

Slot Accessory Effect
1 Chipped Black BroochChipped Black Brooch Ignores 15% of enemy's ether defense when landing a hit.
2 Violent StoneViolent Stone Boosts auto-attack damage by 100%.
3 Crystal EarringsCrystal Earrings Fills Chain Attack gauge slightly on Art execution.

List of Accessories

Default Gems

Slot Gem Effect
1 Empowered Combo IEmpowered Combo Boosts damage dealt when canceling.
2 Accurate Grace IAccurate Grace Increases Dexterity.
3 Analyze Weakness IAnalyze Weakness Increases critical hit damage bonus.

All Gems and Their Effects

Gray Chain Attack Effects

Ruthless Persecution
Initial TP 35
Completion Bonus During Chain Attack, boosts damage dealt to low HP enemies by 80%.
Heroic Chain Multiplies damage ratio increase by 1.5x upon completing an order that Hero participates in.

Chain Attack Guide

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