FF7 Rebirth

How to Beat Titan at Full Power

Titan is a Boss fought in the Combat Simulator in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to beat Titan at full power, all Titan Sanctuary locations, weaknesses and resistances, as well as tips and rewards for beating it.

Titan Guides
Boss Guide Sanctuary Locations

Titan Weaknesses and Stats

Stats at Level 70

Titan Image
HP Easy Normal Hard
Full Might 44967 64239 ?
Power ↓ 36941 52773 ?
Power ↓↓ 31164 44520 ?
Power ↓↓↓ 28592 40845 ?
How to Unlock
Unlock the Combat Simulator

Note: Titan's HP may be different during your battle since the boss' HP will sync with your party's level.

Weakness and Resistances

Weaknesses Lesser Resistances Greater Resistances
Wind Icon
- -
Absorbed Elements Immunities
Proportional Damage IconBerserk IconSlow IconStone IconPetrify IconMorphable Items Icon

Changes When Staggered

Weakness / Effective Resistance
Wind Icon
Fire IconIce IconLightning Icon

How to Pressure Titan

How to Pressure

Checkmark Use wind spells to exploit elemental weakness

Checkmark Block or evade certain attacks and counterattack

Checkmark Destroy its barrier

Exploiting its elemental weakness, blocking or evading certain attacks, and counterattacking it will pressure it. Destroying its barrier will pressure it for longer than usual.

How to Pressure and Stagger Enemies

Titan Best Party Setup

Recommended Party Setup and Roles

Character Role
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud ・Wind Current can be used for wind magic without expending MP
・Versatile and easy to use
・High damage output makes the barrier easier to break
FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Red XIII ・Wind Current can be used for wind magic without expending MP
・Siphon Fang allows him to live longer
・Limit Break allows for longer MP use
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith ・Arcane Ward allows you to fire Wind Spells twice
・Limit Break can heal or nullify damage
・High magic attack and can absorb MP
・Can unlock Jet Stream for wind magic without expending MP

Titan Best Materia

Recommended Materia Combinations and How to Use

Materia How to Use
Wind Image Wind ・Can be fired twice in a row if used with Aerith's Arcane Ward
・Used to exploit Titan's weakness and Stagger it
・Arcane Ward can allow other allies to fire two attack spells as well
Healing Image Healing ・One method of healing
Prayer Image Prayer ・Another method of healing without MP
・Works well with characters whose ATB fills quickly

How to Beat Titan at Full Power

Titan Boss Fight Tips

Battle after first weakening it via the sanctuaries

Analyzing Summon Crystals.png

Find the Summon Crystals at the Titan Sanctuaries to weaken it. There are a total of three sanctuaries, which can all be found in the Grasslands region.

Analyzing Crystals also powers up the Titan Materia

In addition to making the battle with Titan easier, visiting these sanctuaries will also make the Titan materia more powerful.

The reward is the same regardless of its power level

Battling Titan at full power or in the weakest state yields the exact same reward, so unless you just want to test your own skill, it's quicker to weaken it first. Fighting at full power will take around 10 minutes, even on the easy difficulty.

Attack with wind spells

Titan is weak to wind attacks, so use Aero and Wind Current to pressure it. Laying these attacks on it will allow you to stagger it for massive damage.

Be ready to heal when it reaches around half HP

Titan will use Earthen Roar at about half HP. It will do tons of damage to all members it hits, so if you happen to get caught by it, be ready to heal right away.

Break the barrier when Earthen Aegis is used

Earthen Aegis

Titan's defense will increase drastically when it uses Earthen Aegis. Earthen Aegis will also be an attackable target, so hit it directly as opposed to the Titan to break the barrier and stagger it.

Titan Sanctuary Locations

Titan Sanctuaries are found in the Grasslands Region

Titan Sanctuary 1
Titan Sanctuary 2
Titan Sanctuary 3

By traveling to each of the areas shown above, you can analyze a Summon Crystal, which will both make the enemy weaker in battle, and also increase the power of the Summon Materia!

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Bosses

Boss Fight Guide and List of All Bosses

Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Materia Guardian
Chapter 2 Midgardsormr
Chapter 3 Rude and Elena
Mythril Golem
Chapter 4 Terror of the Deep
Chapter 5 Jenova Emergent
Chapter 6 Grasptropod
Chapter 7 Custom Valkyrie
Chapter 8 Dyne
Anuran Suppressor
Chapter 9 Specimen H1024
Crimson Mare Mk. II
Chapter 10 Gi Nattak
Chapter 11 Diabolic Variant
Yin and Yang
Forgotten Specimen
Galian Beast
Chapter 12 Abzu
Rude and Elena
Chapter 13 Red Dragon
Reno and Rude
Tseng and Elena
Moss-Grown Adamantoise
Demon Gate
Chapter 14 Jenova Lifeclinger
Sephiroth Reborn

Optional Bosses

Summon Titan
Classified Intel Quetzalcoatl
Side Quests White Terror
Summon Phoenix
Classified Intel Mindflayer
Side Quests White Mousse
Hell Rider II
Sandstorm Drake
Summon Alexander
Classified Intel Tonberry King
Side Quests Dark Claw
Minigame Test 0
Summon Kujata
Classified Intel Great Malboro
Side Quests Levridon
Gorgon Mane
Cosmo Canyon
Summon Bahamut Arisen
Classified Intel Jabberwock
Side Quests Irasceros
Summon Odin
Classified Intel King Zu
Side Quests Queen Bee
Meridian Ocean
Gilgamesh's Island Gilgamesh
Titan and Bahamut Arisen
Phoenix and Kujata
Alexander and Odin
Pirate King's Treasure Ogre Raider
Brineborn Demon
Sea Dragon


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