Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Get Gold Cube: Effects and Locations

Gold Cube is a weapon accessory in the game Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn more about the effects of Gold Cube, where you can get it, its prices, and more!

Gold Cube Overview

Gold CubeGold Cube
Rarity Gold CubeCommon
Value 8060 G
Role Other
Effect Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 25%
Gold CubeGold Cube
Rarity Gold CubeRare
Value 8060 G
Role Other
Effect Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 30%
Gold CubeGold Cube
Rarity Gold CubeLegendary
Value 8060 G
Role Other
Effect Boosts damage dealt by Fusion Arts by 35%

How to Get Gold Cube

Unique Monster Drops

Rarity Enemy Info
Gold CubeLegendary Fineblade Faltaar

Great Sword's Hilt | Lv. 47

Legendary variants are usually dropped by Unique Monsters that have fixed locations in the overworld. These enemies give two Legendary accessories on the first time they are defeated.

Complete Collectopedia Cards

Rarity Collectopaedia Card
Gold CubeRare This accessory is not currently known to be obtained from any Collectopaedia registration!

Some Rare accessories can be randomly looted from containers scattered in the overworld!

Accessories are also given as completion rewards for clearing and registering Collectopaedia Cards. Be sure to find more Collectopaedia NPCs to gain more powerful accessories.

Buy from Caravans and Commissaries

Rarity Shop Location
Gold CubeCommon This accessory is not currently known to be bought from any shop!

Most Common accessories can be bought from Caravans or Commissaries. In most cases, you can also loot them from containers scattered throughout the in-game world.

Xenoblade Chronicles Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Accessories

List of Accessories

Legacy of the Seven Accessories

Legendary Ring.pngSaturni Rings Legendary Ring.pngMercurii Rings Legendary Ring.pngLunae Rings
Legendary Ring.pngMartis Rings Legendary Ring.pngSolis Rings Legendary Ring.pngIovis Rings
Legendary Ring.pngVeneris Rings

