Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Ether Cylinders: How to Use and Where to Find

xenoblad echronicles 3, what are Ether Cylinders

Ether Cylinders are a unique item used for a variety of purposes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Continue reading to learn about where to find Ether Cylinders, as well as how to make the best use of them.

Where to Get Ether Cylinders

Find Ether Channels in the Overworld

Ether Channels are displayed on the map with this symbol.
Press A Near an Ether ChannelPress the A button near Ether Channels to Harvest Ether Cylinders.

Ether Channels are areas in the overworld that give off a unique greenish glow. Pressing the A button when standing near Ether Channel will allow you to harvest Ether Cylinders.

You Can Carry Up to 99 Ether Cylinders

A maximum of 99 Ether Cylinders can be held at one time. Make sure to use the Ether Cylinders that you have on hand because harvesting any more Ether Cylinders will not cause the amount to increase.

How to Use Ether Cylinders

Uses for Ether Cylinders

Craft Gems

Use Ether Cylinders to Craft Gems

All Gems after level I require Ether Cylinders in order to be crafted. Since Gems provide a variety of benefits during battle, we recommend saving Ether Cylinders to craft Gems when the opportunity arises.

Gem Level Required Ether Cylinders
I 0

All Gems and Their Effects

Reboot Ferronis Hulks

Climb to the top of the Ferronis Hulk to activate itClimb to the top of a Ferronis Hulk in order to activate it.
Use Ether Cylinders to reboot the Ferronis HulkUsing the right amount of Ether Cylinders will allow you to reboot the Ferronis Hulk.

Ferronis Hulks found throughout Ferronis can be rebooted by using Ether Crystals after certain conditions have been met. Be sure to reboot these Landmarks when you see them, as they will provide witha place to create Items, Skip Travel, and buy accessories.

All Ferronis Hulk Locations

Upgrade Ino's Skills Using Inoswap

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Inoswap Ability

Recruiting the DLC Expansion Pass Wave 2 Hero, Ino, will give players access to her special ability called Inoswap, which allows her to unlock and upgrade skills at the cost of collected Ether Cylinders.

Who is Ino? | New DLC Hero Guide

What are Ether Cylinders?

A Unique Item with A Variety of Uses

Ether Cylinders are a unique item found throughout Aionios, and can only be collected by using Ether Channels. Since they are an important material for crafting Gems and activating Ferronis Hulks, maintaining a healthy supply of Ether Cylinders at all times is recommended.

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