
Best Base Pals: Best Pals for Every Job

Palworld - List of Best Best Base Pals Top Banner
While not excelling in combat, some Pals can excel in completing jobs at your base in Palworld. Read on for to know which Pals make for the best workers in the beginning, middle, and late-game along with the Pals which are the best for each job and Work Suitability.

The Best Pals Overall
Combat Pals
Tier List
Base Pals
Tier List
All Mounts
Tier List
Ground Mounts
Tier List
Flying Mounts
Tier List
Water Mounts
Tier List
Best Glider Pals Tier List

Base Management Update Released

Use Monitoring Stand

Base Management Update

After the update, you can now assign specific tasks for your base Pals with the Monitoring Stand. This is useful if you want some of your Pals to avoid other tasks they can do based on their Work Suitability, and let them focus on a single task.

New Base Pal Management Update

Best Worker Pals for Bases

Work Suitabilities Guides
Work Suitabilities Explained All Pals by Work Suitability Best Pals for Every Job
List of Pals for Each Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Best Base Pals from the Feybreak Update

Tier Pals
SS Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - BastigorPalworld - Tier List Icon - Faleris Aqua
S Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - SplatterinaPalworld - Tier List Icon - AzurmanePalworld - Tier List Icon - Prunelia
A Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - CelesdirPalworld - Tier List Icon - TarantrissPalworld - Tier List Icon - NyafiaPalworld - Tier List Icon - Cryolinx TerraPalworld - Tier List Icon - Warsect Terra
B Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - NitemaryPalworld - Tier List Icon - SilvegisPalworld - Tier List Icon - Dazzi NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - Fenglope LuxPalworld - Tier List Icon - Loupmoon CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Ribbuny Botan
C Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - XenolordPalworld - Tier List Icon - StarryonPalworld - Tier List Icon - SmokiePalworld - Tier List Icon - OmasculPalworld - Tier List Icon - GildanePalworld - Tier List Icon - Foxparks CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Caprity NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - Kitsun Noct

These are our initial rankings for the latest Pals in the Feybreak Update. Note that this is based on our initial impressions, and rankings can change depending on any updates to the release patch and future findings during testing.

List of All New Pals

Best Base Pals from the Sakurajima Update

Tier Pals
SS Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - KnocklemPalworld - Tier List Icon - Helzephyr LuxPalworld - Tier List Icon - Blazamut Ryu
S Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - SelynePalworld - Tier List Icon - LulluPalworld - Tier List Icon - ShroomerPalworld - Tier List Icon - Shroomer NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - Sootseer
A Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - PrixterPalworld - Tier List Icon - DogenPalworld - Tier List Icon - XenogardPalworld - Tier List Icon - Bushi NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - Katress Ignis
B Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - Quivern BotanPalworld - Tier List Icon - XenovaderPalworld - Tier List Icon - Wixen NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - Gorirat TerraPalworld - Tier List Icon - Menasting Terra
C Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - CroajiroPalworld - Tier List Icon - KikitPalworld - Tier List Icon - DazemuPalworld - Tier List Icon - YakumoPalworld - Tier List Icon - MimogPalworld - Tier List Icon - Chillet Ignis

These are our initial rankings for the latest Pals in the Summer Update. Note that this is based on our initial impressions, and rankings can change depending on any updates to the release patch and future findings during testing.

List of All New Pals (Sakurajima Update)

