Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Perilwing Ryuho Boss Guide

Xenoblade 3 - Perilwing Ryuho.png

Perilwing Ryuho is one of the Superbosses in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Check out where to find Perilwing Ryuho, how to beat it, and the best party setup against this boss!

Perilwing Ryuho Superboss Information


Perilwing Ryuho Lv. 100
Xenoblade 3 - Perilwing Ryuho
Region Aetia
Location Aetia Region, Full—Melnath's Shoulder, Coolley Lake
Type Aerial Life


Xenoblade 3 - Perilwing Ryuho Map.png

Perilwing Ryuho is found in the central elevated area near Coolley Lake in Melnath's Shoulder. From Colony Iota, go up the slopes until you reach the flatlands and past Petrivore Judomar. Keep going east until you find the lake, and the superboss will be there flying above the area.

How to Beat Perilwing Ryuho

Perilwing Ryuho Boss Guide

Constantly Set Field Arts

Be careful not to be stationary when using Sena, as your role is to constantly go around the field setting Heal Harmony where your Defenders and Attackers are. This will set a field Art to regenerate their health, giving you some free space to execute your second role as a Support Healer.

Spam Resonant Flag

After setting field Arts near your allies, be ready to constantly recharge Resonant Flag and spam it whenever available. This will provide buffs to your teammates as well as yourself, to boost damage and defenses all while your HP is regenerated with the set Field Art.

Bank on Chain Attacks

Chain attacks will be a staple thing whenever dealing with a Unique Monster of a higher level, but it becomes a crucial part of any plan to take on a Superboss. Equip accessories like Crystal Earrings to fill up the Chain Attack gauge slightly faster with each Art execution.

Chain Attack Guide: How to Do a Chain Attack

Invest in Dexterity and Accuracy Boosting Accessories

Perilwing Ryuho is notoriously evasive especially when it has the advantage up in the air. Counter this by investing in Dexterity-boosting accessories like Carbon Gloves and Accuracy-boosting accessories like Smithy Gloves.

Quell Enraged Mode with Burst

Once the boss' HP drops below the threshold, it will enter an enraged state that can knock back allies and ruin formation. Be sure to equip Arts needed for a Burst Combo and aim for a Burst to return its stats to normal. This weakening effect will expire eventually, so prepare to do another Burst when Perilwing Ryuho becomes enraged again.

If your party have Arts with Launch, remember that you can change your team's combo tactic (by holding ZL) to the Burst Combo so they will prioritize following a Topple with Daze and Burst, instead of Launch and Smash. Extend the duration of quelled rage with accessories like Star Anklets and Moon Anklets.

Fight it out on the field

The Perilwing Ryuho will be flying above water for most of its territory. Be sure to attract it and force it to fight you on level ground instead of the water. There are other monsters in the water might get dragged into the fight making it harder than it has to be.

Best Party Setup Against Perilwing Ryuho

Recommended Leader Setup

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Signifer IconSignifer
Master Arts Class Arts
Cross Impact Cross Impact
Shadow Eye Shadow Eye
Myopic Screen Myopic Screen
Resonant Flag Resonant Flag
Aureole Aureole
Heal Harmony Heal Harmony
Master Skills Gems

Main Buff Giver

Switch to Sena as your main character and allow your team to handle aggro and damage on auto. As Sena, your main tactic would be to constantly provide Buffs and set Field Arts to boost damage and regenerate HP from taking hits. While waiting for arts to recharge, you can also benefit from equipping a Gold Necklace to reduce the aggro generated from your own auto attacks.

Constant Healer

Equip accessories like Solis Rings to boost Healing as you will be constantly checking your team's HP as you go around the field setting regenerative Field Arts while they constantly deal damage.

Recommended Party Members

Member/Class Role
・Can act as a support Defender accruing aggro while maintaining distance
・Highly evasive attacker capable of distracting enemy for attackers to get into position
Support Ranged attacker, better for single target fights rather than AoE attacks
・Performs best when equipped with Positional-Based accessories
・Also a decent Healer and Buff provider
・Will act as a secondary reviver if Sena gets downed
・Main Defender
・Can launch enemies with Soaring Tempest
・Can also deal good amounts of damage while accruing aggro
・Main Attacker
・Capable of dealing high damage attacks, especially when paired with accessories like Apprentice Vambraces, Violent Stone, and the Saturni Rings
・One of the best, if not the best, Defender classes in the game
・Deals a good amount of damage while also being able to tank hits

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