Xenoblade Chronicles 3

All Talent Arts for Each Class

Xenoblade 3 - List of Talent Arts
Players can unlock powerful Talent Arts for each Class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to see the list of all Talent Arts, their effects, and the level required to master them!

All Talent Arts for Each Class

Click to Jump to a Class!
SwordfighterSwordfighter ZephyrZephyr Medic GunnerMedic Gunner TacticianTactician
Heavy GuardHeavy Guard OgreOgre Flash FencerFlash Fencer War MedicWar Medic
Guardian CommanderGuardian Commander ThaumaturgeThaumaturge YumsmithYumsmith Full Metal JaguarFull Metal Jaguar
StrategosStrategos StalkerStalker Lone ExileLone Exile IncursorIncursor
Lost VanguardLost Vanguard SigniferSignifier Soul HackerSoul Hacker Martial ArtistMartial Artist
TroubadourTroubadour SeraphSeraph Machine AssassinMachine Assassin LifesageLifesage
Royal SummonerRoyal Summoner Noponic ChampionNoponic Champion SharpshooterSharpshooter -
Click to Jump to a Character!
NoahNoah Exclusive MioMio Exclusive


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Overclock BusterOverclock Buster
Master at Lv. 20
750% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking dazed enemies by 150%.

Swordfighter Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Gemini StrikeGemini Strike
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Evades attacks. Also boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.

Zephyr Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Medic Gunner

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Healing RingHealing Ring
Master at Lv. 20
0% Set Field
Regenerate (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small

Medic Gunner Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Tidal WaveTidal Wave
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Heals all allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Tactician Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Heavy Guard

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Mad TauntMad Taunt
Master at Lv. 20
0% Taunt

Heavy Guard Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Pressure DropPressure Drop
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack

Ogre Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Flash Fencer

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Saber StrikeSaber Strike
Master at Lv. 20
375% Physical Attack

Flash Fencer Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

War Medic

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Technical HealTechnical Heal
Master at Lv. 20
165% Healing

War Medic Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Guardian Commander

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Deflector FieldDeflector Field
Master at Lv. 20
0% Defense
Awakening (Self)
Absorb attacks taken while Art is active, also become stronger for a time.

Guardian Commander Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Demise ThrustDemise Thrust
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack

Thaumaturge Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Sharpest ToolSharpest Tool 870% Physical Attack
Damage Link (One target)
Xenoblade 3 - Sword of ValorSword of Valor
Master at Lv. 20
750% Physical Attack
Damage Link (One Target)

Yumsmith Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Full Metal Jaguar

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Violent StreakViolent Streak
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Deals defense-bypassing damage; also evades attacks while Art is active.

Full Metal Jaguar Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - SoulfireSoulfire
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Attack Down (One Target)
Heals all allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Strategos Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Refreshing RainRefreshing Rain
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Deals 50% more damage against enemies who are at 30% HP or less.

Stalker Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Lone Exile

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Blossom DanceBlossom Dance
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Deals damage that ignores defense. Also boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.

Lone Exile Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Supreme SwordSupreme Sword
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking launched enemies by 100%.

Incursor Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Lost Vanguard

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Thunder SteelThunder Steel
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Bind (Frontward AOE)
Boosts damage dealt to Machines by 70%.

Lost Vanguard Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Cry of FaithCry of Faith
Master at Lv. 20
0% Buff
Applies 2 random buff(s) to all allies.

Signifer Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Final CountdownFinal Countdown
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt for each Soulhacker Art or Skill learned.

Soulhacker Class Guide: Arts, Skills, and How to Use

Martial Artist

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Raging ForceRaging Force
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Depletes Art recharge. Also boosts damage relative to number of Arts used up.

Martial Artist Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Glittering MelodyGlittering Melody
Master at Lv. 20
0% Buff
Pause Buff Timer (All Allies)
Recharges Arts for all allies able to fight by 50%. (Does not affect self.)

Troubadour Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Empyrean SalvoEmpyrean Salvo
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Blaze (Frontward AOE)
Boosts damage dealt by 50% when Awakened.

Seraph Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Machine Assassin

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Viral VectorViral Vector
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Applies 1 randomly chosen debuff(s) when Art hits.

Machine Assassin Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Divine SwordDivine Sword
Master at Lv. 20
750% Ether Attack
Ignores enemy defense. Also heals all allies to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Lifesage Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Royal Summoner

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Element GenesisElement Genesis 750% Physical Attack
Boosts damage by discharging all elementals on Art execution.

Royal Summoner Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Noponic Champion

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Shining RefrainShining Refrain
Master at Lv. 20
145% Physical Attack
Evades attacks. Boosts damage by 50% each time the character is incapacitated (to a max. of 250%).

Noponic Champion Class Guide


Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Bullet RushBullet Rush 360% Ether Attack
Adds 70% chance for attack to be unblockable.

Noah Exclusive

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Infinity BladeInfinity Blade 1000% Physical Attack
Deals damage that ignores defense.
Xenoblade 3 - Unlimited SwordUnlimited Sword 0% Buff
Invincible (Self)
Allows Noah to use Lucky Seven Arts during Combat.

Noah Best Arts and Classes

Mio Exclusive

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Dominion FlowerDominion Flower 750% Ether Attack
Deals damage that ignores defense.

Mio Best Arts and Classes

What are Talent Arts?

Strong Arts Charged by Role Actions

Xenoblade 3 - Mio Talent Art

Talent Arts are stronger than normal Arts. A Talent Art can be activated by pressing the A Button once its circular gauge is full.

A Talent Art's gauge is recharged by performing actions expected of a character's role, also called Role Actions. It is recommended to consistently perform Role Actions in order to fill up your Talent Arts gauge quickly.

How to Use Talent Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 List of Arts

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

All Art Categories

Art Categories in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Talent Arts Master Arts
Ouroboros Arts Enemy Arts


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