Best Base Pals for Late Game Bases

Best Base Pals per Progression Level
Early Game Mid Game Late Game
Tier Pals
SS Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - AnubisPalworld - Tier List Icon - HelzephyrPalworld - Tier List Icon - OrserkPalworld - Tier List Icon - Faleris
S Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - LyleenPalworld - Tier List Icon - FrostallionPalworld - Tier List Icon - VaeletPalworld - Tier List Icon - Jormuntide IgnisPalworld - Tier List Icon - JormuntidePalworld - Tier List Icon - AstegonPalworld - Tier List Icon - Blazamut
A Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - QuivernPalworld - Tier List Icon - LunarisPalworld - Tier List Icon - GrizzboltPalworld - Tier List Icon - BeakonPalworld - Tier List Icon - Suzaku AquaPalworld - Tier List Icon - Bellanoir LiberoPalworld - Tier List Icon - BellanoirPalworld - Tier List Icon - RagnahawkPalworld - Tier List Icon - Frostallion NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - BushiPalworld - Tier List Icon - SuzakuPalworld - Tier List Icon - Reptyro CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Wumpo BotanPalworld - Tier List Icon - WumpoPalworld - Tier List Icon - ReptyroPalworld - Tier List Icon - Jetragon
B Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - SibelyxPalworld - Tier List Icon - Mau CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Lyleen NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - PetalliaPalworld - Tier List Icon - FelbatPalworld - Tier List Icon - Mossanda LuxPalworld - Tier List Icon - Robinquill TerraPalworld - Tier List Icon - WarsectPalworld - Tier List Icon - Blazehowl NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - BlazehowlPalworld - Tier List Icon - Elphidran AquaPalworld - Tier List Icon - MenastingPalworld - Tier List Icon - MammorestPalworld - Tier List Icon - Mammorest CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - PaladiusPalworld - Tier List Icon - NecromusPalworld - Tier List Icon - Broncherry AquaPalworld - Tier List Icon - CryolinxPalworld - Tier List Icon - IncineramPalworld - Tier List Icon - Kingpaca CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Relaxaurus LuxPalworld - Tier List Icon - Incineram Noct
C Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - PyrinPalworld - Tier List Icon - Pyrin NoctPalworld - Tier List Icon - MaraithPalworld - Tier List Icon - DazziPalworld - Tier List Icon - Surfent TerraPalworld - Tier List Icon - ShadowbeakPalworld - Tier List Icon - Dinossom LuxPalworld - Tier List Icon - RayhoundPalworld - Tier List Icon - ElphidranPalworld - Tier List Icon - Fenglope

Recommended Work Suitabilities

Work Suitabilities
Palworld - TransportingPalworld - KindlingPalworld - HandiworkPalworld - Generating Electricity
Palworld - WateringPalworld - MiningPalworld - Medicine ProductionPalworld - Lumbering
Palworld - PlantingPalworld - GatheringPalworld - FarmingPalworld - Cooling
Levels Lv. 3 ~ 4

It's Late Game and you need all the best items you need to get those Legendary Pals and topple the Towers! Focus on automating and getting Refined Ingots to get the best Gear, Structure, and Items available in the game!

Best Base Pals to Work for Refined Ingots and Upgraded Gear

Best Base Pals for End Game Bases
Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Weapon Jormuntide Ignis
Palworld - Kindling
Palworld - Blazamut Weapon Blazamut
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Mining
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Weapon Blazamut Ryu
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Mining
Palworld - Faleris Weapon Faleris
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Digtoise Weapon Digtoise
Palworld - Mining
Palworld - Anubis Weapon Anubis
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Verdash Weapon Verdash
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Ribbuny Weapon Ribbuny
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Transporting

These Pals are the best to employ in Bases that Focus on making Materials for the endgame like Refined Ingots. Pals with High Handiwork Levels should also focus more on working on Assembly Lines to get a huge stockpile going!

Ribbuny specifically is great for making Weapons and Ammo since its Partner Skill gives it increased Work Speed at a Weapon Assembly Line.

Best Base Pals to Get Down the Line: Highest Work Suitability Level Pals

List of Pals with a Lv. 4 Work Suitability
Palworld- FrostallionFrostallion Palworld- OrserkOrserk Palworld- LyleenLyleen
Palworld- Jormuntide IgnisJormuntide Ignis Palworld- JormuntideJormuntide Palworld- AnubisAnubis
Palworld- AstegonAstegon Palworld- BlazamutBlazamut Palworld- Wumpo BotanWumpo Botan
Palworld- WumpoWumpo Palworld- Frostallion NoctFrostallion Noct Palworld- BellanoirBellanoir
Palworld- Bellanoir LiberoBellanoir Libero Palworld- SelyneSelyne Palworld- KnocklemKnocklem
Palworld- Blazamut RyuBlazamut Ryu Palworld- CelesdirCelesdir Palworld- SplatterinaSplatterina
Palworld- AzurmaneAzurmane Palworld- BastigorBastigor Palworld- Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua

These Pals are the best to employ in your Bases since they have the highest possible Work Suitability, which is Lv. 4. Note that when these Pals are upgraded to 4-Stars at a Pal Essence Condenser, their Lv. 4 Work Suitabilities will rank up to Lv. 5.

One more thing to note is that some Work Suitabilities don't have a Pal with Lv. 4 in that field, so you will have to go one with Lv. 3 instead.