All Weapon Accessories

Activity AmuletActivity Amulet Adamantine GauntletAdamantine Gauntlet Affection NecklaceAffection Necklace
Affection RingAffection Ring Apprentice VambracesApprentice Vambraces Armored LiningArmored Lining
Assault StoneAssault Stone Assist BeltAssist Belt Asylum LiningAsylum Lining
Attack StoneAttack Stone Aural Enhance SensorAural Enhance Sensor Auto BalancerAuto Balancer
Beast MaskBeast Mask Beast-Hide VestBeast-Hide Vest Beastfang NecklaceBeastfang Necklace
BerserkerBerserker's Armor Vest Black BeltBlack Belt Black Feather BandBlack Feather Band
Black MaskBlack Mask Black Steel BandBlack Steel Band Bloody OrbBloody Orb
Boost MemoryBoost Memory Braided BeltBraided Belt Break BroochBreak Brooch
Bronze GauntletBronze Gauntlet Bronze Temple GuardBronze Temple Guard Buffeting NecklaceBuffeting Necklace
Bunnit ChokerBunnit Choker Carbon GlovesCarbon Gloves Ceramic BeltCeramic Belt
Chain RingChain Ring Challenger GauntletChallenger Gauntlet Champion RingChampion Ring
Chaotic MemoryChaotic Memory Charm BangleCharm Bangle Chipped Black BroochChipped Black Brooch
Chipped White BroochChipped White Brooch Chrome ScarfChrome Scarf Circlet of IntellectCirclet of Intellect
Circlet of WisdomCirclet of Wisdom Colorful FeatherColorful Feather Comet ChokerComet Choker
Cracked CrystalCracked Crystal Crimson HeadbandCrimson Headband Crushing Weapon BeltCrushing Weapon Belt
Crystal AnkletsCrystal Anklets Crystal EarringsCrystal Earrings Crystalline ChemiseCrystalline Chemise
Dark OrbDark Orb Defense CuffsDefense Cuffs Detector HeadgearDetector Headgear
Devotional NecklaceDevotional Necklace DiamondDiamond Dragonfang NecklaceDragonfang Necklace
Engineer GlovesEngineer Gloves Eraser OrbEraser Orb Feather BandFeather Band
Fiber BeltFiber Belt Fiber UnderguardFiber Underguard Fiber WrapsFiber Wraps
Fierce Armor VestFierce Armor Vest Firearm BeltFirearm Belt Flame AmuletFlame Amulet
Flame BangleFlame Bangle Florid ArmringFlorid Armring Foot ProtectorFoot Protector
Four Sea HairgripFour Sea Hairgrip Fraternal BadgeFraternal Badge Friendship BadgeFriendship Badge
Friendship RingFriendship Ring Fur SocksFur Socks Gale Leg FrameGale Leg Frame
GarnetGarnet Gear SupportGear Support Ghillie MaskGhillie Mask
Glowing MedalGlowing Medal Gold BroochGold Brooch Gold CubeGold Cube
Gold Gear ChokerGold Gear Choker Gold NecklaceGold Necklace Golden AnkletsGolden Anklets
Golden HeadbandGolden Headband Graphite KneeguardGraphite Kneeguard Gust BraceletGust Bracelet
Harness BeltHarness Belt Harvest NecklaceHarvest Necklace Heavy Foot ProtectorHeavy Foot Protector
Heavy Weak GuardHeavy Weak Guard Hellfire AmuletHellfire Amulet HeraldHerald's Kneeguard
Hermit MaskHermit Mask Hero GlovesHero Gloves Hero VambracesHero Vambraces
Hyper ProtectorHyper Protector Ice HeadbandIce Headband Immaculate NecklaceImmaculate Necklace
Incense of CalmIncense of Calm Incense of EleganceIncense of Elegance Iron HeadbandIron Headband
Iron MisangaIron Misanga Iron SashIron Sash Iron Temple GuardIron Temple Guard
Jade SupportJade Support Jet PauldronsJet Pauldrons Lavender PotpourriLavender Potpourri
Lazure HeadbandLazure Headband Lazure VambracesLazure Vambraces Lead KneeguardLead Kneeguard
Learned AmuletLearned Amulet Leather GlovesLeather Gloves Light MemoryLight Memory
Light Weak GuardLight Weak Guard Long-Range MemoryLong-Range Memory Luminous MemoryLuminous Memory
Lustrous ArmringLustrous Armring Metal Foot ProtectorMetal Foot Protector Metallic KneeguardMetallic Kneeguard
Mint PotpourriMint Potpourri MisangaMisanga Monastic NecklaceMonastic Necklace
Moon AnkletsMoon Anklets Moon NecklaceMoon Necklace Muscle BeltMuscle Belt
Nacre ChokerNacre Choker Optical HeadbandOptical Headband Pale MemoryPale Memory
Phantom FeatherPhantom Feather Plate BeltPlate Belt Platinum AnkletsPlatinum Anklets
Platinum BeltPlatinum Belt Platinum CubePlatinum Cube Power BanglePower Bangle
Power BeltPower Belt Prayer NecklacePrayer Necklace Quantum ScarfQuantum Scarf
Rainbow Feather BandRainbow Feather Band Rainbow GlovesRainbow Gloves Repulsor CuffsRepulsor Cuffs
SageSage's Auspices SapphireSapphire Scale MaskScale Mask
ScoutScout's Kneeguard Search HeadgearSearch Headgear SergeantSergeant's Headband
Shackle RingShackle Ring Shadow MaskShadow Mask Sharpfang NecklaceSharpfang Necklace
Shell CameoShell Cameo Shell LiningShell Lining Shell ProtectorShell Protector
Signet RingSignet Ring Silver AnkletsSilver Anklets Silver BeltSilver Belt
Silver Braided BeltSilver Braided Belt Silver BroochSilver Brooch Silver ChokerSilver Choker
Silver EarringsSilver Earrings Silver FeatherSilver Feather Silver NecklaceSilver Necklace
Slashing Weapon BeltSlashing Weapon Belt Smart ProtectorSmart Protector Smithy GlovesSmithy Gloves
Soft Foot WrapsSoft Foot Wraps Soldier RingSoldier Ring SoldierSoldier's Headband
Solid Weak GuardSolid Weak Guard Sonic SensorSonic Sensor Special Foot WrapsSpecial Foot Wraps
Spiked PauldronsSpiked Pauldrons Star AnkletsStar Anklets Steam BeltSteam Belt
Stone BeltStone Belt Storm NecklaceStorm Necklace Strike BangleStrike Bangle
Strong Foot WrapsStrong Foot Wraps Strung AmberStrung Amber Sturdy AnkletsSturdy Anklets
Survivor KneeguardSurvivor Kneeguard SwimmerSwimmer's Chemise Tactical GlovesTactical Gloves
Tear AmuletTear Amulet Thermo HeadgearThermo Headgear Titanium SupportTitanium Support
Titanium Temple GuardTitanium Temple Guard Tool BeltTool Belt Unicorn ScarfUnicorn Scarf
Vibrant ArmringVibrant Armring Victor GauntletVictor Gauntlet Violent StoneViolent Stone
Warped Black BroochWarped Black Brooch Warped CrystalWarped Crystal WarriorWarrior's Armlet
WarriorWarrior's Armor Vest Whirlwind NecklaceWhirlwind Necklace White BeltWhite Belt
White WrapsWhite Wraps Wind BraceletWind Bracelet Wind Leg FrameWind Leg Frame
Wing NecklaceWing Necklace Work BeltWork Belt Work GlovesWork Gloves


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