Xenoblade Chronicles 3

All Superboss Locations and How to Beat

Xenoblade 3 - All Superboss Locations
Superbosses are the strongest enemies you can face in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read to learn about Superbosses, their level and locations, strategies on how to beat, and more!

All Superboss Locations

Unique Monster Map Location

Kilocorn Grandeps (Lv. 95)

Rae-Bel Tableland, Dumas' Jaw

Perilwing Ryuho (Lv. 100)

Melnath's Shoulder, Coolley Lake

The King-Kings (Lv. 102)

Erythia Sea, Demihuman Gutter

Dreadwyrm Nizoont (Lv. 105)

Maktha Wildwood, L

Levialord Empireo (Lv. 110)

Erythia Sea, The Aegis Sea

Seraphic Ceratinia (Lv. 120)

The Cavity

List of Maps and How to Use the Map

How to Beat the Superbosses

Kilocorn Grandeps

Xenoblade 3 - Kilocorn Grandeps
Region Level
Fornis 95

How to Beat Kilocorn Grandeps - Key Points

  • Has good Block rate and an AoE attack that inflicts Break
  • Easiest among the superbosses, especially after you reach max level

Kilocorn Grandeps Boss Guide

Perilwing Ryuho

Xenoblade 3 - Perilwing Ryuho
Region Level
Aetia 100

How to Beat Perilwing Ryuho - Key Points

  • Has very high evasion. Dexterity accessories or accessories/Arts that directly improves accuracy are necessary for Attackers
  • Can spread your team and leave your Attackers and Healers open. Make use of the Follow Leader tactic to regroup

Perilwing Ryuho Boss Guide

The King-Kings

Xenoblade 3 - The King-Kings
Region Level
Cadensia 102

How to Beat The King-Kings - Key Points

  • Duo Unique monster
  • Can summon lv100 monsters. Prepare strong AoE Arts
  • Can inflict Target-Lock, forcing the affected ally to target the boss
  • Interlinking and Ouroboros Orders are disabled througout the fight so your best bet at dealing massive damage is getting a high damage multiplier in Chain Attacks

The King-Kings Boss Guide

Dreadwyrm Nizoont

Xenoblade 3 - Dreadwyrm Nizoont
Region Level
Pentelas 105

How to Beat Dreadwyrm Nizoont - Key Points

  • Can apply Invincible buff to itself that can persist even during Chain Attacks. Wait for the "shield" icon below its HP bar to disappear before using powerful attacks

Dreadwyrm Nizoont Boss Guide

Levialord Empireo

Xenoblade 3 - Levialord Empireo
Region Level
Cadensia 110

How to Beat Levialord Empireo - Key Points

  • Has a lot of powerful AoE attacks
  • Quicksaving is recommended before engaging as its location is far from the nearest landmark (it's a long swim back if your team gets wiped out)

Levialord Empireo Boss Guide

Seraphic Ceratinia

Xenoblade 3 - Seraphic Ceratinia
Region Level
Swordmarch 120

How to Beat Seraphic Ceratinia - Key Points

  • Strongest of the superbosses
  • Susceptible to combos (Break > Topple > Launch/Daze > Smash/Burst)
  • Has a huge health pool and powerful attacks that can also inflict debuffs so it's recommended to finish the fight as fast as possible by stacking damage multipliers in Chain Attacks

Seraphic Ceratinia Boss Guide

Superboss General Tips

Superboss Guide

Reach Max Level of 99

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Level Up Your Characters

Given that all Superbosses are level 95 and above, it is highly recommended to first reach the level cap of 99 before taking any of them on.

Doing this ensures that your party will be at their strongest when facing these bosses in order to have higher chances of beating them.

EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast

Master the Best Classes for Each Character

Additionally, you can maximize the strength of your characters by making sure they're in their best classes all while reaching the max class level of 20.

Reaching a class level of 20 can be unlocked by completing certain Hero Quests.

Best Classes for Each Character

Equip the Best Arts, Accessories, and Gems

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Talent Arts

Aside from reaching the level cap for base level and class level, you would also have to equip the strongest Arts, Accessories, and Gems to maximize damage output as well as the effectivity of support and healing skills.

Four out of the five Superbosses go beyond the level cap of your characters, so anything that can strengthen your party will be mandatory in order to defeat them all.

What are Superbosses?

Incredibly Powerful Monsters

Xenoblade 3 - Superboss

Superbosses are considered the strongest enemies you can face in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. These monsters are stronger than the final boss and are usually recommended to take on after finishing the game and maxing out your characters.

Should you come into these battles unprepared, it is highly likely that your party will be defeated immediately.

Each Have Unique Characteristics

Aside from being high-leveled foes, Superbosses also behave differently compared to other monsters. For example, the King-Kings Superboss can summon multiple level 100 monsters during the battle, while others have buffs that make them briefly invulnerable, and more.

Having these added quirks to the Superbosses is what makes them challenging, aside from just whittling down a huge chunk of health.

Superbosses Can Be Fought Again

Xenoblade 3 - Dreadwyrm Nizoont Map

Superbosses are considered Unique Monsters, which means that Named Graves will show up after defeating them, allowing you to take them on as you please.

Fight them again in their stronger versions

Interacting with a superboss' Named Grave also allows them to be challenged in their stronger versions. These versions have a much higher level than normal, which also means bigger health pool and more painful attacks. There are no special rewards for beating the superbosses in challenge runs but you can use this feature to test your team's strength limit!

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade 3 - All Enemy Monsters Partial Banner.png

List of Enemy Types and Effects

All Enemy Types

Normal MonstersNormal Unique MonstersUnique
SuperbossSuperboss -


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

The King-Kings don’t count as part of the Superbosses. It’s only the ones with red stones and can be raised up to 10 times that count.


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