Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

List of Light-Law Alignment Demons

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - List of Light-Law Demons
This is a list of Demons with a Light-Law Alignment in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Check out all the Light-Law Demons in the game, and what their alignment is used for.

List of Light-Law Demons

Demon Weaknesses and Affinities
Abdiel iconAbdiel Repel: Light
Resist: Electric, Force
Weak: Dark
Armaiti iconArmaiti Block: Light, Dark
Resist: Poison, Seal, Mirage, Confusion, Sleep, Charm
Weak: Fore, Electric
Camael iconCamael Block: Light
Resist: Fire
Weak: Ice
Demeter iconDemeter Block: Light, Dark
Resist: Sleep, Poison, Charm, Seal
Weak: Fire
Feng Huang iconFeng Huang Block: Fire
Resist: Force
Weak: Dark, Seal
Gabriel iconGabriel Block: Ice, Light
Resist: Fire
Weak: Electric
Garuda iconGaruda Absorb: Force
Resist: Light, Seal
Weak: Electric
Jatayu iconJatayu Absorb: Force
Weak: Electric, Dark
Maria iconMaria Absorb: Force
Block: Light, Sleep
Resist: Dark
Weak: Electric
Melchizedek iconMelchizedek Absorb: Light
Block: Dark
Weak: Force
Metatron iconMetatron Block: Light
Resist: Fire, Ice, Electric, Force
Michael iconMichael Block: Fire, Ice, Light
Weak: Force
Raphael iconRaphael Block: Force, Light
Resist: Electric
Weak: Fire
Sandalphon iconSandalphon Block: Physical, Electric, Light
Resist: Dark
Weak: Force
Sraosha iconSraosha Absorb: Light
Resist: Ice, Electric
Weak: Force
Tao iconTao Block: Light, Charm
Weak: Dark
Thunderbird iconThunderbird Block: Electric
Weak: Force
Uriel iconUriel Block: Fire, Light
Resist: Electric
Weak: Ice
Yatagarasu iconYatagarasu Block: Light
Resist: Force
Weak: Dark, Charm
Zhuque iconZhuque Block: Fire
Weak: Ice, Charm

What is the Light-Law Alignment?

Demon Categorization Used for Group Skills

Skill Cost Effect
Waves of Order Full Magatsuhi Gauge Moderate HP recovery to all allies. Removes status ailments and debuffs and adds 1 Press Turn Icon to your next turn.

Alignments are used to categorize demons into different Group Skills. Demons of the Light-Law Alignment are the only ones who are allowed to use the Waves of Order Group Skill. Just make sure you have two or more Light-Law demons in your active party if you want to use this skill.

List of Group Skills

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Related Guides

List of Demons Partial.png

List of Demons

List of Demons by Race

Avatar Avian Beast Brute
Deity Divine Dragon Drake
Element Enigma Fairy Fallen
Femme Fiend Foul Fury
Genma Haunt Holy Herald
Jaki Jirae Kishin Kunitsu
Lady Megami Night Qadistu
Raptor Snake Tyrant UMA
Vile Wargod Wilder Yoma

List of Demons by Alignment

Light-Law Light-Neutral Light-Chaos
Neutral-Law Neutral-Neutral Neutral-Chaos
Dark-Law Dark-Neutral Dark-Chaos

New Endgame Demons

Samael Satan


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