Xenoblade Chronicles 3

All Interactive Maps and How to Use the Map

Xenoblade 3 - List of Maps
Explore the world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 with our maps guide. Read on to see the list of interactive maps for every region, how to open and use the map, as well the meaning behind every map icon in the game!

All Interactive Maps

Click to Jump to a Section!
Xenoblade 3 Aetia RegionAetia Region Xenoblade 3 Fornis RegionFornis Region
Xenoblade 3 - PentelasPentelas Region Xenoblade 3 - Keves CastleKeves Castle Region
Xenoblade 3 - CadensiaCadensia Region Xenoblade 3 - Agnus CastleAgnus Castle Region
Xenoblade 3 - SwordmarchSwordmarch Xenoblade 3 - OriginOrigin
Xenoblade 3 - CityCity

Aetia Region Map

Aetia Region, Upper

Aetia Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Fornis Region Map

Fornis Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Pentelas Region Map

Pentelas Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Keves Castle Region Map

Syra Hovering Reefs

Keves Castle Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Cadensia Region Map

Cadensia Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Agnus Castle Region Map

Agnus Castle Region Interactive Map and List of Quests

Swordmarch Map

Swordmarch Interactive Map and List of Quests

Origin Map

Origin Interactive Map and List of Unique Monsters

City Map

City Interactive Map and List of Quests

Map Exploration

Some Areas Require Field Skills to Reach

Xenoblade 3 - Rope Sliding

There are select areas that can only be reached by using Field Skills. These methods of traversal allow the player to navigate terrain you wouldn't be able to go through, such as crossing through quicksand or climbing cliffs.

Climbable Walls are Shown on the Map

World View Map View

You can find which walls you can climb in an area by looking for an ice axe icon on your map or screen. Sliding ropes are also visible on the map as long lines connected by points from both ends.

Do note that sand spikes that save you from quicksand do not appear on the map.

All Field Skills and How to Unlock

How to Open the Map

Open from Shortcut Menu

Xenoblade 3 - Shortcut Menu

Note that you can edit shortcuts by pressing ( + ).

You can access the map from the shortcut menu by holding ZL and pressing the X Button. This is the fastest way to check the map without having to navigate other options.

Open from Quest Display Menu

Xenoblade 3 - Quest Display Menu

Alternatively, you can also access the map through the quest display menu by pressing the Y Button, followed by ( + ).

Open from Main Menu

Lastly, you can open the map from the main menu by pressing the X Button. Here, you will be able to choose the region map you want to view.

How to Use and View the Map

Press the Left Stick to Filter Icons

Pressing the left stick is helpful if you want to filter and limit the types of areas you want to see on the map.

List Search for Skip Travel

When you press ( + ), areas that can be used for Skip Travel, namely Landmarks, Rest Spots, and Named Graves will be displayed in a list format, all of which you can jump by type and name.

Map Icons and What They Mean

Icon Description
LandmarkLandmark Key locations that give EXP once found. Harder to find locations are called Secret Areas. Players can Skip Travel to these areas.
Rest SpotRest Spot Small camps where you can take Quests, craft Gems, cook, and clean your clothes. Players can Skip Travel to these areas.
What Are Rest Spots?
TowerNamed Grave Areas where you can face off against a Unique Monster you've previously defeated. Players can Skip Travel to these areas.
All Unique Monster Locations
SkirmishSkirmish Participate in Skirmishes wherein you are to choose a side to aid in battle. Only visible on the mini-map.
Skirmish Guide
Soldier HuskSoldier Husk Areas with fallen soldiers. Interacting with these areas increases affinity to the solder's respective colony. Only visible on the mini-map.
Soldier Husks Guide
ShopShop Areas where you can buy, sell, or trade items and accessories.
Quest EventQuest Event Quest-related areas, either Standard Quests or Hero Quests.
Point of InterestPoint of Interest Areas that can cause an action on the field, usually leading to shortcuts or certain details worth checking.
ContainerContainer Xenoblade 3's treasure chests. Interacting with one gives you items, Nopon Coins, or accessories.
SpiralEther Channel Areas wherein you can harvest Ether using Ether Cylinders. Ether is used for crafting Gems as well starting up Fabricators.
Tower BFabricator Places that are activated using Ether. They can make vary rare and difficult-to-acquire items.
Supply DropSupply Drop Supply boxes containing items and other resources.
Field SkillClimbable Area Areas that require Field Skills like Wall Climbing, Rope Sliding, or Scree Walking to traverse.
LadderLadder Used to ascend or descend certain areas. Its icon on the map will appear muted if you are not within the same elevation as the ladder.

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