Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Inspirit Guide: Effects and Upgrades

Inspirit is a Skill from the Swordfighter Class. Read on to learn more about this Skill, its effects, its upgrades, and more!

Inspirit Information


Inspirit Inspirit
Role Attacker
Effect Boosts damage dealt by 60% when fighting a unique or boss monster.

Rank Upgrades

Upgrades for this Class are still being verified. Check back for updates!
First Upgrade Boosts damage dealt by 70% when fighting a unique or boss monster.
(Rank 5)
Second Upgrade Boosts damage dealt by 80% when fighting a unique or boss monster.
(Rank 10)

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Dodge AccelerationDodge Acceleration Dodge SoulDodge Soul Drain GuardDrain Guard
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Fighting ProwessFighting Prowess First Move WinsFirst Move Wins Flashing PunchFlashing Punch
Floating KillFloating Kill Fortified Ether GuardFortified Ether Guard Frenzied ComboFrenzied Combo
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Heavy ArmorHeavy Armor Here Shall I StandHere Shall I Stand Hot SoulHot Soul
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Magic TransmutationMagic Transmutation Mano a Mano EvasionMano a Mano Evasion MegashoutMegashout
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Needle ShellNeedle Shell Nimbleness ItselfNimbleness Itself Non-Stop BarrageNon-Stop Barrage
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Positional AttackerPositional Attacker Positioning ProPositioning Pro Power Pick-Me-UpPower Pick-Me-Up
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Queen of MercyQueen of Mercy Queenly PrideQueenly Pride Recharge CheerRecharge Cheer
Reckless AttackReckless Attack Reserve LifeReserve Life Revenge ImpetusRevenge Impetus
Royal AideRoyal Aide Royal CharismaRoyal Charisma Sacrificial HealSacrificial Heal
SandsmokeSandsmoke Sappy-Sappy Drain!Sappy-Sappy Drain! Scattered HealingScattered Healing
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Super ExplosionSuper Explosion SuperchargedSupercharged Surprise AttackSurprise Attack
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Terran WarriorTerran Warrior Tough SoulTough Soul Ultranull ShieldUltranull Shield
Underworld RageUnderworld Rage Universal AnnihilationUniversal Annihilation VigilanceVigilance
Wild TendenciesWild Tendencies Wolf SpiritWolf Spirit


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