Xenoblade Chronicles 3

List of Accessories

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Accessories

Equipment in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 includes the many types of accessories in the game. Read on to see a list of all accessories, including their rarities, cost, and effects, as well as how to equip them and change your weapons and outfits.

Currently, accessories are the only confirmed type of equipment in the game. Check back later for more updates on other types of equipment!

Legacy of the Seven Accessories

Accessory Effect
Saturni RingsSaturni Rings Boosts Attack by 40%.
Mercurii RingsMercurii Rings Boosts Critical Rate by 60%.
Lunae RingsLunae Rings Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 100%.
Martis RingsMartis Rings Boosts Block Rate by 60%.
Solis RingsSolis Rings Boosts Healing by 40%.
Iovis RingsIovis Rings Boosts Agility by 40%.
Veneris RingsVeneris Rings At start of Chain Attack, increases TP by 20.

Offense Accessories

Offense Accessories
Damage Boost Position-Based Location-Based Double-Edge

Damage Boost Accessories

Accessory Effect
Wind Leg FrameWind Leg Frame Boost damage dealt by 30% for the first 30 seconds of battle.
Steam BeltSteam Belt Boosts Attack by 22%
Silver BeltSilver Belt Boosts Attack by 25%
Sapphire BeltSapphire Belt Boosts Attack by 35%.
Ceramic BeltCeramic Belt Boosts Attack by 40%.
Violent StoneViolent Stone Boosts auto-attack damage by 116%.
Attack StoneAttack Stone Boosts auto-attack damage by 66%.
Assault StoneAssault Stone Boosts auto-attack damage by 91%.
Ice HeadbandIce Headband Boosts Critical Rate by 25%.
Optical HeadbandOptical Headband Boosts Critical Rate by 35%.
Crimson HeadbandCrimson Headband Boosts Critical Rate by 45%.
Soulgaze HeadbandSoulgaze Headband Boosts Critical Rate by 50%.
Beastfang NecklaceBeastfang Necklace Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 17%.
Sharpfang NecklaceSharpfang Necklace Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 22%
Dragonfang NecklaceDragonfang Necklace Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 27%.
Spiked PauldronsSpiked Pauldrons Boosts Smash damage by 60%.
Jet PauldronsJet Pauldrons Boosts Smash damage by 85%
Chipped White BroochChipped White Brooch Ignores 20% of enemy's physical defense when landing a hit.
Warped Black BroochWarped Black Brooch Ignores 30% of enemy's ether defense when landing a hit.
Detector HeadgearDetector Headgear Increases Critical Rate by 12 percentage points.
Thermo HeadgearThermo Headgear Increases Critical Rate by 17 percentage points.
Search HeadgearSearch Headgear Increases Critical Rate by 7 percentage points.
Gust BraceletGust Bracelet Master Arts will be 100% charged when starting a battle.
Wind BraceletWind Bracelet Master Arts will be 50% charged when starting a battle.

Position-Based Accessories

Accessory Effect
Sunlight ChokerSunlight Choker Boosts damage dealt outdoors by 45%.
Beast MaskBeast Mask Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 20%.
Ghillie MaskGhillie Mask Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 24%
Mask of BanishingMask of Banishing Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 30%.
Scale MaskScale Mask Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 30%.
Mighty BangleMighty Bangle Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the front by 30%.
Bronze GauntletBronze Gauntlet Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 20%.
Adamantine GauntletAdamantine Gauntlet Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 24%.
Silver GauntletSilver Gauntlet Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 30%.
Hero PauldronsHero Pauldrons Boosts Smash damage by 110%.

Location-Based Accessories

Accessory Effect
Nacre ChokerNacre Choker Boosts damage deal outdoors by 25%.
Strong Foot WrapsStrong Foot Wraps Boosts damage dealt indoors by 35%.
Special Foot WrapsSpecial Foot Wraps Boosts damage dealt indoors by 45%.
Soft Foot WrapsSoft Foot Wraps Boosts damage dealt indoos by 25%.
Comet ChokerComet Choker Boosts damage dealt outdoors by 40%.
Strike BangleStrike Bangle Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the front by 24%.