How to Get a Level 5 Work Suitability Pal

Have a Pal Focused on Making Medicine

Best Base Pals for Making Medicine
Palworld - Felbat Weapon Felbat
Palworld - Medicine Production
Palworld - Lyleen Weapon Lyleen
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Planting
Palworld - Bellanoir Weapon Bellanoir
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Lovander Weapon Lovander
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Weapon Bellanoir Libero
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Splatterina Weapon Splatterina
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Prunelia Weapon Prunelia
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting

Due to the difficulty ramping up once you reach the endgame, you might need to start making medicine to keep your Pals at peak fighting condition! Make sure you have one of these Pals on standby in your base in case you need to quickly craft Medicine.

List of Best Pals for Medicine Production

Optional Pals

Optional Pals for Working Ending Game
Palworld - Ribbuny Weapon Ribbuny
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Mau Weapon Mau
Palworld - Farming
Palworld - Sibelyx Weapon Sibelyx
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Cooling
Palworld - NPCs Weapon NPCs
Palworld - Handiwork

These Pals aren't necessarily the best at producing materials at a high rate, but they have certain niches that they can work in, especially in end game scenarios. Mau and Sibelyx are to be put inside a Farm in order to get Gold and High Quality Cloth respectively.

Ribbuny is special as it is the only Pal that can produce Weapons like Ammo, Arrows, and other similar items faster, making it the best worker for just stockpiling ammo.

Lastly, while they're not the best workers, you can put NPCs like the Merchants and Black Market Vendors into Assembly Lines to let them be productive when they're not selling you items. Totally humane and not illegal!

Best Base Pals for Mid-Game Bases

Best Base Pals per Progression Level
Early Game Mid Game Late Game
Tier Pals
SS Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - Verdash
S Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - RobinquillPalworld - Tier List Icon - Vanwyrm CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Vanwyrm
A Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - Penking
B Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - FlambellePalworld - Tier List Icon - BeegardePalworld - Tier List Icon - WoolipopPalworld - Tier List Icon - MozzarinaPalworld - Tier List Icon - DigtoisePalworld - Tier List Icon - MossandaPalworld - Tier List Icon - KatressPalworld - Tier List Icon - AzurobePalworld - Tier List Icon - SweepaPalworld - Tier List Icon - DumudPalworld - Tier List Icon - LovanderPalworld - Tier List Icon - ElizabeePalworld - Tier List Icon - Hangyu CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - Bristla
C Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - UnivoltPalworld - Tier List Icon - ArsoxPalworld - Tier List Icon - CinnamothPalworld - Tier List Icon - HangyuPalworld - Tier List Icon - LeezpunkPalworld - Tier List Icon - Leezpunk IgnisPalworld - Tier List Icon - SweePalworld - Tier List Icon - ChilletPalworld - Tier List Icon - TocotocoPalworld - Tier List Icon - CawgnitoPalworld - Tier List Icon - Kelpsea IgnisPalworld - Tier List Icon - KingpacaPalworld - Tier List Icon - FlopiePalworld - Tier List Icon - DinossomPalworld - Tier List Icon - ReindrixPalworld - Tier List Icon - GoriratPalworld - Tier List Icon - BroncherryPalworld - Tier List Icon - KitsunPalworld - Tier List Icon - RelaxaurusPalworld - Tier List Icon - LoupmoonPalworld - Tier List Icon - Eikthyrdeer TerraPalworld - Tier List Icon - GaleclawPalworld - Tier List Icon - GrintalePalworld - Tier List Icon - NitewingPalworld - Tier List Icon - FoxciclePalworld - Tier List Icon - GobfinPalworld - Tier List Icon - Gobfin Ignis

These rankings also apply for the late game

Recommended Work Suitabilities

Work Suitabilities
Palworld - TransportingPalworld - MiningPalworld - KindlingPalworld - Handiwork
Palworld - WateringPalworld - PlantingPalworld - LumberingPalworld - Generating ElectricityPalworld - Farming
Levels Lv. 2 ~ 3

At Mid Game, Ore Farming is necessary if you want to get stronger items and Pal Spheres! Prioritize Pals with Kindling and Mining at Lv. 2 so you can mine and refine Ore into Ingots to improve your base.

Best Base Pals to Get for Upgrading Your Base

Best Base Pals to Grind Ingots
Palworld - Arsox Weapon Arsox
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Lumbering
Palworld - Bushi Weapon Bushi
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Dumud Weapon Dumud
Palworld - Watering Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Penking Weapon Penking
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Watering Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting Palworld - Cooling

In order to get Ingots to improve your Gear, Base, and Items, you're gonna need Ore. The best location for this is near the Desolate Church Area, so make sure to set up your other base there.

