FF7 Rebirth

Best Armor and How to Get Them

FF7 Rebirth - Best Armor and How to Get Them

The Cetran Bracer, Cetran Armlet, and Hades Armlet are the best endgame armor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about each the best armor for mid game, mid game, and endgame, their stats, materia slots, when and how you can obtain them.

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Mid Game Armor

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Abyssal Bangle

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Abyssal BangleAbyssal Bangle DEF: 32 MDEF: 15
Materia Slots:
Description: A highly sought-after bangle, every piece of the same design was handcrafted by a single goldsmith. Available for purchase in the Corel region.

Buy at Costa del Sol

The Abyssal Bangle can be bought for 3,500 gil from Chapter 6 onwards at the Costa del Sol Weapons Vendor or through any accessible Vending Machine.

This is a good armor to equip to party members who are going into close-quarters combat and are expected to take physical damage such as Cloud and Tifa.

Get 18,000 Points on Pirate's Rampage

You can also obtain an Abyssal Bangle by getting at least 18,000 points on the Pirate's Rampage Minigame.

Pirate’s Rampage Minigame Guide and Rewards

Oldebeast Bracelet

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Oldebeast BraceletOldebeast Bracelet DEF: 15 MDEF: 32
Materia Slots:
Description: A bracelet made from the fossilized remains of an ancient fiend. Available for purchase in the Corel region.

Buy at Costa del Sol

The Oldebeast Bracelet can be bought for 3,500 gil from Chapter 6 onwards at the Costa del Sol Weapons Vendor or through any accessible Vending Machine.

Equip this armor if you are expecting a lot of magical attacks such as spells or ranged attacks.

Complete Run Wild in Under 3 Minutes

This bracelet is also obtainable through the Run Wild Minigame available from Chapter 7 onwards. You will have to complete the minigame in under 3 minutes to obtain this armor.

Run Wild Minigame Guide and Rewards

Best Late Game Armor

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Valkyrian Bangle

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Valkyrian BangleValkyrian Bangle DEF: 64 MDEF: 30
Materia Slots:
Description: A stunning bangle crafted to capture the glory and divinity of the goddesses drawn to the fires of war.

Obtain at Nibel Region's Nidhogg Grotto

FF7 Rebirth - Nidhogg Grotto Location

The Valkyrian Bangle is in a yellow chest at the Nidhogg Grotto cache in the Nibel Region (far southwest island).

To reach this location, you will need the Nibel Region's Chocobo capable of using Chocojet. The Chocobo Intel is discovered while doing the side quest Esoteric Secrets of the Elders.

Esoteric Secretst of the Elders Walkthrough

Best All-Around Bangle

Not only is the Valkyrian Bangle relatively easy to obtain (all you need is the Nibel Region's Chocobo), it also boasts 6 materia slots with 3 links, and has stats higher than a Garm Bangle.

Because it has high defense, you will want this on a party member you will mainly put at frontline doing physical damage.

Yggdrasill Armlet

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Yggdrasill ArmletYggdrasill Armlet DEF: 28 MDEF: 28
Materia Slots:
Description: A superb armlet said to have been carved from the very wood of the world tree.

Transmute at Craftsmanship 13

Craftsmanship Level Required Materials
Yggdrasill Armlet
Level 13
・Divine Heartwood ×40
・Ash Wood ×10
・Planet's Spirit ×5

The Yggdrasil Armlet is the most flexible armor you can transmute at Craftsmanship Level 13. While it is a bit expensive to obtain, it gives the wearer 6 materia slots with its 3 pairs allowing for linked materia.

However, it has lower stats compared to the Garm Bangle and Varvados Bracelet. The trade off is more materia slots. If you feel like a someone needs an extra boost through materia, this is the best armor you can transmute.

Celestial Bangle

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Celestial BangleCelestial Bangle DEF: 58 MDEF: 27
Materia Slots:
Description: A mystical bangle that evokes the boundless majesty and wisdom of the heavens.

Obtained at the Cave of Gi in Chapter 10

The Celestial Bangle can be obtained in the Cave of Gi in Chapter 10. When controlling Red XIII and after entering the Chamber of Deception - Ascent of Ridicule Upper Flight room, you'll find a wall that you can scale and the chest will be found on a small space on top of it.

This armor has similar stats to the Garm Bangle with the addition of an extra materia slot, totalling to about 6 materia slots.

