Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Get Aspar Secretion and Uses

Aspar Secretion is a type of Collectible you can find in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Continue reading to learn about the value and uses for Aspar Secretion, as well as its location in Aionios!

Aspar Secretion Basic Info

Aspar Secretion
Value 50G

Aspar Secretion Location and How to Get

Dropped by These Monsters

Unique Monsters

Unique Monster Map Location

Hazardous Jarrahed (Lv. 16)

Fornis Region
Eagus Wilderness, Racine's Platter

Jealous Mizraile (Lv. 72)

Cadensia Region
Erythia Sea, Lavi Sandbar

All Unique Monster Locations

Normal Monsters

Monster Region and Location
Rattle AsparRattle Aspar Fornis Region

Near the Colony 4 Barracks
Foala AsparFoala Aspar Cadensia Region
Erythia Sea
Near the Landmark: Rujah Headwaters
Hugya AsparHugya Aspar Cadensia Region
Erythia Sea
Near the Landmark: Third Pillar Remnant
Menass AsparMenass Aspar Pentelas Region
High Mnaktha Wildwood
Near the Landmark: Sparkling Pool Camp
Brish AsparBrish Aspar Pentelas Region
Urayan Tunnels
Near the Landmark: Ore Stockpile
Boahad AsparBoahad Aspar Fornis Region
Elaice Highway
Found in the Landmarks: Slanne Wondersphere and Cadion Cliffside
Mabulk AsparMabulk Aspar Fornis Region
Rae-Bel Tableland
Near the Landmark: Old Kana Battlefield
Stark AsparStark Aspar Fornis Region
Eagus Wilderness
West of the Landmark: Zem's Crossway
Growsa AsparGrowsa Aspar Fornis Region
Dannagh Desert
Near the Landmark: Namba Mound Camp

How to Use Aspar Secretion

Used in Gem Crafting

Gem Name Required Materials
Soothing Breath IVSoothing Breath IV Pure Gemstonex1
Preserved Gogol Snack(Rare) x1
Flier Nectar Jelly(Rare) x1
Aspar Secretion(Common) x1
Million-Leaf Dill(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Lifesaving Expertise IVLifesaving Expertise IV Brog Energy Booster(Rare) x1
Aspar Secretion(Rare) x1
Round Amoney Tentacle(Common) x1
Sundialflower(Common) x1
Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx1
Swelling Scourge IISwelling Scourge II Gemstonex1
Aspar Secretion(Common) x1
Flier Nectar Jelly(Common) x1
Redrum Seed(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Refined Incantation XRefined Incantation X Droid Tube(Common) x30
Enpedia Headpiece(Legendary) x30
Merfrey Skull(Legendary) x30
Electrified Vvarga Skull(Rare) x30
Ultra Pure Gemstonex5
Aspar Secretion(Legendary) x30
Ether Cylinderx3
Refined Incantation IIRefined Incantation II Gemstonex1
Volffskin(Common) x1
Aspar Secretion(Common) x1
Ether Penguin Fossil(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1

Used For Cooking

We are currently gathering more information regarding this item.

Used In Quests

We are currently gathering more information regarding this item.

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