Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Fiona's Ascension Quest: A Farewell Reset Walkthrough

Xenoblade Chronicles - A Farewell Reset
A Farewell Reset in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the Ascension Quest of Fiona, so completing it allows you to rank Signifer up to level 20. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes how to unlock the quest, all rewards, and the quest location.

A Farewell Reset Location and Rewards

Cadensia Region - Colony Mu

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 6
How to Unlock Complete the Standard Quest "Unease" & "To Face Forward" and finish Chapter 6.
Recommended Level 56
Quest Giver N/A


4720 G 5360 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards

Character and Class Limit Broken

Fiona - Signifer Class

Character Class Role
FionaFiona Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Signifer IconSignifer Healer ImageHealer

Completing this quest allows you to rank up the Signifer class past Rank 10, all the way up to Rank 20. Since Fiona is a Hero, their class also instantly ranks up to Rank 20.

A Farewell Reset Walkthrough

A Farewell Reset Walkthrough

1. Complete Prerequisite Quest

XC3 - Complete Prerequisite Quest
To get Fiona's ascension quest to appear, you'll have to complete a couple of quests, have someone equip a Rank 10 Signifer class, and have Fiona accompany you in your party.

List of Unlock Conditions

Unlock Conditions
Must have finished the Standard Quest "Unease."
Must have finished the Standard Quest "To Face Forward."
Must have a Rank 10 Signifer in your party.
Must have Fiona in your party.

2. Head to Colony Mu

XC3 - Head to Colony Mu
Once you meet all unlock conditions for Fiona's ascension quest, head to Colony Mu and walk up towards the question mark located northwest of Colony Mu Canteen.

3. Talk to Fiona at the Bed of Woes and Wishes

XC3 - Talk to Fiona at the Bed of Woes and Wishes
Speak with the colonists, then head to the Bed of Woes and Wishes and talk to Fiona. After a brief discussion, Googoo arrives with a key that she got from Irma.

The party decides to find out more about the key by heading to the Erythia Relay Base.

3. Find More Information in Erythia Relay Base

XC3 - Find More Information in Erythia Relay Base
Head to the Erythia Relay Base to find where Irma's key is used by accessing the Data Archives PC. You'll have to fight through Agnus soldiers to get through it.

Once you arrive at the Data Archives PC, more Agnus soldiers will come barging in, and you'll have to defend Riku and Manana while they find the information about the key.

Cadensia Region Full Interactive Map

4. Search the Outpost in Patulia Bay Door

XC3 - Search the Outpost in Patulia Bay Door
Learning about a secret outpost north of Colony Mu, the party decides to head there to investigate. You can get there by skip traveling to the Inlet Camp, located east of the outpost.

Arriving at the Patulia Bay Door, you discover Irma's belongings and a box that can be opened using Irma's key. It contains items that were a gift from Fiona to Irma.

5. Accompany Fiona in Colony Mu

XC3 - Accompany Fiona in Colony Mu
After finding out what the key is used for, head back to the Bed of Woes and Wishes in Colony Mu to conclude the quest.

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