Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Unlock Miyabi and Ascension Quest Conditions

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Miyabi
Miyabi is a recruitable hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn more about Miyabi's stats, Arts, skills, and chain attack bonuses as well as how to unlock Miyabi's Hero Quest and Ascension Quest!

How to Unlock Miyabi

Complete Side Mission: Mio Hero Quest

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Miyabi

To unlock Miyabi as a Hero, you first need to complete her Hero Quest: Side Story: Mio. To accept this quest, you must continue through the main story of the game until you reach the Upper Aetia Region in Chapter 6.

This also acts as Mio's Ascension Quest, so after recruiting Miyabi, you also unlock Rank 20 for Mio and the Zephyr class.

Side Story: Mio Walkthrough

Miyabi Profile and Voice Actor

Class Role
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Troubadour IconTroubadour Healer ImageHealer
Tier Rank Nation
A Rank Icon Agnus
Voice Actors
ENG: Sorcha Groundsell JP: Misato Fukuen
Miyabi is an off-seer in Colony Gamma, an experimental Colony where Mio and Sena were stationed before a terrible accident forced them to flee without her.

Miyabi Hero Rating

Attack Defense Healing Support

Miyabi Strengths and Weaknesses


Miyabi, having the Troubadour class, is a great support character that can heal allies and grant them plenty of buffs. Because she is a required character to progress through the story, she isnt' difficult to find, so you can use her as a quick and easy end-game Healer while quickly going through the main story.


Unfortunately Miyabi's stats are not up to par with her other Heroes, and after just a few ranks, she is quickly outclassed by Mio, who inherits her class after being added to the roster. She is ultimately easily replaceable with other better Healers or support characters from the main squad or Hero list.

Miyabi Ascension Quest Unlock Conditions


After recruiting Miyabi, they and their class will be capped at Rank 10. To break the class limit and rank them up to Rank 20, you must first complete their Ascension Quest: Happiness.

Happiness Walkthrough

Miyabi Best Arts

Best Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Empty ShellEmpty Shell Set Field AOE around User Field range of effect - medium
SnowdriftSnowdrift Ether Attack One Target None
Sweet BreezeSweet Breeze Buff AOE around User None

Empty Shell and Sweet Breeze are used to grant helpful buffs to your allies, while Snowdrift is a powerful offensive Art that also inflicts Burst on the target, a helpful status effect that can be used in combos.

Miyabi Arts And Skills

Arts List

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Twin MoonsTwin Moons Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 180%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect 50% chance to remove all buffs from target upon landing a hit.
Shadow ParadeShadow Parade Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 12
Effect Boosts Arts recharge speed by 25% and increases damage taken by 25%.
Empty ShellEmpty Shell Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Fast Recharge Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Field range of effect - medium
SnowdriftSnowdrift Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 235%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Burst
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect None
Sweet BreezeSweet Breeze Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Regenerate Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect None

Talent Art

Base Art Information
Glittering MelodyGlittering Melody Area of Effect All Allies Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Pause Buff Timer Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 9
Effect Recharges Arts for all allies able to fight by 50%. (Does not affect self.)

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

Skills List

Skill Base Effect
EndsongEndsong Recharges all allies' Arts by 60% when incapacitated.
Dance of BarragesDance of Barrages 10% chance to keep recharge when using Art.
Dance of LifeDance of Life Own Arts gain 60% recharge when an ally is incapacitated.
SwiftsongSwiftsong Boosts all allies' accuracy and evasion by 10%. Does not stack.

List of All Skills

Miyabi Default Equipment

Default Accessories

Slot Accessory Effect
1 Bunnit ChokerBunnit Choker Boosts aggro reduction over time by 50%.
2 Repulsor CuffsRepulsor Cuffs Boosts aggro reduction by 50% when targeted by an enemy.
3 Crystal EarringsCrystal Earrings Fills Chain Attack gauge slightly on Art execution.

List of Accessories

Default Gems

Slot Gem Effect
1 Steady Striker ISteady Striker Shortens auto-attack interval.
2 Disperse Bloodlust IDisperse Bloodlust Reduces aggro generated when using Arts.
3 Refined Blessing IRefined Blessing Extends duration of buff effects issued by self.

All Gems and Their Effects

Miyabi Chain Attack Effects

Elegant Maelstrom
Initial TP 15
Completion Bonus One additional character is reactivated with 25% chance for 1 more.
Heroic Chain When chosen, Mio gains TP equal to 100% of Hero's TP (maximum of 99; only applied if Mio can still act).

Chain Attack Guide

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