Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Theoretical Knowledge Quest Walkthrough and How to Unlock

Theoretical Knowledge.png

Theoretical Knowledge is a Standard Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, all the rewards obtained, its location, as well as other guides to complete the quest!

Theoretical Knowledge Location and Rewards

Aetia Region - Colony Gamma

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 3
How to Unlock Discuss the topic “Request from Teach” at a rest spot after completing Teach's Hero Quest. Next, interact with the noticeboard near Gamma Canteen and choose “Theoretical Knowledge”. Finally, discuss the topic you acquired at the canteen to unlock the quest.
Recommended Level 28
Quest Giver N/A
Required Discussion Topic and Location Tutor: Taion
Colony Gamma


1410 G 1160 EXP 3 SP
Item Rewards

Theoretical Knowledge Unlock Conditions

Complete Teach's Hero Quest

Team at colony gamma.png

You can only unlock Theoretical Knowledge after you have finished Teach's Hero Quest - Going Beyond Power.

You can start his hero quest by returning to Alfeto Valley in the Aetia Region after Ethel leaves your party in Chapter 3.

Completing the quest rewards you with the topic 'Request from Teach'. Discuss it at a rest spot afterwards.

Teach's Hero Quest: Going Beyond Power Walkthrough

Theoretical Knowledge Walkthrough

Theoretical Knowledge Walkthrough

Acquire the Topic 'Tutor: Taion'

Noticeboard Choices
Theoretical Knowledge Choice.png

After discussing the topic 'Request from Teach', interact with the noticeboard near Gamma Canteen and choose 'Theoretical Knowledge' from the choices to get the topic 'Tutor: Taion'.

Discuss it at a rest spot afterward to unlock the quest 'Theoretical Knowledge'.

Talk to Zakir, Mina, or Schoon

Colony Gamma Soldiers.png

Next, you need talk to Zakir, Mina, or Schoon. Follow the quest marker to the Colony Gamma soldiers and interact with them to proceed with the quest.

Answer Taion's Questions


Taion will then ask Noah and the Colony Gamma soldiers about combat-related problems and questions related to situational awareness.

The cutscene near the end of the quest will be a bit different depending on your answers. However, you'll still get the rewards for this quest no matter what score you get on Taion's quiz.

If you want t get a perfect score, below are the answers to Taion's questions.

Combat-Related Questions

Questions Answers
Which of these combo routes is wrong? Break → Topple → Daze → Beguiling Charms
What happens to some enemies when they're in trouble? They get enraged.
What should an Attacker typicall do if targeted by the enemy? Pull back and wait for a Defender to assist.
Whose roles is it to attract the enemy's attention? Defenders
What name is given to class-specific techniques? Talent Arts
Which attacs weaken the enemy? Debuffs
Which one of these is not a beneift of inflicting Daze? All allies recover HP
What is the most important component of a Chain Attack? The balance of roles within the party.

Situational Awareness Questions

Questions Answers
What's the name of the desert in Fornis region? Dannagh Desert
Which statement about the Flame Clocks in the Iris is correct? In Keves it's in the right eye, Agnus, the left
Which colony rank comes after Copper? Iron
Which equipment is exclusive to Kevesi soldiers? Power frames
What's the highest rank in a colony? Consul
What does black fog cause? Annihilation event
What is the name of the jewel that can be mined in the Aetia region? Delicate Bell
Where did Colony Sigma and Colony 9 fight? Everblight Plain
Who led their colony to victory over three colonies simultaneously? Silvercoat Ethel

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Standard Quests.png

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All Standard Quests

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Chapter 5
Writer's Block Unspeakable Being
Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
Uniting the Seven Nopon
Going Full HD Challenge Battles!


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