Diablo Immortal

Csur's Fortutious Ward: Effect and Associated Builds

Csur's Fortutious Ward is a Legendary item in Diablo Immortal and is equipped in the Shoulder slot. Read on for full information on Csur's Fortutious Ward's effects, uses, and skills buffed.

Csur's Fortutious Ward Overview

Equipment Info
CsurCsur's Fortutious Ward Class Wizard
Slot Shoulder
Rarity Legendary
Effect Teleport now causes you to gain a shield that absorbs 3,271 damage.

Csur's Fortutious Ward Tier Ranking

Tier Rating Reason
A-Tier.png Csur's Fortutious Ward is highly valuable. In terms of defenses and buffs, this armor is almost unmatched. It will definitely make your journey through the pitfires of Hell a lot more bearable.

Builds with Csur's Fortutious Ward

Associated Builds
Diablo Immortal - BuildArcane Wind PvP

Should I Salvage Csur's Fortutious Ward?

Is Csur's Fortutious Ward Worth Salvaging?
This weapon has not been evaluated yet. Check back soon to hear our thoughts about this weapon!

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