Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Soulhacker Class Guide: Arts, Skills, and How to Use

Soulhacker is a type of Attacker class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and is the default class of Triton. Read on to learn more about the class, including its arts, skills, and characters as well as find out how to unlock and use the class.

Soulhacker Class Overview

Soulhacker Basic Information

Class Role Default Character
SoulhackerSoulhacker Attacker ImageAttacker TritonTriton
Attack Defense Health Support
A special class, enabling a variety of fighting styles using skills and Arts stolen from enemies.

Character Class Rating

Noah Mio Eunie
Taion Lanz Sena

Class Rating is the speed at which each character ranks up an individual class, so the lower their Class Rating, the slower it takes for them to rank up the class.

How to Unlock Soulhacker

Recruit Triton by Completing Their Hero Quest

Soulhacker is the default class of Triton, a hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To unlock this class and equip it to your main characters, you must first complete their Hero Quest: Doing It My Way.

Doing It My Way Walkthrough

Complete My Memories to Unlock Rank 20

After you unlock this class, it will have a rank cap of 10, so you are unable to upgrade its Arts and skills further than that rank. To break the rank cap and extend the limit up to Rank 20, you must first complete the quest My Memories.

My Memories Walkthrough

Best Soulhacker Characters

Recommended for All Characters

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 All Characters Recommended

The Soulhacker class is not locked to a single role, so any character is applicable to take on the class. However, characters with high class rating like Lanz and Mio are great to rank up first so you can obtain the Soul Hack Master Skill quickly.

By gaining the Soul Hack Master Skill, you no longer need to use the Soulhacker class to steal enemy Arts.

List of Main Characters and Protagonists

How to Use the Soulhacker Class

Steal Enemy Arts and Skills

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Art Stealing

In order to unlock more Arts and Skills for the class, you will need to go out and steal them from Unique Monsters. To gain an Art from a Monster, you'll simply need to defeat it in battle. If you have previously battled this unique monster before obtaining the class, you'll need to defeat it again in a rematch.

To see a list of all enemy Arts and Skills you can steal, press the Y Button while Triton is selected in the Hero Selection screen.

All Unique Monster Locations

Select a Role Skill

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Soulhacker Role Skills

The class has a total of six class roles, each one is catered to a different type of playstyle, many of which are similar to other classes in the game. Your class role will determine which Arts and Skills work best with your current build.

Choose Your Arts and Skills

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Soulhacker Arts

After selecting your Class Role, you'll need to choose the appropriate Skills and Arts for that role from the Enemy Arts and Skills you've gained. You are allowed to choose up to three Skills and six Arts.

Three Keves and Three Agnus Art Slots

Though the monsters you fight are not affiliated with any faction, their Arts are still classified as either Keves or Agnus. You can only choose three of each, Keves on the right slots and Agnus on the left slots.

You can check the faction of each Art by looking at the icon shape or Recharge Type. Arts with circle icons and Time Recharge are Keves while Arts with diamond icons and Auto-Attack Recharge are Agnus.

No Master Arts or Skills

You cannot equip the Soulhacker class with any Master Arts or Skills from other classes. You are only limited to the Arts and Skills that are default to the class or that you have gained from enemies.

List of Soulhacker Arts

Enemy Arts

Check out our Enemy Arts Guide to see a full list of all Enemy Arts available for the Soulhacker class to steal and use, including which Target Monsters are needed to unlock them.

All Enemy Arts and How to Unlock

Talent Arts

Base Art Information
Final CountdownFinal Countdown Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts damage dealt for each Soulhacker Art or Skill learned.

Hero-Exclusive Arts

Base Art Information
Captain StrikeCaptain Strike Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 260%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Blowdown
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect 40% chance to ignore defense.
Ultra BoostUltra Boost Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 44s
Effect Boosts damage dealt by 50% and damage taken by 25%.
Pirate LariatPirate Lariat Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 260%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Topple
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 26s
Effect None
Peril PunchPeril Punch Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 140%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 23s
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 120%.
Magnificent FistMagnificent Fist Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 235%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 26s
Effect Other arts recover 25% recharge when Art hits.

