Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Nia's Ascension Quest: Grasping My Future Walkthrough

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Grasping My Future
Grasping My Future in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the Ascension Quest of Nia, so completing it allows you to rank Lifesage up to level 20. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes how to unlock the quest, all rewards, and the quest location.

Grasping My Future Location and Rewards

Aetia Region - Hall of the Serene

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 7
How to Unlock Finish the game and must have discussed "Nia's Memories" at a rest spot.
Recommended Level 70
Quest Giver N/A
Required Hero Nia


5470 G 6560 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards

Character and Class Limit Broken

Nia - Lifesage Class

Character Class Role
NiaNia Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Lifesage IconLifesage Healer ImageHealer

Completing this quest allows you to rank up the Lifesage class past Rank 10, all the way up to Rank 20. Since Nia is a Hero, their class also instantly ranks up to Rank 20.

Grasping My Future Walkthrough

Grasping My Future Walkthrough

1. Find All Special Events

XC3 - Find All Special Events
To get the ascension quest for Nia, you'll need to activate special events at different locations across the world of Aionios. Bring Nia along with your party, and question marks should appear at set locations.

How to Unlock Nia

Special Events Location

1 XC3 - Grasping My Future 4
A special event can be found in the at the Memorial Hall in the City.
2 XC3 - Grasping My Future 1
Can be found in the Saffronia Tree located in the southern area of the Fornis Region.
3 XC3 - Grasping My Future 3
Located west of Death's Door in Agnus Castle.
4 XC3 - Grasping My Future 2
Located near the Tower Camp rest spot, west of Pentelas Region.

2. Discuss Nia's Memories at a Rest Spot

XC3 - Discuss Nia
After finding all the special events, discuss Nia's memories at any rest spots. This will initiate the quest "Grasping My Future"", where you will help Nia travel to a high place.

3. Head to the Cavity in Swordmarch

XC3 - Head to the Cavity
Travel to the Cavity at Great Sword, Upper in Swordmarch, where the City was once located to finish the quest. If you haven't traveled there yet, there will be an entirely new area for you to explore.

Be careful when navigating through this place, as it contains high-leveled enemies.

Swordmarch Interactive Map

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Ascension Quests Partial

List of All Ascension Quests

All Ascension Quests

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Side Story: Mio Culinary Repertoire
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Promise to the Future My Memories
Side Story: Noah Knowing Your Family
A Deep-Seated Scar Happiness
Invisible Bond Grasping My Future
From Atop Her Throne The Hope of Noponkind


5 jadalmost 2 years

thank you game8 team just the information I was looking for


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