Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Get Withered Kapiba Branch and Uses

Withered Kapiba Branch is a type of Collectible you can find in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Continue reading to learn about the value and uses for Withered Kapiba Branch, as well as its location in Aionios!

Withered Kapiba Branch Basic Info

Withered Kapiba Branch
Value 50G

Withered Kapiba Branch Location and How to Get

Dropped by These Monsters

Unique Monsters

Unique Monster Map Location

Craven Piggard (Lv. 38)

Keves Castle Region
Syra Hovering Reefs, Hovering Reef 3

All Unique Monster Locations

Normal Monsters

Monster Region and Location
Pipilico KapibaPipilico Kapiba Fornis Region
Ribbi Flats
Tonic Waters
Meroko KapibaMeroko Kapiba Keves Castle Region
Syra Hovering Cliffs
Hovering Reef 3
Rhoden KapibaRhoden Kapiba Swordmarch Region
Great Sword's Hilt
Can be found near the "Material Storage Warehouse"

How to Use Withered Kapiba Branch

Used in Gem Crafting

Gem Name Required Materials
Lifesaving Expertise VLifesaving Expertise V Kevesi Soldier's Armor(Rare) x2
Equites Loading Core(Rare) x2
Withered Kapiba Branch(Rare) x2
Thermal Parts(Common) x1
Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Empowered Combo VIIIEmpowered Combo VIII Scorpox Exoskeleton(Common) x15
Bezoarite(Rare) x10
Ether Cylinderx3
Marrin Bone(Common) x15
Ultra Pure Gemstonex2
Withered Kapiba Branch(Legendary) x15
Sagittarius Frame(Legendary) x15
Analyze Weakness IIIAnalyze Weakness III Gemstonex1
Igna Weapon(Rare) x1
Withered Kapiba Branch(Common) x1
Gromrice(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Pale Skeeter Wing(Common) x1

Used For Cooking

We are currently gathering more information regarding this item.

Used In Quests

We are currently gathering more information regarding this item.

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