Master Arts

Art Rank Mastered
Final CountdownFinal Countdown 20

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

List of Soulhacker Skills

Enemy Skills

Skill Base Effect Target Monster
Grace of the Land Reduces damage taken by allies in a fixed radius by 20%. TBD
Air Body Boosts Agility by 10%. TBD
Emergency Turbo Boosts healing Arts recharge speed by 30% when an ally is at low HP. TBD
Mimic Technique Reduces aggro on self by 60% when an ally is incapacitated. TBD
Counter Puncher Adds 6% chance to grant Power Charge when evading. TBD
Systematic Defense Boosts recharge speed by 36% when non-Defenders are targeted. TBD
Sacrificial Heal Heal 60% of all allies' HP when incapacitated. TBD
Monarch's Heart Boosts maximum HP by 10%. TBD
Non-Stop Barrage Grants 60% resistance to combos and reactions while Art is active. TBD
Just a Moment Restores 3% of HP when a buff is applied. Migratory Circe (Lv. 14)
Megashout 60% chance to inflict Target Lock on enemies whenever an ally's HP becomes critical. Has cooldown. TBD
Underworld Rage Boosts damage dealt by 60% each time an ally is incapacitated (to a maximum of 200%). TBD
Strike Shirker Boosts evasion by 30% while Art is active. TBD
Royal Charisma Extends duration of Break, Topple, Launch, Daze whenever Art hits. TBD
Amazing Growth Boosts damage dealt based on the amount of battle time elapsed. TBD
Sandsmoke Reduced aggro toward self by 2% when auto-attack hits. TBD
Dangerous Claws Increase Critical Rate by 10 percentage points and critical hit damage by 30 percentage points. TBD
Hot Soul 50% chance to survive a KO with 1 HP and five seconds of invincibility (once per battle, does not stack). TBD
Fiery Morale Heal 50% of all allies' HP when defeating an enemy. TBD
Dual-Horn Pressure Accrues Aggro every second. TBD
Heavy Armor Increase Physical Defense and Ether Defense by 5 percentage points. TBD
Apothecary's Wisdom Boosts amount of HP healed from using healing Arts by 20%. TBD
Celestial Conqueror Boosts damage dealt by 20% when HP is at 100%. TBD
Creeping Predator Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 15%. TBD
Queenly Pride Grants a small increase to damage dealt the more enemies target you (up to a maximum of 300%). TBD
Needle Shell When blocking, deals 100% of Attack damage to enemy, drawing aggro. TBD
Royal Aide Boosts ally revival speed for each incapacitated ally. TBD
Strength Support Boosts power of buff effects issued by self by 25%. TBD
Attack Heal Heals self when auto-attack hits, to a maximum of 100% of Healing Power. TBD
Power Pick-Me-Up Boosts damage dealt by 30% after receiving no damage for a set time. TBD
Battle Fever 80% chance to grant Awakening and Critical Rate Up on enemy defeat. TBD
Reckless Attack Boosts damage dealt by 25% but reduces max HP by half. Navigator Helios (Lv. 48)
Wolf Spirit Own auto-attack rate increases for each ally with the same role as self. TBD
Wild Tendencies Grants 30% resistance to all debuffs. TBD
Attack Mastery Boosts damage dealt for each Soulhacker Art or Skill learned. TBD
Defense Mastery Reduces damage taken for each Soulhacker Art or Skill learned. TBD
Healing Mastery Boosts amount of HP healed for each Soulhacker Art or Skill learned. TBD
Energy Efficiency Reduces healing Art effects by 30% but makes recharge 30% faster. Turbulent Martinez (Lv. 43)
Tactical Eye Boosts damage by 10% for every enemy in battle (max. 200%) TBD
Excessive Armor Adds 30% chance to block enemy combo reactions. Taskmaster Imperion (Lv. 49)
Sense of Danger 75% chance to grant 4 random buff(s) when an ally is incapacitated. TBD
Defense Time Reduces damage taken by 10% when recharge for all Arts is depleted. TBD
Instant Charge Own Arts gain 60% recharge when an ally is incapacitated. TBD
Drain Guard On blocking, boosts recharge of one Art at random by 6%. TBD
Surprise Attack Boosts damage against enemies performing Arts by 30% TBD