Double-Edge Accessories

Accessory Effect
Victor GauntletVictor Gauntlet Deal 60% more damage but take 20% more damage.

Defense Accessories

Defense Accessories
Defense Boost Evasion

Defense Boost Accessories

Accessory Effect
WarriorWarrior's Armor Vest Boost Physical Defense by 12%.
Heavy Weak GuardHeavy Weak Guard Boosts Block Rate by 32%.
Solid Weak GuardSolid Weak Guard Boosts Block Rate by 42%.
Full Weak GuardFull Weak Guard Boosts Block Rate by 50%.
Armored LiningArmored Lining Boosts Ether Defense by 12%
Shell LiningShell Lining Boosts Ether Defense by 17%
Asylum LiningAsylum Lining Boosts Ether Defense by 22%.
Bronze Temple GuardBronze Temple Guard Boosts maximum HP by 22%.
Iron Temple GuardIron Temple Guard Boosts maximum HP by 27%.
Carbide Temple GuardCarbide Temple Guard Boosts maximum HP by 35%.
Titanium Temple GuardTitanium Temple Guard Boosts maximum HP by 40%.
Fierce Armor VestFierce Armor Vest Boosts Physical Defense by 17%.
BerserkerBerserker's Armor Vest Boosts Physical Defense by 22%
Crystalline ChemiseCrystalline Chemise Increases Ether Defense by 12 percentage points.
SwimmerSwimmer's Chemise Increases Ether Defense by 7 percentage points.
SergeantSergeant's Headband Increases Physical Defense by 12 percentage points.
SoldierSoldier's Headband Increases Physical Defense by 7 percentage points.

Evasion Accessories

Accessory Effect
MisangaMisanga Boost Evasion by 17% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Gear SupportGear Support Boosts Agility by 22%.
Jade SupportJade Support Boosts Agility by 27%.
Carbide SupportCarbide Support Boosts Agility by 35%.
Titanium SupportTitanium Support Boosts Agility by 40%.
Hero GlovesHero Gloves Boosts Dexterity by 27%
Carbon GlovesCarbon Gloves Boosts Dexterity by 32%.
Nanotech GlovesNanotech Gloves Boosts Dexterity by 35%.
Work GlovesWork Gloves Boosts evasion by 12% while Art is active.
HeraldHerald's Kneeguard Boosts evasion by 12% while moving.
Foot ProtectorFoot Protector Boosts evasion by 12% while stationary or auto attacking.
Engineer GlovesEngineer Gloves Boosts evasion by 17% while Arts is active.
ScoutScout's Kneeguard Boosts evasion by 17% while moving.
Heavy Foot ProtectorHeavy Foot Protector Boosts evasion by 17% while stationary or auto-attacking.
Tactical GlovesTactical Gloves Boosts evasion by 22% while Art is active.
Survivor KneeguardSurvivor Kneeguard Boosts evasion by 22% while moving.
Metal Foot ProtectorMetal Foot Protector Boosts evasion by 22% while stationary or auto-attacking.

Support Accessories

Support Accessories
Recovery Aggro-Related

Recovery Accessories

Accessory Effect
Harvest NecklaceHarvest Necklace Boosts amount of HP healed from using healing Arts by 12%.
Affection NecklaceAffection Necklace Boosts amount of HP healed from using healing Arts by 17%.
Immaculate NecklaceImmaculate Necklace Boosts amount of HP healed from using healing Arts by 22%
Shell CameoShell Cameo Boosts amount of HP restored to self by 20%.
Circlet of IntellectCirclet of Intellect Boosts Healing by 22%.
Circlet of WisdomCirclet of Wisdom Boosts Healing by 27%.
Circlet of EnlightenmentCirclet of Enlightenment Boosts Healing by 32%.
Circlet of All-KnowingCirclet of All-Knowing Boosts Healing by 35%.
Activity AmuletActivity Amulet Restores 3.5% of HP when a buff is applied.

