Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Post Game Content Guide

XC3 - Post Game Content Guide

Completing all 7 chapters of the main story unlocks Xenoblade Chronicles 3's post-game content. Read on to learn what you unlock and what to do after clearing the game!

List of Post-Game Content

Post Game Contents List

Unlock Melia as a Hero

XC3 - Melia unlocked

After completing the main story, return to Castle, 1st Floor in the Keves Castle Region and head north for a quest related event. Melia will join your party and unlock the Royal Summoner class.

Have Noah raise his Royal Summoner class rank to 10 and you will be able to accept Melia's Ascension quest.

Melia Unlock Location

How to Recruit Melia and Hero Rating

Unlock Nia as a Hero

XC3 - Nia unlocked

You can also return to Aetia Region, Upper in the Aetia Region and look for another quest related event on the west side of the map. Approach it and finish the cutscene to add Nia to your party and her Lifesage class.

Nia Unlock Location

How to Recruit Nia and Hero Rating

Adjust Character Level at Rest Spots

XC3 - adjusting levels

In addition to increasing your level at a Rest Spot using bonus EXP, you will also be able to lower your level after completing the main story. You will obtain bonus EXP for each level you lose, allowing you to freely adjust your level.

Remember that you won't get much CP (Class Points) if your level is a lot higher than the enemy, so lowering your level is a good way to farm CP increase your class rank quickly.

What Are Rest Spots?

Change and Equip Hero Accessories

XC3 - hero accessories

The accessories that your unlocked Heroes have equipped can be changed in the post-game and can also be equipped to your other characters.

List of Accessories

Unlock Monado for Swordfighters

XC3 - Monado

You will obtain the Monado as a special attachment after clearing the story, which is a Swordfighter class exclusive. To use it, go to a Swordfighter character's Clothing screen and choose Attachments where you can find this weapon cosmetic.

Swordfighter Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

New Game Plus

XC3 - New Game Plus

New Game Plus will be available from the main screen after completing the main story. This will let you start the story from the beginning while carrying over most of your character progress. Pop up Tips won't show on your screen this time around, but you can still view them from the System menu.

All Unique Monsters you have taken down from your previous playthrough will be revived in New Game Plus, but the Soulhacker Arts and Skills you already have will be carried over.

You won't be able to select any of the unlocked Heroes right away after starting a New Game Plus run. The story must first reach the part where Mwamba leaves your team before you can select Heroes from the menu screen.

New Game Plus Guide: What Carries Over to New Game Plus?

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Story Walkthrough

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Chapter Walkthroughs
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XC3 - Chapter 3Chapter 3 XC3 - Chapter 4Chapter 4
XC3 - Chapter 5Chapter 5 XC3 - Chapter 6Chapter 6
XC3 - Chapter 7Chapter 7 XC3 - Post GamePost Game


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