Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

List of Misc Items

Misc Items Banner.png

Misc Items are items that do not fit into the other categories and can affect mechanics in battle. Read on to learn what Misc items are, info on each item, and what you can do with them.

List of Misc Items

Item Effect
Large Glory Crystal Grants 100 Glory.
Small Glory Crystal Grants 10 Glory.
Smoke Ball Guarantees escape from battle upon use.
Spyglass Displays info for 1 foe.
Whittled Goat When the Nahobino's HP reaches 0, the item is sacrificed to revive him at full HP.

What to Do With Misc Items

Use Them Depending on the Situation

Since Misc items cannot be classified under any of the other item categories, they have different effects from each other.

Use them when the appropriate situation calls for them.

What Are Misc Items?

Misc Items are consumables that manipulate mechanics in combat and have varying effects that cannot be put under any of the other item categories.

Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5) Related Guides

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All Items By Type

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