Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Brimming Spirit Gem Effects and How to Craft

Brimming Spirit is a type of Defender Gem that can be crafted in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn about all levels and effects for the Brimming Spirit Gem and the required crafting materials for each level!

List of Brimming Spirit Gems

Level and Required Materials

Gem Effect Required Crafting Materials Gold Nopon Coins to Craft
Brimming Spirit IBrimming Spirit I Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 20%. Rainbow Crustip Shell(Common) x1
Brimming Spirit IIBrimming Spirit II Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 22%. Supersonic Vang Organx1
Ether Cylinderx1
Anarchy Orchid(Common) x1
Fleshy Blant Petal(Common) x1
Brimming Spirit IIIBrimming Spirit III Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 25%. Noble Feris Mane(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Munchygrub Fossil(Common) x1
Magnificent Upa Lure(Rare) x1
Gold Arachno Queensilk(Common) x1
Brimming Spirit IVBrimming Spirit IV Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 27%. Shiny Rose(Common) x1
Round Skwaror Crystal(Rare) x1
Red Piranhax Egg(Common) x1
Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx1
Marbled Quarmu Meat(Rare) x1
Brimming Spirit VBrimming Spirit V Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 30%. Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Agnian Soldier's Armor(Rare) x2
Shoox Flower Whisker(Rare) x2
Jade Coral(Common) x1
Elegant Ansel Feather(Rare) x2
Brimming Spirit VIBrimming Spirit VI Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 32%. Pure Gemstonex1
Noble Feris Mane(Legendary) x2
Ether Cylinderx2
Vollgull Mask(Rare) x2
Perfume Herb(Common) x1
Elegant Ansel Feather(Common) x2
Brimming Spirit VIIBrimming Spirit VII Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 35%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Curse Branch(Rare) x1
Mineral Darbus Bone(Rare) x3
Ornate Moglum Coral(Legendary) x2
Glowing Gyaark Fin(Legendary) x2
Perfumed Aries Hide(Common) x1
Brimming Spirit VIIIBrimming Spirit VIII Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 37%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex2
Shimmer Leaf(Rare) x10
Ether Cylinderx3
Gold Arachno Queensilk(Legendary) x15
Shoox Flower Whisker(Common) x15
Glowing Gyaark Fin(Common) x15
Rich Quarmu Sea Milk(Legendary) x15
Brimming Spirit IXBrimming Spirit IX Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 40%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex3
Rhogul Axe Crest(Legendary) x20
Green Diode(Legendary) x10
Ether Cylinderx3
Avis Sphere(Legendary) x20
Gyrinus Halo(Rare) x20
Wisp Sun Bead(Common) x20
Brimming Spirit XBrimming Spirit X Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 45%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex5
Sweet Kapiba Lard(Legendary) x30
Rainbow Crustip Shell(Legendary) x30
Ether Cylinderx3
Arachno Queen Egg(Common) x30
Geometric Myoot Gear(Legendary) x30
Merigna Amulet(Rare) x30

Should You Use Brimming Spirit Gems?

Recommended for Defender Classes

Being able to generate aggro to draw enemy attacks from your enemies is the primary responsibility of any Defender class. As such you should always equip Brimming Spirit Gems to your Defenders classes when you can.

Best Gems to Craft

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 List of Gems
All Gems and Their Effects

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List of Defender Gems

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List of Healer Gems

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List of General Combat Gems

List of General Combat Gems
General Combat GemsDisperse Bloodlust General Combat GemsDoublestrike General Combat GemsEmpowered Combo
General Combat GemsIronclad General Combat GemsSteady Striker


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