Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Flash Fencer Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Flash Fencer is a type of Attacker class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and is the default class of Ethel. Read on to learn more about the class, including its best arts, skills, characters, accessories, and gems, as well as find out how to unlock the class.

Flash Fencer Class Overview

Flash Fencer Basic Information

Class Role Default Character
Flash FencerFlash Fencer Attacker ImageAttacker EthelEthel
Attack Defense Health Support
An Attacker, pressuring foes with a dual-sword style and felling them in short, vicious bouts.

Character Class Rating

Noah Mio Eunie
Taion Lanz Sena

Class Rating is the speed at which each character ranks up an individual class, so the lower their Class Rating, the slower it takes for them to rank up the class.

How to Unlock Flash Fencer

Recruit Ethel by Completing Their Hero Quest

Flash Fencer is the default class of Ethel, a hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To unlock this class and equip it to your main characters, you must first complete their Hero Quest: No Want of Courage.

No Want of Courage Walkthrough

Unlock Rank 20 By Making Ethel Rejoin the Party

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Rank 20 Ethel

Unlike other characters, Ethel does not have the typical Ascension Quest. Instead, you'll need make her rejoin the party by bringing her to the Lab in Colony Omega. Once completed, Rank 20 for Ethel and the Flash Fencer class are unlocked.

How to Make Ethel Rejoin the Party

Best Flash Fencer Characters

Recommended Characters
NoahNoah SenaSena

Both Noah and Sena are highly recommended as Flash Fencers due to their high Attack and Class Rating. Additionally, they can also make good use of the Master Skills of Flash Fencer when returning to their default classes.

Best Flash Fencer Arts

Recommended Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Cross ImpactCross Impact Physical Attack One Target Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
Null SlashNull Slash Physical Attack Frontward AOE Increases Critical Rate by 50% when attacking from side.
Revolution EdgeRevolution Edge Physical Attack One Target Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.

The above arts are recommended for Flash Fencers due to their high damage and Critical Rate. Cross Impact is especially useful since it grants you the Power Charge buff.

Recommended Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
No Love LostNo Love Lost Physical Def. down
Rank 1
Glitter StreamGlitter Stream Side Break
Rank 10
Aerial SlashAerial Slash High Crit. Rate / Evade
Rank 1

No Love Lost is a great Art since most the Arts in the class are Physical Attacks, while Aerial Slash has a high Critical Rate. If you decide to use Glitter Stream to allow the class to start combos, then you'll need Positioning Pro as a skill if you already have 2 Positional Combat Arts equipped.

Best Master Skills for Flash Fencer Builds

Rank 5 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Cypher EdgeCypher Edge Boosts Critical Rate by 10%.
Rank 5
Fighting ProwessFighting Prowess Boosts damage dealt by physical Arts by 30%.
Rank 5
Positioning ProPositioning Pro Increases the no. of positional arts that can be set to the Arts Palette by 1.
Rank 5

It is best to increase both the Attack and Critical Rate of Flash Fencers since these are their most important stats. Positioning Pro is only necessary when you have more than 2 Positional Arts equipped. If not, this can be replaced by Vigilance.

Rank 15 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Covert AttackCovert Attack Reduces aggro generated from attacks by 20%.
Rank 15
Eye for Weak PointsEye for Weak Points Each successful attack boosts Critical Rate by 1% of inital value (up to a maximum of 100%).
Rank 15
Frenzied ComboFrenzied Combo On critical hit, recharge Art used by 20%.
Rank 15

Once you are able to equip a few Rank 15 Master Skills, the above skills can be added to your palette as well. Eye for Weak Points is especially important and makes a good replacement for Cypher Edge since it can potentially boost your Critical Rate to up to 100%.

Best Accessories for Flash Fencer Builds

Increased Attack Increased Critical Rate Boosts Damage from the Side
Silver BeltSilver Belt Optical HeadbandOptical Headband Adamantine GauntletAdamantine Gauntlet

Since Flash Fencers are a high Critical Rate Attacker class, accessories that increase their Attack damage and Critical Rate are ideal. Since the class will mostly be attacking enemies from the side or behind, position-based accessories also work well.

List of Accessories

Best Gems for Flash Fencer Builds

Increased Critical Damage Increased Damage when Canceling Reduced Aggro from Arts
Analyze Weakness IAnalyze Weakness Empowered Combo IEmpowered Combo Disperse Bloodlust IDisperse Bloodlust

Since we already have plenty of buffs to our Critical Rate, we can increase the damage of our Critical Hits further with gems. Flash Fencers also make good use of attack canceling, so gems that increase damage from these also work well.

All Gems and Their Effects

List of Flash Fencer Arts

Talent Arts

Base Art Information
Saber StrikeSaber Strike Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 375%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Smash
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect None

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Cross ImpactCross Impact Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 120%
Buff/ Debuff Power Charge Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 20s
Effect Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
AccelerationAcceleration Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 50s
Effect Boosts auto-attack and Arts speed. Also raises damage taken by 25%.
Null SlashNull Slash Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 160%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 11s
Effect Increases Critical Rate by 50% when attacking from side.
Hidden ThornHidden Thorn Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 300%
Buff/ Debuff Bleed Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 36s
Effect None
Revolution EdgeRevolution Edge Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 150%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.

Master Arts

Art Rank Mastered
Hidden ThornHidden Thorn 1
Cross ImpactCross Impact 10
Saber StrikeSaber Strike 20

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
SwallowtailSwallowtail Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 195%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 26s
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 120%.
Silver CycloneSilver Cyclone Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 210%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 11s
Effect Increases Critical Rate by 75% when attacking from side.
Million FlashMillion Flash Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 360%
Buff/ Debuff Bleed Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 32s
Effect None

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

List of Flash Fencer Skills

Class Skills

Skill Base Effect
First Move WinsFirst Move Wins Boosts damage dealt by 30% for the first 30 seconds of battle.
Fighting InstinctFighting Instinct Boosts damage dealt by 25% when using a Talent Art (up to a maximum of 200%).
Critical StrikeCritical Strike Increases critical hit damage bonus by 30 percentage points.
Capable HandsCapable Hands Fills Talent Art recharge gauge by 60% at start of battle.

Master Skills

Skill Rank Mastered
Critical StrikeCritical Strike 5
Capable HandsCapable Hands 15

List of All Skills

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4 Anonymousalmost 2 years

you probably know this as its been nine months, but you need seraph at level 10 and bring him to colony gamma lab. then you can revive ethel and the class limit on both of them will break.

1 Anonymousover 2 years

Does anyone how to level this past 10? I'm in game+, have done many many quests, and can't upgrade this, or have found info on it either?


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