FF7 Rebirth

How to Beat Legendary Bout: Yuffie vs. The Wronged

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This is a guide on how to beat Legendary Bout: Yuffie vs. The Wronged in the Combat Simulator of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Check out the unlock requirements and rewards, a list of enemies and bosses in each round, and the best build for Yuffie to beat this challenge.

Yuffie's Best Build

Equipment and Materia

FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie
Weapon Armor
Crescent Sickle Cetran Bracer
Accessory Summon Materia
Gotterdammerung Phoenix
Weapon Materia Armor Materia

Weapon Skills
Shuriken MasteryShuriken Mastery
Precision Defense ATBPrecision Defense ATB
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Opening ATB BonusOpening ATB Bonus

Yuffie's most important Materia for this build are Elemental-Fire and Ice to absorb Fire attacks in the later rounds, as well as Lightning and Wind so she has all four elemental spells. Finally, Subversion is necessary to remove any buffs the Joker applies to itself in Round 2.

Aside from those, other notable Materia are First Strike so that she can instantly Haste herself, Skill Master to continuously spam commands, and Healing so she isn't reliant on HP recovery from Purification.

As for Gotterdammerung, even if Yuffie's Limit Break is weak with this build, it's still a useful tool to make you immune to an attack and give you space to use abilities or cast spells.

How to Beat All Rounds

Round 1

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Enemies Grasslands Wolf x4

Start by instantly casting Haste on Yuffie, followed by Ice Ninjutsu and Doppelganger next. Prioritize blocking the Grasslands Wolves' attacks to put them under pressure, where you can then easily finish them off with basic attacks or a Blizzara.

If you don't want to bother blocking the wolves' attacks, you can spam Shooting Star to constantly crowd-control them so that you no longer have to worry about losing any HP. Just remember to finish the fight with a Purification III to restore any HP or MP you've lost.

Round 2

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Enemies Joker

Setup Haste, Wind Ninjutsu, and Doppelganger

Once again, open up the fight with Haste and quickly set up your Wind Ninjutsu and Doppelganger. From there, you'll simply need to dodge the Joker's attacks and keep spamming Aerora until it goes down.

Dispel Its Buffs When It Uses Diamond

If ever the Joker uses Diamond, it will cast Barrier and Manaward on itself. Make sure to Dispel it as soon as possible so that you can maximize your damage output.

Go All Out When Its Half Health

Once Joker reaches half health, it will start using its powerful moves more often, but it will also be always pressured. Use this time to cast strong Wind spells at it as much as possible to keep staggering it.

Round 3

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Enemies Diabolic Variant

Prioritize Its Arm with Blizzard Spells

As usual, immediately cast Haste on yourself followed by Ice Ninjutsu and Doppelganger. Prioritize destroying its arm first so that you can pressure it, letting you deal massive damage with your Blizzard spells and Icy Banishment.

Wait to Reappear When It Creates Clones

Once it uses Enshadow and creates a clone of itself, wait for it to reappear before using your Ice attacks since they can dodge it if you cast it right before they disappear again. After the duplicate is destroyed, it will get pressured again and you'll simply need to keep hitting it with Ice attacks to kill it.

Round 4

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Enemies Dragon

This fight is made incredibly easy thanks to Elemental-Fire absorbing its Fire attacks. However, you'll still want to open up with Haste followed by Ice Ninjutsu and Doppelganger so that you can maximize your ATB Charge and Ice damage.

Block or Dodge Its Physical Attacks

Make sure that you're still blocking or dodging its physical attacks and Hurricane, otherwise you'll take too much damage even if its Fire attacks are healing you.

Use Blizzaga After It Uses Roar

When it uses Roar, it will be pressured. Use Blizzaga immediately after to stagger it, then finish it off with your Ice-based attacks.

Round 5

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1 2 3 4 5
Enemies King Zu

Destroy Its Wings as Soon as Possible

This is the one fight throughout the entire challenge where you don't want to cast Haste at the beginning since you'll need to cast Thundara on both wings to prevent King Zu from killing you with Swan Song, which bypasses your Elemental-Fire.

Once you stop it from using Swan Song, and it's pressured, get the usual Haste, Lightning Ninjutsu, and Doppelganger combo set up. From there, keep blasting it with Thunder spells, prioritizing the wings when it uses Swan Song again, and it will go down in no time.

Legendary Bout: Yuffie vs. The Wronged Unlock and Rewards

Basic Information
Legendary Bout: Yuffie vs. The Wronged

A series of solo fights for Yuffie. Put an end to the unfortunate souls suffering from the effects of Shinra's nefarious experimentation.
・Items cannot be used
・Only available on Hard difficulty
Level 70 Rounds 5 Team 1
Rewards ・Secrets of the Ninja Vol. XVI
Unlock Requirements
・Defeat the classified foe in the Nibel region
・ Complete the main scenario

To unlock Legendary Bout: Yuffie vs. The Wronged in the Combat Simulator, you will first need to defeat King Zu in Nibel and complete all Chapters of the main story. Once you've done these two things, you'll be able to attempt this Combat Simulator challenge as long as Yuffie is in your party.

How to Beat King Zu

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