Diablo Immortal

How to Get Jered Cain's Vision: Effects & Attribute Bonuses

Jered Cain's Vision is a Vessel of the Horadrim in Diablo Immortal. Read on to learn more about Jered Cain's Vision including its effects, attribute bonuses, how to get it, and how to use it!

Jered Cain's Vision Info & Effects

Vessel Effect
Jered CainJered Cain's Vision Grants permanent buffs to Potency and Resistance once returned to Iben Fahd's Sanctum.
How to Get
Obtained from Deckard Cain after defeating Skarn during the Main Story questline.
Vessel Description
Preparation is the key to victory. While no plan is without flaw, having no plan is ruinous.

How to Get Jered Cain's Vision

Obtained During the Main Quest

Jered Cain's Vision can be retrieved after you defeat Skarn during the Main Story questline of Diablo Immortal. To receive this vessel, speak to Deckard Cain during the Bearer of Ill Omens main quest.

List of Main Quests

How to Use Jered Cain's Vision

Diablo Immortal - How to Use Jered Cains Vision

Jered Cain's Vision is a Vessel of the Horadrim used in Diablo Immortal's Legacy of the Horadrim game mechanic. When slotted into Iben Fahd's Sanctum, Jered Cain's Vision will grant players with a permanent bonus to Potency and Resistance.

At Rank 1, Jered Cain's Vision increases the two attributes by +9, with every succeeding rank up increasing the bonuses by +9 each time. To upgrade this vessel, players will need to spend Sapphire Culling Stones.

What Is the Legacy of the Horadrim?

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