FF7 Rebirth

Jenova Emergent Hard Mode Guide

FF7 Rebirth - Jenova Emergent Hard Mode Guide

Jenova Emergent is a boss in Chapter 5: Blood in the Water of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn how to beat Jenova Emergent on Hard Mode and normal difficulties, its weaknesses and resistances, and a list of its moves and attack patterns in this guide!

Jenova Emergent Weaknesses and Stats


Jenova Emergent Image
Easy Normal Hard
HP 30793 43990 180966

Weakness and Resistances

Weaknesses Lesser Resistances Greater Resistances
Stop Icon Stop
Absorbed Elements Immunities
Proportional Damage Icon Proportional Damage
Berserk Icon Berserk
Slow Icon Slow
Petrify Icon Petrify
Morphable Items Icon Morphable Items

Changes When Staggered

Weakness / Effective Resistance
None None

Jenova Emergent doesn't have any changes to its weakness or resistance when staggered.

How to Pressure Jenova Emergent

Deal Enough Damage to Expose its Body Parts

CheckmarkDeal enough damage to expose its head and shoulder.

The only way to pressure Jenova Emergent is to deal enough damage (5~10% of its HP) until it exposes its Head and Left Shoulder. Once you see these two body parts, it should be in a Pressured state, allowing you to build up Stagger quickly.

Note: When these body parts become exposed, destroying them will significantly increase the Stagger gauge. Additionally, crippling them will prevent Jenova Emergent from using certain attacks, like how crippling the head prevents it from using its laser attacks.

How to Pressure and Stagger Enemies

Jenova Emergent Best Party and Builds

Notice Table IconNotice from Game8 This section is for players who are playing on Easy and Normal difficulties. To check out the best builds and tips for Hard Mode, jump to our Hard Mode Guide section, below!

Fixed Party Setup

Jenova Emergent requires you to use Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Make sure to re-arrange your Materia before approaching Barret in the Cargo Hold of the ship.

Available Characters and Roles
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud 【Main Damage Dealer】
・Use heavy-hitting abilities once the boss is staggered.
・Focus on dealing damage and attacking body parts if possible.
FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret 【ATB Battery】
・Help with recovery with his fast ATB recharge.
・Focus on damaging the body parts.
FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa 【Secondary Damage Dealer】
・Continuously inflict damage on the boss.
・Hit body parts if opportunity arise.

Best Materia to Use

Materia Effect
Prayer Image Prayer ・Heal all allies in battle.
・Best equipped on your main ATB generators for the battle since it costs 2 ATB. Can be given to Barret or Cloud.
Healing Image Healing ・Heal a single ally in battle.
・Best equipped on Barret or Cloud (since Tifa uses spare ATB for Unbridled Strength).
HP Up  Image HP Up ・Increase the HP of a character.
・Can be equipped to all characters.
Precision Defense Focus Image Precision Defense Focus ・Increase the overall efficiency of Perfect Blocking.
・Can be equipped to all characters, as even uncontrolled characters block attacks.
Level Boost Image Level Boost ・Increase the level of the linked Materia.
・Can be equipped to all characters and linked to Healing if you don't have it maxed.
Item Economizer Image Item Economizer ・Automatically use items without consuming ATB after performing a number of actions.
・Best equipped on Cloud since he will be your main active character.
SummonAny Summoning Materia ・Can help tear down the boss's HP.
・Any Summoning Materia will do as the boss has no weaknesses.

Materia List and How to Get All Materia

How to Beat Jenova Emergent

Jenova Emergent Boss Fight Tips

Move Away During Pestilential Reckoning

The Pestilential Reckoning is an attack by Jenova Emergent that covers a lot of areas of the arena. It will be hard to dodge if you're too close from it, so move away once you see the attack prompt above its head!

Target Body Parts to Stagger

Target and destroy the body parts of Jenova Emergent after applying pressure on it. Successfully destroying those body parts will fill in its stagger meter faster. Some of its attacks will also come from those body parts, so it's better to remove them as soon as you can!

Equip Summoning Materia

Jenova Emergent has a ton of HP and it doesn't have any elemental weaknesses. You can call on any Summoning Materia to inflict additional damage in battle.

List of All Summons

Prepare Healing Items

Healing items will allow your party to survive the fight against Jenova Emergent. Even if you can do a Perfect Block or dodge its attacks, your uncontrolled party members might not be able to do those on time. Try to bring some and use them once their HP gets to a dangerous level.