Aggro-Related Accessories

Accessory Effect
Silver FeatherSilver Feather Accrues Aggro every second (Medium effect.)
Legendary BiterLegendary Biter Accrues Aggro every second. (Extra-major effect.)
Phantom FeatherPhantom Feather Accrues Aggro every second. (Major effect.)
Lazure VambracesLazure Vambraces Boosts aggro generated from auto-attacks by 40%.
Repulsor CuffsRepulsor Cuffs Boosts aggro reduction by 60% when targeted by an enemy.
Gold Gear ChokerGold Gear Choker Boosts aggro reduction over time by 150%.
Bunnit ChokerBunnit Choker Boosts aggro reduction over time by 80%.
Silver NecklaceSilver Necklace Reduces aggro generated from auto-attacks by 30%.
Gold NecklaceGold Necklace Reduces aggro generated from auto-attacks by 50%.
Friendship RingFriendship Ring Reduces aggro generated from healing Arts by 25%.
Affection RingAffection Ring Reduces aggro generated from healing Arts by 40%.
Champion RingChampion Ring When an attack is evaded, increases attacker's aggro towards user.

Other Accessories

Other Accessories
Aptitude Boost Conditional Chain & Fusion Boosts
Specialist Survival Time-Based

Aptitude Accessories

Accessory Effect
Mastery NecklaceMastery Necklace Increases Class aptitude.
Monastic NecklaceMonastic Necklace Increases Class aptitude.
Scholar NecklaceScholar Necklace Increases Class aptitude.

Conditional Accessories

Accessory Effect
Chaotic MemoryChaotic Memory Arts which are canceled into cannot be blocked or evaded.
Leather GlovesLeather Gloves Boosts accuracy by 3% each time an enemy evades an attack (up to a maximum of 50%)
Smithy GlovesSmithy Gloves Boosts accuracy by 5% each time an enemy evades an attack (up to a maximum of 50%).
Silver BroochSilver Brooch Boosts accuracy during the day by 30%.
Gold BroochGold Brooch Boosts accuracy during the day by 45%.
Aural Enhance SensorAural Enhance Sensor Boosts accuracy during the night by 30%.
Sonic SensorSonic Sensor Boosts accuracy during the night by 60%.
Shell ProtectorShell Protector Boosts Block Rate by 32% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Smart ProtectorSmart Protector Boosts Block Rate by 37% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Hyper ProtectorHyper Protector Boosts Block Rate by 42% when HP is at 30% or lower.
SapphireSapphire Boosts damage by 17% for every enemy in battle (max. 200%)
DiamondDiamond Boosts damage by 30% for every enemy in battle (max. 200%).
Braided BeltBraided Belt Boosts damage damage dealt by 60% when attacking an enemy suffering from Bleed.
Whirlwind NecklaceWhirlwind Necklace Boosts damage dealt by 15% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Vibrant ArmringVibrant Armring Boosts damage dealt by 15% when HP is at 90% or higher.
Florid ArmringFlorid Armring Boosts damage dealt by 25% when HP is at 90% or higher.
Cracked CrystalCracked Crystal Boosts damage dealt by 30% per enemy defeated (to a maximum of 250%).
Storm NecklaceStorm Necklace Boosts damage dealt by 35% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Gale Leg FrameGale Leg Frame Boosts damage dealt by 45% for the first 30 seconds of battle.
Warped CrystalWarped Crystal Boosts damage dealt by 45% per enemy defeated (to a maximum of 250%).
Silver Braided BeltSilver Braided Belt Boosts damage dealt by 80% when atacking an enemy suffering from Bleed.
Flame BangleFlame Bangle Boosts damage dealt by 80% when attacking an enemy suffering from Blaze.
Strung AmberStrung Amber Boosts damage dealt when attacking dazed enemies by 60%.
Apprentice VambracesApprentice Vambraces Boosts damage dealt when attacking higher-level enemies by 30%.
WarriorWarrior's Armlet Boosts damage dealt when attacking higher-level enemies by 45%.
Hero VambracesHero Vambraces Boosts damage dealt when attacking higher-level enemies by 60%.
Fiber WrapsFiber Wraps Boosts damage dealt when attacking launched enemies by 110%.
White WrapsWhite Wraps Boosts damage dealt when attacking launched enemies by 60%.
Beast-Hide VestBeast-Hide Vest Boosts damage dealt when attacking toppled enemies by 60%.
Muscle BeltMuscle Belt Boosts damage dealt when attacking toppled enemies by 85%.
Bloody OrbBloody Orb Boosts damage dealt while an ally is incapacitated by 150%
Dark OrbDark Orb Boosts damage dealt while an ally is incapacitated by 60%.
Eraser OrbEraser Orb Boosts damage dealt while an ally is incapacitated by 80%.
Flame AmuletFlame Amulet Boosts damage from Blaze by 200%.
Hellfire AmuletHellfire Amulet Boosts damage from Blaze by 300%.
Chain RingChain Ring Boosts effect of Arts with each different Art used within a set time.
Shackle RingShackle Ring Boosts effects of Arts with each different Art used within a set time.
Friendship BadgeFriendship Badge Boosts recharge speed by 30% when non-Defenders are targeted.
Fraternal BadgeFraternal Badge Boosts recharge speed by 50% when non-Defenders are targeted.
Plate BeltPlate Belt Deal 30% less damage but take 20% less damage.
Chipped Black BroochChipped Black Brooch Ignores 20% of enemy's ether defense when landing a hit.
Devotional NecklaceDevotional Necklace Recovers 90% of recharge for own Arts upon reviving an ally.
Sturdy AnkletsSturdy Anklets Reduces damage taken by 15% while performing Art.
Signet RingSignet Ring When an attack is evaded, increases attacker's aggro towards the user.
Nopon DollNopon Doll When incapacitated, aggro does not reset but remains at 60%.

