Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Swordfighter Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Swordfighter is a type of Attacker class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and is the default class of Noah. Read on to learn more about the class, including its best arts, skills, characters, accessories, and gems, as well as find out how to unlock the class.

Swordfighter Class Overview

Swordfighter Basic Information

Class Role Default Character
SwordfighterSwordfighter Attacker ImageAttacker NoahNoah
Attack Defense Health Support
Swordfighters are well-balanced attackers dealing high damage blows while not sacrificing much mobility despite their weapon's size.

Character Class Rating

Noah Mio Eunie
Taion Lanz Sena

Class Rating is the speed at which each character ranks up an individual class, so the lower their Class Rating, the slower it takes for them to rank up the class.

How to Unlock Swordfighter

Unlock Class Changing in Chapter 2

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Changing Classes.png
Swordfighter is the starting class of Noah, one of the main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, so their class will be available for other party members to equip once you are able to change classes.

Changing classes is unlocked after completing The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest during Chapter 2 of the game.

Noah Character Profile

Complete Side Story: Noah to Unlock Rank 20

After you unlock this class, it will have a rank cap of 10, so you are unable to upgrade its Arts and skills further than that rank. To break the rank cap and extend the limit up to Rank 20, you must first complete the quest Side Story: Noah.

Side Story: Noah Walkthrough

Best Swordfighter Characters

Recommended Characters
NoahNoah MioMio SenaSena

Noah and Sena both make excellent Swordfighters due to their high Attack stats. Though Mio does not have as high Attack, she makes up for it by having high dexterity, making her attacks extremely accurate.

Best Swordfighter Arts

Recommended Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Sword StrikeSword Strike Physical Attack One Target Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
Edge ThrustEdge Thrust Physical Attack One Target Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Buff Self Halves own aggro value.

Swordfighters perform best when they have arts that focus on a single target. These arts also greatly help in filling up their Talent Gauges.

Though you can swap Shadow Eye for Air Slash in this case, having too much power can draw in enemy aggro, which we do not recommend to keep Attackers in top shape.

Recommended Master Arts

Rank 1 and 10 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
Maximum VoltageMaximum Voltage Unblockable / Atk. Up
Rank 10
Violent FlurryViolent Flurry Chance to pierce
Rank 1
FlamelordFlamelord Front attack ↑
Rank 1

The three Arts above are recommended as Master Arts for Swordfighters. In particular, Maximum Voltage is the best Art in the list since it increases your attack damage and makes your attacks unblockable.

Flamelord is also a good Art due to the additional Positional damage, but you will need to equip Positioning Pro as a Master Skill to use it.

Rank 20 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
Supreme SwordSupreme Sword Launched ↑
Rank 20

The Talent Art of Swordfighters is already exteremely powerful, but if you have a team that is more geared towards launching enemies rather than dazing them, then Supreme Sword is a decent alternative.

Best Master Skills for Swordfighter Builds

Rank 5 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Fighting ProwessFighting Prowess Boosts damage dealt by physical Arts by 30%.
Rank 5
Critical StrikeCritical Strike Increases critical hit damage bonus by 30 percentage points.
Rank 5
Positioning ProPositioning Pro Increases the no. of positional arts that can be set to the Arts Palette by 1.
Rank 5

Fighting Prowess is the most recommended Master Skill since most Arts in the class are Physical Attacks. Positioning Pro is also necessary if you plan on using more than two Positional Arts in your palette.

Rank 15 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Dynamite SpiritDynamite Spirit Boosts damage dealt by 20% when HP is at 90% or higher.
Rank 15

Once available, it is recommended to replace Critical Strike with Dynamite Spirit since Swordfighters are not as reliable critical strikers are other classes. Dynamite Spirit is much more recommended since Swordfighters, with their aggro-reducing skills and Arts are not often attacked by enemies.

Best Accessories for Swordfighter Builds

Increased Attack Increased Dexterity Deal more Damage, Take more Damage
Silver BeltSilver Belt Carbon GlovesCarbon Gloves Victor GauntletVictor Gauntlet

The best accessories for Swordfighters increase their attack damage or dexterity to make them more effective fighters. The Victor Gauntlet is also a good accessory to equip since Swordfighters can use aggro-reducing arts to lessen their chances of being attacked.

List of Accessories

Best Gems for Swordfighter Builds

Increased Attack Increased Dexterity Reduced Aggro from Arts
Steelcleaver ISteelcleaver Accurate Grace IAccurate Grace Disperse Bloodlust IDisperse Bloodlust

The best gems for Swordfighters are those that increase their Attack and Dexterity, since they allow you to perform your role as an Attacker more effectively by increasing your damage and accuracy. Aggro-reducing gems are also ideal to further decrease their chances of taking damage.

All Gems and Their Effects

List of Swordfighter Arts

Talent Arts

Base Art Information
Overclock BusterOverclock Buster Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 750%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking dazed enemies by 150%.

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Ground BeatGround Beat Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 300%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect None
Sword StrikeSword Strike Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 150%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Break
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
Edge ThrustEdge Thrust Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 120%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 11s
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.
Air SlashAir Slash Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 250%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 26s
Effect When canceling, boosts damage dealt by 25%.
Shadow EyeShadow Eye Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Attack Up Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 40s
Effect Halves own aggro value.

Master Arts

Art Rank Mastered
Ground BeatGround Beat 1
Shadow EyeShadow Eye 10
Overclock BusterOverclock Buster 20

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

List of Swordfighter Skills

Class Skills

Skill Base Effect
Sharp EyeSharp Eye Boosts Dexterity by 10%.
Covert AttackCovert Attack Reduces aggro generated from attacks by 20%.
Cypher EdgeCypher Edge Boosts Critical Rate by 10%.
InspiritInspirit Boosts damage dealt by 60% when fighting a unique or boss monster.

Master Skills

Skill Rank Mastered
Cypher EdgeCypher Edge 5
Covert AttackCovert Attack 15

List of All Skills

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