Refining Ingots with Lv. 1 Kindling Pals is not efficient though, so try to get Pals like Arsox and Bushi to speed up the process. Along with this, Pals with Mining Lv. 1 cannot break Ores, so try to find Dumud and Penking in order to mine Ores.

Best Base Pals to Get Down the Line

Best Base Pals for Working Mid Game
Palworld - Beegarde Weapon Beegarde
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Elizabee Weapon Elizabee
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting
Palworld - Gorirat Weapon Gorirat
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Mammorest Weapon Mammorest
Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Mining Palworld - Planting
Palworld - Lovander Weapon Lovander
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Univolt Weapon Univolt
Palworld - Generating Electricity Palworld - Lumbering
Palworld - Robinquill Weapon Robinquill
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Mossanda Lux Weapon Mossanda Lux
Palworld - Generating Electricity Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Transporting

Once you get Ingots and get your base an upgrade, focus on getting Pals with improved Work Suitabilities rated Lv. 2 or higher as Lv. 1 will just be a slog to work with. Beegarde and Elizabee are amazing Pals as they have the most Work Suitabilities out of any Pal.

If you keep working on it, you can get access to Energy Generators which will help immensely in Production so start looking around for Pals with Generating Electricity as one of their Work Suitabilities.

Optional Pals

Optional Pals for Working Mid Game
Palworld - Mossanda Weapon Mossanda
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Wixen Weapon Wixen
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Azurobe Weapon Azurobe
Palworld - Watering
Palworld - Digtoise Weapon Digtoise
Palworld - Mining

Once you start progressing near the late game, you will find some Pals won't cut it or they are a bit too scattered and some tasks are left unfinished. You can start replacing these Pals with ones that either have only one Work Suitability like Azurobe and Digtoise.

Alternatively, you can throw a Lv. 3 Pal into the Structure you fish for them to focus all their attention on like Mossanda and Wixen.

Cake Farm Pals

Farm Pals for Cake Ingredients
Palworld - Mozzarina Weapon Mozzarina
Palworld - Farming
Palworld - Chikipi Weapon Chikipi
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Gathering
Palworld - Beegarde Weapon Beegarde
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Caprity Weapon Caprity
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Planting

You gotta cook by the book if you want Cake! While focusing on your Ore Mining Base, you can convert your older base into focusing on making ingredients to bake a Cake. While slow to make, it is absolutely necessary if you want to start Breeding Pals! Note that you also need a Wheat Farm and a Grinder to get Flour.
Breeding Guide: How to Breed for Fusion Pals and Breeding Mechanics

Best Base Pals for Early Game Bases

Best Base Pals per Progression Level
Early Game Mid Game Late Game
Tier Pals
B Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - MelpacaPalworld - Tier List Icon - CaprityPalworld - Tier List Icon - MauPalworld - Tier List Icon - CremisPalworld - Tier List Icon - VixyPalworld - Tier List Icon - ChikipiPalworld - Tier List Icon - RibbunyPalworld - Tier List Icon - WixenPalworld - Tier List Icon - Tombat
C Tier
Palworld - Tier List Icon - TanzeePalworld - Tier List Icon - LifmunkPalworld - Tier List Icon - KillamariPalworld - Tier List Icon - CattivaPalworld - Tier List Icon - FuackPalworld - Tier List Icon - SparkitPalworld - Tier List Icon - PengulletPalworld - Tier List Icon - DepressoPalworld - Tier List Icon - DaedreamPalworld - Tier List Icon - FuddlerPalworld - Tier List Icon - CelarayPalworld - Tier List Icon - FoxparksPalworld - Tier List Icon - RoobyPalworld - Tier List Icon - JolthogPalworld - Tier List Icon - Jolthog CrystPalworld - Tier List Icon - GumossPalworld - Tier List Icon - HoocratesPalworld - Tier List Icon - TeafantPalworld - Tier List Icon - RushoarPalworld - Tier List Icon - NoxPalworld - Tier List Icon - DirehowlPalworld - Tier List Icon - KelpseaPalworld - Tier List Icon - LamballPalworld - Tier List Icon - SurfentPalworld - Tier List Icon - Eikthyrdeer

These rankings also apply for the mid to late game

Recommended Work Suitabilities

Work Suitabilities
Palworld - TransportingPalworld - Handiwork
Palworld - WateringPalworld - PlantingPalworld - MiningPalworld - LumberingPalworld - KindlingPalworld - Farming
Levels Lv. 1 ~ 2

These are the Work Suitabilities you should be looking for in Pals if you're looking for maximum efficiency in the early game. Prioritize Handiwork and Gathering as these will help you get started on a fully automatic base.