Jenova Emergent Hard Mode Guide

Jenova Emergent Hard Mode Tips
★ Best Hard Mode Builds for Jenova Emergent ★

Jenova Emergent Best Hard Mode Builds

Notice Table IconNotice from Game8 The builds featured in this Hard Mode section are at Weapon Levels 7~8. If you find that you don't have enough Materia slots to complete the setup, consider getting all the possible Manuscripts on Normal, first.
FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret
ATB Battery / Stagger Buildup
Weapon Armor
Battle Cry Enhanced Varvados Bracelet
Accessory Summon Materia
Fortitude Ring Alexander
Weapon Materia Armor Materia
Weapon Skills
Overload OverchargeOverload Overcharge
Weapon Ability ATB RecoveryWeapon Ability ATB Recovery
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Massive RechargeMassive Recharge
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud
DPS / Support
Weapon Armor
Igneous Saber Cetran Armlet
Accessory Summon Materia
Supernatural Wristguards Odin
Weapon Materia Armor Materia
Weapon Skills
Altruistic Buff UpAltruistic Buff Up
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Enhanced Magic GuardEnhanced Magic Guard
Limit Gauge StaggerLimit Gauge Stagger
FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa
Auto-Heal Support
Weapon Armor
Kaiser Knuckles Cetran Bracer
Accessory Summon Materia
Circlet Kujata
Weapon Materia Armor Materia
Weapon Skills
Martial Arts MasteryMartial Arts Mastery
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Max MP +3Max MP +3

Note: If your Barret feels squishy against the magic attacks of Jenova Emergent, you can replace the First Strike Materia with VIT <> SPR Materia. Also, Warding and Binding is used to prevent the Silence from Jenova Emergent's Pestilence attack.

Cast Haste then Use Barret to Deal Damage and Build ATB

FF7 Rebirth - Jenova Emergent Buff Up with Haste

The only character you'll be using in this encounter is Barret simply because he'll be the easiest to turn into a DPS, tank, and ATB Battery across all 3 phases. Using Cloud with First Strike Materia, cast a Magnified Haste at the start of the boss fight.

Once Barret is Hasted, move to the edge farthest from Jenova Emergent and go to town using basic attacks. Dodge Vengeance (laser) and Pestilence (poison orbs) by moving to the left or right until they stop tracking Barret. When clear, resume shooting to build ATB.

Spam Lifesaver, Bonus Round, and Steelskin

FF7 Rebirth - ATB Assist and Skill Master Procs

You'll be able to tell if Skill Master and ATB Assist proc once you get these blue rings around Barret while spamming ATB commands.

Once you have your first ATB charge, use Lifesaver to boost your HP to 9999 (provided you have a Max HP Up). Then, use the next 2 to buff up with Bonus Round and Steelskin. Spam Bonus Round, Steelskin, and any damage abilities to proc Skill Master and ATB Assist.

Note: Lifesaver is generally safe to use since Jenova Emergent will usually target your active character anyway. The only time you should prep to cast Arise on Barret is if you have Lifesaver active and Jenova Emergent does its Glorious Emanation attack.

Cripple the Head to Stop Glorious Emanation

FF7 Rebirth - Jenova Emergent Glorious Emanation

Glorious Emanation is a Hard Mode only, multi-laser attack that targets all of your party members and, unlike Vengeance, it cannot be dodged. The only way to prevent it from firing, is to cripple Jenova Emergent's head before it manages to fire off the beams.

For this boss guide, the safeguard from a full party wipe is Barret's Lifesaver ability. When active, he will tank the damage of Glorious Emanation. Even if he does go down, you have two party members that can generate enough ATB to cast Arise easily and reset the fight.

Rely on Cloud and Tifa for Buffs, Heals, and Revives

Both characters will play more of a support role during this fight since melee against Jenova Emergent is a bit too finicky. Cloud will be your go-to for Haste and the occasional Infinity's End when the boss gets staggered.

Tifa, on the other hand, will fire off Auto-Cast Heals whenever Barret gets too low and she has a spare ATB charge ready. And, with ATB Boost, she'll fill in to cast Arise if Barret goes down, quickly resetting the fight before it spirals out of control.

