FF7 Rebirth

Fury Takes Flight Fiend Intel: How to Build Limit Gauge Faster

Fury Takes Flight is a Fiend Intel Combat Assignment in the Cosmo Canyon Region of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn the strategies on how to build the limit gauge faster in this Fiend Intel, how to unlock, and where to find this Fiend Intel on the map.

Fury Takes Flight Information

Fury Takes Flight Objectives

Battle Conditions
CheckmarkStagger an enemy

CheckmarkUnleash a limit attack

CheckmarkDefeat all enemies within the time limit.

Fury Takes Flight Enemy Intel

Drohdroh Enemy Intel
Normal: -

Staggered: -
Lesser: -

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Drohdroh Weaknesses and Drops

How to Unlock Fury Takes Flight

How to Unlock Complete Activation Intel 2: Crimson Earth Tower
Recommended Level 37
Chapter Available Chapter 10

How to Build Limit Gauge Faster

Spam Focused Thrust on the Drohdrohs to Build the Gauge Faster

FF7 Rebirth - Build Up Limit Gauge

How to Pressure Drohdroh
Evading Fury Bomber will fill pressure it.

To build your limit gauge faster, use Cloud's Focused Thrust against the Drohdrohs and then unleash his Limit Break once the Limit Gauge is full. One of the conditions of this Fiend Intel is to use a Limit Attack against the enemies.

Fury Takes Flight Map Location

North of Crimson Earth Tower

Map View

The Fury Take Flight Fiend Intel will appear after activating the Crimson Earth Tower. To go to the Fiend Intel, use the giant fan to the east of the tower with the Cosmo Canyon Chocobo and glide towards the direction of the Fiend Intel.

Upon landing, you will see the Fiend Intel to your left.

How to Get the Cosmo Canyon Chocobo

How to Beat Drohdroh

Equip Assess Materia to Scan Enemy Information

FF7 Rebirth - Assess Your Opponents

It is highly recommended to equip the Assess Materia and Assess the Fiend to figure out their pressure conditions and also what their weaknesses or resistances are.

How to Get the Assess Materia

Scan Enemies to Unlock Chadley's Biological Intel Combat Simulator Missions

FF7 Rebirth - Combat Sim Requirements

Scanning Fiends will also contribute to unlocking some Biological Intel missions as Chadley will require you to assess a certain amount of enemies within a region in order to unlock a Biological Intel combat simulator missions.

Combat Simulator Guide: How to Unlock and Win All Battles

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FF7 Rebirth - Fiend Intel

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