Best Base Pals to Get for Starting Your Base

Best Base Pals to Start Your Base
Palworld - Cattiva Weapon Cattiva
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Lifmunk Weapon Lifmunk
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Medicine Production Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting
Palworld - Pengullet Weapon Pengullet
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Watering Palworld - Transporting Palworld - Cooling
Palworld - Tanzee Weapon Tanzee
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Lumbering Palworld - Planting Palworld - Transporting

When you start off your base, try to get Pals with Handiwork as their Work Suitability to get the ball rolling in building more Pal Spheres and raise that Base and Technology levels. These Pals will transition well once you get the Stone Pit and Logging Site structures.

Best Base Pals to Get Down the Line

Best Base Pals for Working Early Game
Palworld - Chikipi Weapon Chikipi
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Gathering
Palworld - Depresso Weapon Depresso
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Fuddler Weapon Fuddler
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Lamball Weapon Lamball
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Vixy Weapon Vixy
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Gathering
Palworld - Caprity Weapon Caprity
Palworld - Farming Palworld - Planting
Palworld - Foxparks Weapon Foxparks
Palworld - Kindling
Palworld - Fuack Weapon Fuack
Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Watering Palworld - Transporting

Once you get your spots set up, you can start by placing a Storage Box in between your Stone Pit and Logging Site. This will lessen the distance between your farms and storage so that your Transport Pals can get back to the grind.

Caprity, Chikipi, and Vixy are amazing Pals to leave in your farm so you can get food and items passively while your Berry Farm is getting started.

After your Berry Farm has produced a good amount of Berries, you can cook these with Foxparks so they will last longer in your Feed Box.

Optional Pals

Optional Pals for Working Early Game
Palworld - Flambelle Weapon Flambelle
Palworld - Kindling Palworld - Farming Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Tombat Weapon Tombat
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Mining Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Daedream Weapon Daedream
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Transporting
Palworld - Leezpunk Weapon Leezpunk
Palworld - Gathering Palworld - Handiwork Palworld - Transporting

These Pals are amazing Pals to have around but are more difficult to obtain due to their rarity or distance from the starting areas.

Tombat and Daedream can only be found at night so make sure you have some clothes before venturing at night. Tombat is great as it's the earliest Pal you can obtain with Lv. 2 Work Suitabilities and is nocturnal so you can make it work 24/7!

Flambelle especially is also a good catch as it is better than Foxparks in efficiency, so if you see any Scorching Eggs while walking around, be sure to pick it up as it might just hatch into this worker.

Best Pals for Every Job

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond Icon.pngKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond Icon.pngWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond Icon.pngPlanting
Palworld - Handiwork Diamond Icon.pngHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond Icon.pngGathering Palworld - Cooling Diamond Icon.pngCooling
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond Icon.pngLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond Icon.pngMining Palworld - Transporting Diamond Icon.pngTransporting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond Icon.pngGenerating Electricity Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond Icon.pngMedicine Production Palworld - Farming Diamond Icon.pngFarming

Click on the Icon to jump to the specific list!

Work Suitability at Rank SS is at a Lv. 4 or 3 going down to the lowest Rank at a Lv.1. The Higher the level of the Work Suitability, the faster they are at completing tasks of that Work Suitability.

Best Base Pals for Kindling

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Kindling Top Banner.png

Kindling Work Suitability Tier List

Kindling Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis
Palworld - Ragnahawk Palworld - Blazehowl Noct Palworld - Blazehowl Palworld - Reptyro Palworld - Blazamut Palworld - Suzaku Palworld - Faleris Palworld - Sootseer
Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Palworld - Arsox Palworld - Chillet Ignis Palworld - Pyrin Noct Palworld - Pyrin Palworld - Kitsun Palworld - Kitsun Noct Palworld - Bushi Palworld - Bushi Noct Palworld - Katress Ignis Palworld - Wixen Palworld - Wixen Noct
Palworld - Foxparks Palworld - Rooby Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Palworld - Flambelle Palworld - Vanwyrm Palworld - Kelpsea Ignis

List of Best Base Pals for Kindling

Best Base Pals for Watering

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Watering Top Banner

Watering Work Suitability Tier List

Watering Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Jormuntide Palworld - Faleris Aqua
Palworld - Elphidran Aqua Palworld - Azurobe Palworld - Broncherry Aqua Palworld - Suzaku Aqua
Palworld - Penking Palworld - Gobfin Palworld - Surfent Palworld - Relaxaurus
Palworld - Fuack Palworld - Pengullet Palworld - Teafant Palworld - Celaray Palworld - Dumud Palworld - Kelpsea Palworld - Croajiro