Spiritbound Armlet

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Spiritbound ArmletSpiritbound Armlet DEF: 25 MDEF: 25
Materia Slots:
Description: An armlet taken from a warrior whose tribe, even in death, cannot escape the fetters which robbed them of their freedom in life.

Transmute at Craftsmanship 12

Craftsmanship Level Required Materials
Spiritbound Armlet
Level 12
・Divine Heartwoord ×20
・Baobab Wood ×10
・Planet's Mercy ×5

The Spiritbound Armlet is a powerful alternative to the harder-to-acquire Yggdrasill Armlet. This armor is much easier to transmute for, requiring less Divine Heart Wood and unlockable just a level below Craftsmanship 13.

This armlet boasts 6 materia slots, 2 pairs of which allow for linked materia.

Garm Bangle

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Garm BangleGarm Bangle DEF: 59 MDEF: 28
Materia Slots:
Description: A bangle purportedly made with a pelt of a fearsome fiend who commanded the packs of hell. Available for purchase in the Nibel region.

Buy at Nibelheim

The Garm Bangle can be bought for 6,500 gil during Chapter 11 at Nibelheim or through any accessible Vending Machine.

This is the armor with the highest defense stat you can purchase from the shop upon reaching the Nibel Region. It is best to use in preparation for enemies dealing lots of physical damage.

Varvados Braclet

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Varvados BraceletVarvados Bracelet DEF: 28 MDEF: 59
Materia Slots:
Description: A stout bracelet that once graced the thewy arm of the Dragon King himself. Available for purchase in the Nibel region.

Buy at Nibelheim

The Varvados Bracelet can be bought for 6,500 gil during Chapter 11 at Nibelheim or through any accessible Vending Machine.

This armlet gives the highest magic defense available to buy in the Nibel Region. It is best used during fights where you expect a lot of offensive spells (such as when fighting Adjudicators).

Best Endgame Armor

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Cetran Bracer

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Cetran BracerCetran Bracer DEF: 42 MDEF: 42
Materia Slots:
Description: A bracer that embodies the ethos of the Ancients and confers incredible benefits.

Obtained in Find the Black Materia

The Cetran Bracer is found at the Shrine of Ambition during Find the Black Materia in Chapter 13. It is located in a room where you fight a Floating Death.

Be sure to choose who to equip this armor to wisely, since there is only known 1 instance of this armor.

Equip to Aerith or AI-Controlled Members

The Cetran Bracer is highly versatile, possessing 8 materia slots that allows 4 pairings with linked materia. Aerith is a strongly suggested candidate for this piece due to the wide variety of spell-modifying materia such as Magnify and Elemental materia.

Alternatively, you can equip this to frontline members you are not actively using to fit in more slots for auto-ability materia like Auto-Cast.

Cetran Armlet

Cetran Armlet DEF: 33 MDEF: 33
Materia Slots:
◯-◯ ◯-◯ ◯-◯ ◯-◯
Description: An armlet that embodies the hopes and dreams of the Ancients and unlocks the full potential of materia.

Obtained in Temple of the Ancients

The Cetran Armlet can be found in a Treasure Chest at the Temple of the Ancients's Corridor of Respite in Chapter 13.

You may have to deal with 3 Blight Frogs and a swarm of Berserker Bees first before you can safely obtain this armor. Just liket the Cetran Bracer, there is only 1 instance of this armor, so choose carefully on who to equip it to.

Slightly Lower Stats than Cetran Bracer

The Cetran Armlet has the same amount of materia slots (8) as the Cetran Bracer which just lower overall stats. This still ranks high above several other armor available in the game at this point.

Feel free to equip to your second best party member or any which you feel will benefit the most from the large amount of materia slots available.

Hades Armlet

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Hades ArmletHades Armlet DEF: 32 MDEF: 32
Materia Slots:
Description: A terrible armlet created by a conjurer at the behest of a conqueror who sought triump over death itself.

Obtained at a Mako Research Facility

This Hades Armlet is found at the Material Storage room in the Mako Research Facilty under the Shinra Mansion. This area is explored during the main events of Chapter 11.

When exploring the facility, you will mostly be controlling Cait Sith and his Moogle to solve puzzles via box-throwing and travelling through ventilation shafts.

Easiest to Obtain Before Cetran Armor

Before obtaining the Cetran Armlet and Cetran Bracer, the Hades Armlet is the best and easiest to obtain. This has a total of 7 materia slots with 3 pairs available for linked materia.

This armlet has balanced defense and magic defense stats, good for any member who needs to utilize a lot of materia slots while having sufficient protection.

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