Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Troubadour Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Troubadour is a type of Healer class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and is the default class of Miyabi. Read on to learn more about the class, including its best arts, skills, characters, accessories, and gems, as well as find out how to unlock the class.

Troubadour Class Overview

Troubadour Basic Information

Class Role Default Character
TroubadourTroubadour Healer ImageHealer MiyabiMiyabi
Attack Defense Health Support
A special Healer, raising allies' attack frequency and strengthening them greatly with flute-playing.

Character Class Rating

Noah Mio Eunie
Taion Lanz Sena

Class Rating is the speed at which each character ranks up an individual class, so the lower their Class Rating, the slower it takes for them to rank up the class.

How to Unlock Troubadour

Recruit Miyabi by Completing Their Hero Quest

Troubadour is the default class of Miyabi, a hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To unlock this class and equip it to your main characters, you must first complete their Hero Quest: Side Story: Mio.

Side Story: Mio Walkthrough

Complete Happiness to Unlock Rank 20

After you unlock this class, it will have a rank cap of 10, so you are unable to upgrade its Arts and skills further than that rank. To break the rank cap and extend the limit up to Rank 20, you must first complete the quest Happiness.

Happiness Walkthrough

Best Troubadour Characters

Recommended Characters
EunieEunie MioMio

Due to her remarkably high Healing stat, Eunie makes a great Troubadour character despite her very low Class Rating. Mio is the better option earlier on, not only for her high Class Rating, but also because her high Agility stat can keep her out of harms way.

Best Troubadour Arts

Recommended Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Autumn RainAutumn Rain Buff AOE around User None
Way HomeWay Home Ether Attack One Target None
Ring oRing o' Roses Set Field AOE around User Field range of effect - small

Autumn Rain and Ring o' Roses are the best supporting Arts for the class since they grant incredibly helpful buffs to your teammates. Way Home is kept in the Arts palette as your one offensive Art, which also causes Burst.

Recommended Master Arts

Rank 1 and 10 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
Solid StanceSolid Stance Def. Up / Atk. Down
Rank 10
Multi BlastMulti Blast Area heal on hit
Rank 1
Advanced CooldownAdvanced Cooldown Field / Def. up
Rank 10

Multi Blast and Advanced Cooldown are great Master Arts for Healers since they grant useful buffs or heal ally HP. Solid Stance also comes in handy if you need to increase your defenses since you're attacking power matters little as a Support character.

Rank 20 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
Cry of FaithCry of Faith 2 random buffs (party)
Rank 20

Though it is best to keep the default Talent Art of this class since recharging ally Arts is the intended role of the class, if you would rather focus on granting buffs to your allies, Cry of Faith is also a decent alternative Talent Art.

Best Master Skills for Troubadour Builds

Rank 5 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Ninja HealerNinja Healer Reduces aggro generated from healing Arts by 30%.
Rank 5
Strengthening GambitStrengthening Gambit Extends duration of buff effects issued by 30%.
Rank 5
All About SupportAll About Support Increases the no. of Field Arts that can be set to the Arts Palette by 1.
Rank 5

Strengthening Gamit is essential to increase the duration of the buff effects granted by the user. All About Support is only necessary if you plan on equipping more than one Field Art, which is recommended for the class.

Rank 15 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Eternal FormationEternal Formation Increases field effect duration by 30%.
Rank 15
Abundant OceansAbundant Oceans Reduces damage to allies by 10%, increases Healing by 10%. (The effect does not stack.)
Rank 15

Once you have access to some Rank 15 Master Skills, these two skills can replace some of those in the list above. However, since Abundant Oceans is only available in the Post Game, it is less recommended than the other skills.

Best Accessories for Troubadour Builds

Boosted HP Healed from Healing Arts Reduced Aggro from Auto Attacks Extended Burst Duration
Affection NecklaceAffection Necklace Silver NecklaceSilver Necklace Star AnkletsStar Anklets

Accessories used by Healers to increase the amount of HP recovered or to reduce aggro are best for Troubadour builds. The Burst reaction is another important effect that one of their Arts have, and extending its duration will can come in handy in many battles.

List of Accessories

Best Gems for Troubadour Builds

Boosted Buff Power Extended Buff Duration Boosted Revival Speed and Healing
Swelling Blessing ISwelling Blessing Refined Blessing IRefined Blessing Lifesaving Expertise ILifesaving Expertise

Since most of the Arts used by the Troubadour class grant helpful buffs to allies, Swelling Blessing and Refined Blessing are the best gems to use. Gems that come in handy when reviving allies are also recommended since incapacitated allies can activate your skills.

All Gems and Their Effects

List of Troubadour Arts

Talent Arts

Base Art Information
Glittering MelodyGlittering Melody Area of Effect All Allies Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Pause Buff Timer Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 9
Effect Recharges Arts for all allies able to fight by 50%. (Does not affect self.)

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Autumn RainAutumn Rain Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Regenerate Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect None
Way HomeWay Home Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 270%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Burst
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 9
Effect None
Ring oRing o' Roses Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Fast Recharge Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Field range of effect - small
Twin MoonsTwin Moons Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 180%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect 50% chance to remove all buffs from target upon landing a hit.
Shadow ParadeShadow Parade Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 12
Effect Boosts Arts recharge speed by 25% and increases damage taken by 25%.

Master Arts

Art Rank Mastered
Way HomeWay Home 1
Ring oRing o' Roses 10
Glittering MelodyGlittering Melody 20

Hero-Exclusive Arts

Base Art Information
Empty ShellEmpty Shell Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Fast Recharge Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Field range of effect - medium
SnowdriftSnowdrift Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 235%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Burst
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect None
Sweet BreezeSweet Breeze Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Regenerate Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect None

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

List of Troubadour Skills

Class Skills

Skill Base Effect
EndsongEndsong Recharges all allies' Arts by 60% when incapacitated.
Dance of BarragesDance of Barrages 10% chance to keep recharge when using Art.
Dance of LifeDance of Life Own Arts gain 60% recharge when an ally is incapacitated.
SwiftsongSwiftsong Boosts all allies' accuracy and evasion by 10%. Does not stack.

Master Skills

Skill Rank Mastered
Dance of BarragesDance of Barrages 5
SwiftsongSwiftsong 15

List of All Skills

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