List of Best Base Pals for Watering

Best Base Pals for Planting

Palworld - List of Best Planting Pals Top Banner

Planting Work Suitability Tier List

Planting Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Lyleen
Palworld - Broncherry Palworld - Petallia Palworld - Prunelia
Palworld - Mossanda Palworld - Caprity Palworld - Caprity Noct Palworld - Cinnamoth Palworld - Elizabee Palworld - Dinossom Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Vaelet Palworld - Mammorest Palworld - Quivern Botan Palworld - Lullu Palworld - Shroomer Palworld - Shroomer Noct
Palworld - Lifmunk Palworld - Tanzee Palworld - Gumoss Palworld - Bristla Palworld - Ribbuny Botan Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Wumpo Botan Palworld - Warsect

List of Best Base Pals for Planting

Best Base Pals for Handiwork

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Handiwork Top Banner

Handiwork Work Suitability Tier List

Handiwork Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Anubis Palworld - Selyne Palworld - Splatterina
Palworld - Lunaris Palworld - Wixen Palworld - Wixen Noct Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Lyleen Noct Palworld - Lyleen Palworld - Dogen Palworld - Nitemary Palworld - Nyafia
Palworld - Penking Palworld - Mossanda Lux Palworld - Mossanda Palworld - Incineram Noct Palworld - Incineram Palworld - Loupmoon Palworld - Loupmoon Cryst Palworld - Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Elizabee Palworld - Lovander Palworld - Katress Palworld - Katress Ignis Palworld - Petallia Palworld - Wumpo Botan Palworld - Wumpo Palworld - Grizzbolt Palworld - Orserk Palworld - Bellanoir Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Palworld - Lullu Palworld - Sootseer Palworld - Tarantriss
Palworld - NPCs Palworld - Lifmunk Palworld - Fuack Palworld - Sparkit Palworld - Tanzee Palworld - Pengullet Palworld - Daedream Palworld - Fuddler Palworld - Bristla Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Palworld - Gobfin Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Palworld - Hangyu Palworld - Ribbuny Palworld - Ribbuny Botan Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Palworld - Leezpunk Palworld - Gorirat Palworld - Gorirat Terra Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Dazzi Noct Palworld - Flambelle Palworld - Bushi Palworld - Cryolinx Palworld - Cryolinx Terra Palworld - Warsect Palworld - Warsect Terra Palworld - Quivern Palworld - Quivern Botan Palworld - Astegon Palworld - Croajiro Palworld - Shroomer Palworld - Shroomer Noct Palworld - Prunelia

List of Best Base Pals for Handiwork

Best Base Pals for Gathering

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Gathering Top Banner

Gathering Work Suitability Tier List

Gathering Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Frostallion Noct
Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Jetragon Palworld - Knocklem
Palworld - Nitewing Palworld - Galeclaw Palworld - Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Elizabee Palworld - Grintale Palworld - Sweepa Palworld - Maraith Palworld - Tombat Palworld - Vaelet Palworld - Petallia Palworld - Quivern Palworld - Quivern Botan Palworld - Lyleen Noct Palworld - Lyleen Palworld - Shroomer Noct Palworld - Yakumo Palworld - Dogen Palworld - Dazemu Palworld - Starryon Palworld - Smokie Palworld - Tarantriss Palworld - Prunelia Palworld - Nyafia Palworld - Gildane
Palworld - Cattiva Palworld - Chikipi Palworld - Lifmunk Palworld - Tanzee Palworld - Vixy Palworld - Hoocrates Palworld - Cremis Palworld - Daedream Palworld - Nox Palworld - Killamari Palworld - Direhowl Palworld - Tocotoco Palworld - Flopie Palworld - Bristla Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Palworld - Hangyu Palworld - Ribbuny Palworld - Ribbuny Botan Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Palworld - Leezpunk Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Swee Palworld - Chillet Palworld - Chillet Ignis Palworld - Lunaris Palworld - Surfent Terra Palworld - Bushi Palworld - Bushi Noct Palworld - Beakon Palworld - Kingpaca Cryst Palworld - Kingpaca Palworld - Shadowbeak Palworld - Croajiro Palworld - Lullu Palworld - Shroomer Palworld - Sootseer Palworld - Prixter Palworld - Mimog Palworld - Xenolord Palworld - Celesdir Palworld - Omascul Palworld - Azurmane