Reserve Life Restores 30% of HP when at low HP. Has cooldown. TBD
Revenge Impetus Applies Target Lock to all enemies upon own revival. Has cooldown. TBD
Super Explosion Deals 1000% of Attack in damage to nearby enemies when incapacitated. TBD
Awakilling After own revival, deal 60% more damage and take 20% less damage for a fixed time. TBD
Scattered Healing 25% chance to heal nearby allies upon taking damage, using 100% of Healing Power. TBD
Damage Share When low on HP, a random ally takes damage you recieve. The damage is boosted by 25%. TBD
Eagle Rush Chain auto-attacks increase attack speed. Auto-attack interval is also shortened. TBD
Large-Scale Shock Extends area of effect of attack Arts which have one by 50%. TBD
Action Reaction Boosts all Arts recharge by 30% when hit by a combo reaction. TBD
Supercharged Boosts damage dealt for each Art that's currently fully recharged. Determined Vatslav (Lv. 43)
Deflector Plate When blocking, adds 10% chance to reflect attack. (Absorbed attacks cannot be reflected.) Thunderclap Dalton (Lv. 43)
Aquatic Warrior Boosts damage dealt by 30% when in the water. TBD
Breath of an Era Boosts recharge speed by 20% when in the water. TBD
Terran Warrior Boosts damage dealt by 30% when on land. TBD
One with the Land Boosts recharge speed by 20% when on land. TBD
Debuff Counter Shortens duration of debuffs on self by 30%. TBD
Recharge Cheer 10% chance to keep recharge when using Art. TBD
Mano a Mano Evasion Boosts evasion rate by 10% when attacked by targeted enemy. TBD
Berserker Mindset Deal 30% more damage but take 15% more damage. TBD
Magic Transmutation Boosts damage dealt by 60% when afflicted with a debuff. TBD
Exoshell Reduces damage taken by 5% per enemy defeated (max. 20%). TBD
Nimbleness Itself Boosts evasion by 20% while Quick Move is active. Craven Piggard (Lv. 38)
Accelerating Attacks Boosts damage dealt by 25% when using an Art while Quick Move is active. TBD
Blasting Stomp When activating Quick Move, deals 100% of Attack as damage to any enemies within 5m. TBD
Natural Guard Boosts Block Rate by 20%. TBD
Accelerator Organ 5% chance for own attack to become a guaranteed hit and to evade enemy attacks during it. TBD
Ultranull Shield When blocking, adds 3% chance to reduce damage to 0. TBD
Physical Absorber When blocking, adds 15% chance to abosrb a physical attack. TBD
Spiritual Absorber When blocking, adds 15% chance to abosrb a ether attack. Budding Francis (Lv. 32)
Emperor of Violence Boosts Attack by 10%. TBD
Queen of Mercy Boosts Healing by 10%. TBD
Deeply Tactical At start of Chain Attack, increase TP by 5. TBD
Positional Attacker Increases the no. of positional arts that can be set to the Arts Palette by 1. TBD
Dodge Acceleration Adds 6% chance to grant Fast Recharge when evading. TBD

Class Skills

Skill Base Effect
Soul HackSoul Hack When defeating a unique monster, gain a Skill or Art.

Role Skills

Skill Base Effect
Power SoulPower Soul Changes role to Attacker, giving high attack, but low accuracy.
Strike SoulStrike Soul Changes role to Attacker, giving an excellent balance of accuracy and evasion.
Tough SoulTough Soul Changes role to Defender, granting high HP value to take enemy attacks.
Dodge SoulDodge Soul Changes role to Defender, giving specialization in evading attacks.
Heal SoulHeal Soul Changes role to Healer, giving high Healing Power to support allies.
Balanced SoulBalanced Soul Changes role to Healer, giving a balanced set of abilities.

Master Skills

Skill Rank Mastered
Soul HackSoul Hack 10

List of All Skills

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

Power soul and dodge soul are op. All the arts can be upgraded as soon as you get them and have conditions to do so. Probably highest damaging class if done correctly.


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