Chain & Fusion Accessories

Accessory Effect
Lunae RingsLunae Rings Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 100%.
Gold CubeGold Cube Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 35%
Platinum CubePlatinum Cube Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 60%.
Crystal EarringsCrystal Earrings Fills Chain Attack gauge slightly on Art execution.
Silver EarringsSilver Earrings Fills Chain Attack gauge slightly on critical hit.

Specialist Accessories

Accessory Effect
Slashing Weapon BeltSlashing Weapon Belt Boost damage dealt to Aquatic Life by 60%.
Rainbow Feather BandRainbow Feather Band Boosts damage dealt to Aerial Life by 100%
Feather BandFeather Band Boosts damage dealt to Aerial Life by 60%.
Black Feather BandBlack Feather Band Boosts damage dealt to Aerial Life by 80%.
Crushing Weapon BeltCrushing Weapon Belt Boosts damage dealt to Aquatic Life by 100%.
Firearm BeltFirearm Belt Boosts damage dealt to Aquatic Life by 80%.
Fiber BeltFiber Belt Boosts damage dealt to Machines by 100%
Tool BeltTool Belt Boosts damage dealt to Machines by 60%.
Work BeltWork Belt Boosts damage dealt to Machines by 80%,
Hermit MaskHermit Mask Boosts damage dealt to Terrestrial Life by 100%.
Black MaskBlack Mask Boosts damage dealt to Terrestrial Life by 60%.
Shadow MaskShadow Mask Boosts damage dealt to Terrestrial Life by 80%.