List of Best Base Pals for Gathering

Best Base Pals for Cooling

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Cooling Top Banner

Cooling Work Suitability Tier List

Cooling Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Frostallion Palworld - Bastigor
Palworld - Loupmoon Cryst Palworld - Cryolinx Palworld - Reptyro Cryst Palworld - Kingpaca Cryst
Palworld - Penking Palworld - Sweepa Palworld - Foxcicle Palworld - Reindrix Palworld - Vanwyrm Cryst Palworld - Sibelyx Palworld - Mammorest Cryst Palworld - Wumpo
Palworld - Foxparks Cryst Palworld - Pengullet Palworld - Jolthog Cryst Palworld - Mau Cryst Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Palworld - Swee Palworld - Chillet

List of Best Base Pals for Cooling

Best Base Pals for Lumbering

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Lumbering Top Banner

Lumbering Work Suitability Tier List

Lumbering Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Bushi Palworld - Bushi Noct Palworld - Wumpo Botan Palworld - Wumpo Palworld - Warsect Palworld - Prixter Palworld - Silvegis Palworld - Bastigor
Palworld - Mossanda Lux Palworld - Mossanda Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Terra Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Palworld - Gorirat Palworld - Reindrix Palworld - Dinossom Lux Palworld - Dinossom Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Elphidran Palworld - Elphidran Aqua Palworld - Cryolinx Palworld - Cryolinx Terra Palworld - Blazehowl Noct Palworld - Blazehowl Palworld - Mammorest Cryst Palworld - Mammorest Palworld - Fenglope Palworld - Fenglope Lux Palworld - Menasting Palworld - Menasting Terra Palworld - Grizzbolt Palworld - Paladius Palworld - Necromus Palworld - Shroomer Palworld - Shroomer Noct Palworld - Dogen Palworld - Xenovader Palworld - Nyafia
Palworld - Lifmunk Palworld - Tanzee Palworld - Arsox Palworld - Cawgnito Palworld - Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Elizabee Palworld - Univolt Palworld - Pyrin Noct Palworld - Pyrin Palworld - Splatterina

List of Best Base Pals for Lumbering

Best Base Pals for Mining

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Mining Top Banner

Mining Work Suitability Tier List

Mining Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Blazamut Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Astegon Palworld - Knocklem
Palworld - Digtoise Palworld - Cryolinx Terra Palworld - Reptyro Cryst Palworld - Reptyro Palworld - Warsect Terra Palworld - Menasting Palworld - Menasting Terra Palworld - Anubis Palworld - Xenogard Palworld - Bastigor
Palworld - Penking Palworld - Dumud Palworld - Gorirat Terra Palworld - Tombat Palworld - Mammorest Cryst Palworld - Mammorest Palworld - Quivern Palworld - Quivern Botan Palworld - Paladius Palworld - Necromus Palworld - Sootseer
Palworld - Cattiva Palworld - Depresso Palworld - Rushoar Palworld - Fuddler Palworld - Incineram Noct Palworld - Incineram Palworld - Maraith Palworld - Lovander Palworld - Kikit

List of Best Base Pals for Mining

Best Base Pals for Transporting

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Transporting Top Banner

Transporting Work Suitability Tier List

Transporting Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Wumpo Botan Palworld - Wumpo Palworld - Knocklem
Palworld - Mossanda Lux Palworld - Mossanda Palworld - Gorirat Palworld - Gorirat Terra Palworld - Vanwyrm Cryst Palworld - Vanwyrm Palworld - Beakon Palworld - Ragnahawk Palworld - Cryolinx Palworld - Cryolinx Terra Palworld - Warsect Palworld - Warsect Terra Palworld - Quivern Palworld - Quivern Botan Palworld - Helzephyr Palworld - Helzephyr Lux Palworld - Grizzbolt Palworld - Faleris Palworld - Faleris Aqua Palworld - Orserk
Palworld - Penking Palworld - Killamari Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Palworld - Hangyu Palworld - Incineram Noct Palworld - Incineram Palworld - Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Tombat Palworld - Lovander Palworld - Bushi Palworld - Bushi Noct Palworld - Katress Palworld - Katress Ignis Palworld - Wixen Palworld - Wixen Noct Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Anubis Palworld - Bellanoir Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Palworld - Dogen Palworld - Xenovader Palworld - Nitemary Palworld - Splatterina Palworld - Tarantriss Palworld - Nyafia
Palworld - Lamball Palworld - Cattiva Palworld - Fuack Palworld - Sparkit Palworld - Tanzee Palworld - Pengullet Palworld - Depresso Palworld - Daedream Palworld - Fuddler Palworld - Celaray Palworld - Flopie Palworld - Bristla Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Palworld - Gobfin Palworld - Ribbuny Palworld - Ribbuny Botan Palworld - Dumud Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Palworld - Leezpunk Palworld - Dazzi Palworld - Dazzi Noct Palworld - Lunaris Palworld - Flambelle Palworld - Vaelet Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Palworld - Relaxaurus Palworld - Petallia Palworld - Croajiro Palworld - Prunelia

