Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Juniper's Ascension Quest: Survivors Walkthrough

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Survivors Walkthrough

Survivors in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the Ascension Quest of Juniper, so completing it allows you to rank Stalker up to level 20. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes how to unlock the quest, all rewards, and the quest location.

Survivors Location and Rewards

Pentelas Region - Colony Tau

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 5
How to Unlock Complete the Standard Quest “Learning from Lambda” and rank up Stalker to Rank 10 on any of your characters.
Recommended Level 48
Quest Giver N/A


3680 G 3920 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards

Character and Class Limit Broken

Juniper - Stalker Class

Character Class Role
JuniperJuniper Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Stalker IconStalker Attacker ImageAttacker

Completing this quest allows you to rank up the Stalker class past Rank 10, all the way up to Rank 20. Since Juniper is a Hero, their class also instantly ranks up to Rank 20.

Survivors Walkthrough

Survivors Walkthrough

Complete all the Prerequisite Quests to Unlock Survivors

To unlock Survivors you must first rank up the Stalker class in any of your characters up to Rank 10 and complete the Learning from Lamba Standard Quest. However, unlocking this quest requires you to complete three more quests in Colony Tau.

Required Quests and Their Recommended Levels

Quests Recommended Levels
The Harvest Lv. 34
Tau-Tirkin Alliance Lv. 41
Korresia Finds Her Calling Lv. 49
Learning from Lambda Lv. 54

Head to the Colony Tau Entrance in the Pentelas Region

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Survivors Question Mark

After completing all the prerequisite quests and ranking up one of your characters to Rank 10 in the Stalker class, Juniper's Ascension Quest will become available. Begin the quest by heading to the ? displayed on the map at the Colony Tau Entrance in the Pentelas Region.

Obtain 4 Twineturf and Return to Consul U

Map View Overworld View

During the first part of the quest, you will need to collect four Twineturf for Consul U in High Maktha Wildwood in the Pentelas Region.

You can fast travel to Sparkling Pool Camp and walk south until you reach the items located on top of a climeable cliff. Return to Consul U in Colony Tau after obtaining the necessary items.

Defeat the Tau-Raiding Monsters and Meobius U

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Survivors Moebius U Battle

After returning to Colony Tau and talking to Consul U, you will need to defeat a horde of Tau-Raiding Monsters. Once these monsters are defeated, you'll face off against Meobius U. The quest is completed after defeating her in battle.

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6 Anonymousabout 2 months

its chapter 6 not 5


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