Survival Accessories

Accessory Effect
Brute MemoryBrute Memory 100% chance to survive a KO with 1HP and five seconds of invincibility (once per battle, does not stack.)
Moon NecklaceMoon Necklace Grants 100% resistance to Shackle Arts.
Incense of EleganceIncense of Elegance Grants 100% resistance to Sleep.
Learned AmuletLearned Amulet Grants 70% resistance to Bind
Fiber UnderguardFiber Underguard Grants 70% resistance to Shackle Blocking.
Charm BangleCharm Bangle Grants 70% resistance to Shackle Healing.
Incense of CalmIncense of Calm Grants 70% resistance to Sleep.
Lavender PotpourriLavender Potpourri Grants 70% resistance to Target Lock.
Mint PotpourriMint Potpourri Grants 70% resistance to Target Lock.
SageSage's Auspices Grants 92% resistance to Bind.
Crystal AnkletsCrystal Anklets Ignore Blowdown and Launch by somersaulting.
Silver AnkletsSilver Anklets Increases Blowdown resistance by 30 percentage points.
Golden AnkletsGolden Anklets Increases Blowdown resistance by 45 percentage points.
Platinum AnkletsPlatinum Anklets Increases Blowdown resistance by 60 percentage points.
Assist BeltAssist Belt Increases Break resistance by 30 percentage points.
Harness BeltHarness Belt Increases Break resistance by 45 percentage points.
Iron HeadbandIron Headband Increases Daze resistance by 30 percentage points.
Lazure HeadbandLazure Headband Increases Daze Resistance by 45 percentage points.
Golden HeadbandGolden Headband Increases Daze resistance by 60 percentage points.
Fur SocksFur Socks Increases Knockback resistance by 30 percentage points.
Stone BeltStone Belt Increases Launch resistance by 30 percentage points.
Iron SashIron Sash Increases Launch resistance by 45 percentage points
Power BeltPower Belt Increases Launch resistance by 60 percentage points.
Silver ChokerSilver Choker Increases Smash resistance by 45 percentage points.
Lead KneeguardLead Kneeguard Increases Topple resistance by 45 percentage points.
Metallic KneeguardMetallic Kneeguard Increases Topple resistance by 60 percentage points.
Break BroochBreak Brooch Lowers attack targets' Break resistance by 25 percentage points.
Bond FragmentBond Fragment Speeds up Interlink Level buildup by 35%.
Auto BalancerAuto Balancer When your attacks are blocked, you are not thrown off-balance.

Time-Based Accessories

Accessory Effect
Light MemoryLight Memory Expands the window of opportunity for canceling by 45%
Boost MemoryBoost Memory Expands the window of opportunity for cancelling by 52%
Chrome ScarfChrome Scarf Extends Break duration by 17%.
Unicorn ScarfUnicorn Scarf Extends Break duration by 22%.
Quantum ScarfQuantum Scarf Extends Break duration by 27%.
Glowing MedalGlowing Medal Extends Daze duration by 17%.
Star AnkletsStar Anklets Extends duration when quelling enemy rage with Burst by 60%.
Moon AnkletsMoon Anklets Extends duration when quelling enemy rage with Burst by 85%.
Soldier RingSoldier Ring Extends Launch duration by 17%
Long-Range MemoryLong-Range Memory Extends range of ranged attacks.
Luminous MemoryLuminous Memory Extends stance duration by 35%.
White BeltWhite Belt Extends Topple duration by 17%
Black BeltBlack Belt Extends Topple duration by 22%
Platinum BeltPlatinum Belt Extends Topple duration by 27%.

How to Equip Accessories

Can Only Be Equipped to Specific Main Characters

Some accessories can only be equipped with specific main characters. You can see the list of equippable characters before purchasing the accessory in a shop at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

How to Customize Your Character

Change to a Different Class to Equip Different Accessories

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Changing Classes

At the moment, current game footage shows that weapons and outfits in the game are directly linked to a character's class, so the only way to change a character's equipped weapon and outfit is to switch them to a different class.

All Classes and Roles

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Please add "Cyrus Leg Frame" to "Conditional Accessories". The description is "Boosts damage dealt by 60% for the first 30 seconds of battle". Its rarity is "Legendary". It is dropped by the Unique monster "Dreadwyrm Nizoont" in Lower Maktha Wildwood.


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