Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Noah Best Arts and Classes

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 N
Noah is one of the main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to see the best arts, classes, builds, and accessories for Noah, including the best Ouroboros Arts and Soul Tree Abilities, as well as to learn about their Ascension Quest!

Noah Character Profile

Basic Information

Starting Class
Starting Role
Attacker Image Attacker
Voice Actors
ENG: Harry McEntire JP: Ryôhei Arai
Noah is one of the protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and a solider of Keves. He is also an “off-seer” who mourns for soldiers who’ve lost their lives on the battlefield. He is an Attacker with balanced abilities, who specializes in fighting Bosses.

Noah Best Arts

Early Game Arts

Name Area of Effect Recharge Gauge Effect
Sword StrikeSword Strike One Target 26 seconds Causes Break
Edge ThrustEdge Thrust One Target 11 seconds Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 120%
Shadow EyeShadow Eye One Target 35 seconds Attack Up
Halves own aggro value.

We recommend using these arts during the early game. Edge Thrust is ideal for Noah since it allows you to deal extra damage by attacking enemies from behind. Sword Strike is a very crucial technique as well since initiating the Break status is great for creating combos during battle.

Shadow Eye is also a good skill since reducing aggro is necessary for an Attacker class to be effective in battle. Although Shadow Eye can be replaced with other Arts, make sure that you have Edge Thrust and Sword Strike equipped no matter what.

Noah Best Accessories

Early Game Accessories

Increased Attack Extra Damage to Machines
Attack StoneAttack Stone Tool BeltTool Belt

Equip Accessories to increase Attack

Since Noah's starting class is the Swordfighter, we recommended equipping accessories that increase his attack. Any accessories that increase Noah's Auto Attack's strength, as well as damage dealt towards specific enemy types, are good as well.

Noah Best Classes

Best Classes for Noah

Best Classes
XC3 - Incursor IconIncursor XC3 - Swordfighter IconSwordfighter XC3 - Guardian Commander IconGuardian Commander

Learn Ogre Arts Early in the Game

As an Attacker, Noah greatly benefits from learning the Ogre Class Skill Dynamite Spirit. By having this skill equipped damage from physical Arts is increased by 40%, making Noah all the more effective in battle.

Noah Class Compatibility

Rank Class
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon
XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon
XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon

All Classes and How to Unlock

Noah Best Builds

Guardian Commander Tank Build

Tank Build
Class Master Skills
XC3 - Guardian Commander IconGuardian Commander Split-Second Counter
Fighting Prowess
Critical Strike
Master Arts Arts
Wide Slash
Glow Ring
Giant Swing
Noble Taunt
Shield Bash
Falcon Swoop
Gems Accessories
Perilous Presence
Steady Striker
Iron Temple Guard
Crystalline Chemise
Soldier's Headband

Noah Best Ouroboros Arts

Arts List

Arts Area of Effect Effect
Phantom SlashPhantom Slash One Target Inflicts Break on all enemies when Interlink is at Level 3.
Dragon TailDragon Tail Frontward AOE Attack Down.
Unison StrikeUnison Strike One Target Grants a high Critical Rate.

Noah's initial Ouroboros Arts are some of his strongest. The effects of one of his skills, Omnipresent Blade increases Critical Rate and damage upon landing a critical hit, so having an Art with a high Critical rate such as Unison Strike is a must. Rolling Smash can replace Dragon Tail if you plan to frequently use Noah's Ouroboros form in Chain Attacks.

Noah Best Soul Tree Abilities

Soul Tree Chart

Noah Soul Tree
Abilities marked with a ★ should be unlocked as soon as possible.

Prioritize Skill-Related Abilities

We recommended unlocking Skill-Related abilities as quickly as possible. Two skills, in particular, Satisfying Pierce and Omnipresent Blade work perfectly with Noah's Ouroboros Arts, and make him a threat on the battlefield.

Skill-Realted Status related
Satisfying PiercerSatisfying Piercer Critical PlusCritical Plus

Noah Ascension Quest

Side Story: Noah

At the start of the game, you cannot rank up the Swordfighter class past Rank 10. To break the class limit and unlock Rank 20 for the class, you must first complete Noah's Ascension Quest: Side Story: Noah.

Side Story: Noah Walkthrough

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2 Anonymousover 2 years

Why recommend guardian commander? Isn’t it considered one of the worst classes?

1 Anonymousover 2 years

can we get a atk best build to?


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