Equip a Linked Warding and Binding on Supports to Nullify Silence

Since Cloud and Tifa will be relying on spells, it is imperative that they avoid getting silenced by Pestilence. Since Phase 3 contains tentacles that fire off multiple Pestilence instances, a linked Warding and Binding should grant immunity to Silence, easily.

Use Lifeblood Cannon to Cripple the Head in Phases 2 and 3

In order to avoid a potential wipe due to Glorious Emanation, use Barret's Lifeblood Cannon ability to easily cripple Jenova Emergent's head during Phases 2 and 3. Heals or casts of Chakra should allow you to recoup your lost HP without too much of a fuss.

If you don't have Lifeblood Cannon unlocked (req. Party Level 8), you can hit it with an Overcharge + Focused Shot combo. Either that or switch to Cloud and deal with the head using aerial attacks and multiple casts of Triple Slash.

Destroy the Tentacles to Avoid Getting Overhwhelmed by Pestilence

All of the Tentacles during Phase 3 will cast Pestilence if left alive for too long. To avoid getting nuked, use the lock on function (R3) and the right analog stick to switch between all of the Tentacles in the arena. Barret's basic attacks should make short work of them.

Summon Alexander and Spam Grand Laser

FF7 Rebirth - Summon Alexander to Deal Damage

Once Jenova Emergent enters Phase 3, you can quickly finish it off by summoning Alexander and then casting Barret's Turbulent Spirit ability. With Haste active, Barret should have 2-ATB constantly, allowing you to spam Grand Laser until Jenova Emergent dies.

Note: Your other sources of damage will be Lifeblood Cannon, Infinity's End, and Limit Breaks whenever Jenova Emergent gets staggered. Synergy Abilities can be thrown in the mix since it animation cancels some of Jenova Emergent's attacks when used.

Jenova Emergent Rewards and Details


Jenova Emergent Rewards
Easy/Normal Hard Mode
900 EXP
50 Party EXP
10 AP
900 Gil
6500 EXP
30 AP
3250 Gil
The Art of Sword Play Vol. X
Items Dropped Rare Items Dropped
Stealable Items Morphable Items

Basic Information and Details

Jenova Emergent
Location Chapter Unlocked
Shinra-8 Chapter 5
Species Movement
Unreadable Grounded
A top secret Shinra experimental specicmen. A fragment of its carcass has fused with the robed individuals, granting it this twisted form. It is able to induce hallucinations that wrap the very space around it.
Inflicting enough damage will pressure it, at which point certain portions of its body will become vulnerable to attack. Destroying these discrete parts will signigicantly fill the stagger gauge.

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Bosses

Boss Fight Guide and List of All Bosses

Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Materia Guardian
Chapter 2 Midgardsormr
Chapter 3 Rude and Elena
Mythril Golem
Chapter 4 Terror of the Deep
Chapter 5 Jenova Emergent
Chapter 6 Grasptropod
Chapter 7 Custom Valkyrie
Chapter 8 Dyne
Anuran Suppressor
Chapter 9 Specimen H1024
Crimson Mare Mk. II
Chapter 10 Gi Nattak
Chapter 11 Diabolic Variant
Yin and Yang
Forgotten Specimen
Galian Beast
Chapter 12 Abzu
Rude and Elena
Chapter 13 Red Dragon
Reno and Rude
Tseng and Elena
Moss-Grown Adamantoise
Demon Gate
Chapter 14 Jenova Lifeclinger
Sephiroth Reborn

Optional Bosses

Summon Titan
Classified Intel Quetzalcoatl
Side Quests White Terror
Summon Phoenix
Classified Intel Mindflayer
Side Quests White Mousse
Hell Rider II
Sandstorm Drake
Summon Alexander
Classified Intel Tonberry King
Side Quests Dark Claw
Minigame Test 0
Summon Kujata
Classified Intel Great Malboro
Side Quests Levridon
Gorgon Mane
Cosmo Canyon
Summon Bahamut Arisen
Classified Intel Jabberwock
Side Quests Irasceros
Summon Odin
Classified Intel King Zu
Side Quests Queen Bee
Meridian Ocean
Gilgamesh's Island Gilgamesh
Titan and Bahamut Arisen
Phoenix and Kujata
Alexander and Odin
Pirate King's Treasure Ogre Raider
Brineborn Demon
Sea Dragon


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