Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthrough Comments

Missables and Points of No ReturnComment

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    5 Lilsithh3d10 monthsReport

    I know of a semi missable that I didn’t see. After chapter 5 if you haven’t discussed Eunie’s side story I forgot the name of that discussion sry but then u can’t do her discussion because the city camp is gone but a way to fix that is 1: go to virid park in the city 2: face north and go up the left set of stairs 3: at the top of the stairs face north. U should see a canopy on the same level, go to it and u should unlock the city camp

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I’m replying to my own comment and didn’t read down to semi missable but then after I read more I realized that u had said colony 9 is temporarily inaccessible

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Spoiler warning but when u beat “where the heart is” u break/can break the flame clock for colony 9 idk I think u just break it and u unlock zeon and can access colony 9 after chapter 1

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