Xenoblade Chronicles 3

All Trailers and Gameplay Videos

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - All Trailers and Gameplay Videos
This page contains all trailers and gameplay videos for Xenoblade Chronicles 3! Check them out to see all the video trailers showing new and returning characters and features of the game.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Trailers

Overview Trailer

The overview trailer of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 features all core gameplay mechanics, alongside a brief introduction of the characters, plot, and other things to expect upon the game's release on July 29, 2022.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nintendo Direct

Dive deeper into the game by watching the exclusive Nintendo Direct for Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The Nintendo Direct live stream starts at 7:00 AM PT | 10:00 AM ET on June 22, 2022.

Nintendo Direct Official Announcement

Here is the official announcement for the upcoming Nintendo Direct for Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The presentation is estimated to be 20 minutes long, so we'll see what most of the game offers before we get our hands on it on July 29, 2022!

Release Date Reveal Trailer

After two months of being announced, a release date has been released, along with more clips regarding the story and short clips that show how the battle system works in-game.

Announcement Trailer

Here is the official announcement trailer for Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It shows mostly what the world will look like and the characters that will appear in the game.

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