List of Best Base Pals for Transporting

Best Base Pals for Generating Electricity

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Generating Electricity Top Banner

Generating Electricity Work Suitability Tier List

Generating Electricity Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Orserk Palworld - Azurmane
Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Palworld - Grizzbolt
Palworld - Mossanda Lux Palworld - Univolt Palworld - Rayhound Palworld - Dinossom Lux Palworld - Beakon Palworld - Fenglope Lux
Palworld - Sparkit Palworld - Jolthog Palworld - Dazzi Palworld - Dazzi Noct

List of Best Base Pals for Generating Electricity

Best Base Pals for Medicine Production

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Medicine Production Top Banner

Medicine Production Work Suitability Tier List

Medicine Production Tier List for Pals
Lv. Pal
Palworld - Vaelet Palworld - Felbat Palworld - Lyleen Noct Palworld - Lyleen Palworld - Selyne Palworld - Splatterina Palworld - Prunelia
Palworld - Bristla Palworld - Elizabee Palworld - Lovander Palworld - Katress Palworld - Katress Ignis Palworld - Sibelyx Palworld - Petallia Palworld - Lullu Palworld - Tarantriss
Palworld - Lifmunk Palworld - Flopie Palworld - Cinnamoth Palworld - Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Dazzi Noct Palworld - Prixter Palworld - Dogen

List of Best Base Pals for Medicine Production

Best Base Pals for Farming

Palworld - List of Best Base Pals for Farming Top Banner

Farming Work Suitability Pal List

List of Farming Pals
Palworld - Lamball Palworld - Chikipi Palworld - Vixy Palworld - Cremis Palworld - Mau Cryst Palworld - Mau Palworld - Mozzarina Palworld - Woolipop Palworld - Caprity Palworld - Caprity Noct Palworld - Melpaca Palworld - Beegarde Palworld - Flambelle Palworld - Sibelyx Palworld - Sootseer

This table above shows every Pal with Farming as their one or only Work Suitability.
List of Best Base Pals for Farming

Best All Around Worker Pals

Pals With Multiple High Level Work Suitabilities

List of Pals
Palworld- PenkingPenking Palworld- VerdashVerdash Palworld- VaeletVaelet
Palworld- PetalliaPetallia Palworld- WumpoWumpo Palworld- Wumpo BotanWumpo Botan
Palworld- QuivernQuivern Palworld- AnubisAnubis Palworld- GrizzboltGrizzbolt
Palworld- LyleenLyleen Palworld- Lyleen NoctLyleen Noct Palworld- OrserkOrserk

These Pals are overall generally good workers to have at your base due to them having multiple high-level Work Suitabilities that allow them to work multiple jobs.

Note that this is a general list of Pals meant for bases with multiple functions. Depending on what type of base you have, there may be better choices of Pals to use, especially if your base is tailored for a specific task.

Pal IV Stat Checker

Use Game8's IV Stat Calculator to Find Pals With Perfect Talent Values!

Palworld IV Stat Calculator - Game8

Use our Palworld IV Calculator to calculate the IVs of your Pals Attack, Defense and HP Stats in Palworld!

Our IV Checker will allow you to check the individual value of each of your Pal's Stats with both Passive Skills applied or just the base values to see which of your Pals are the strongest of their species!

Palworld IV Stat Calculator

Palworld Related Links

Palworld - Tier Lists Banner

Best Pals Tier List

Tier Lists by Role

Best Pals Tier Lists
Best Pals for Combat Best Base Pals Best Pals for Mounting

Pal Mount Speed Tier Lists

List of All Mount Pals Tier Lists
Palworld - Fastest Flying Pals Top Banner Flying Mounts Tier List Palworld - Fastest Ground Pals Top BannerGround Mounts Tier List
Palworld - Fastest Swimming Pals Top BannerSwimming Mounts Tier List Palworld - Best Glider Pals BannerGlider Pals Tier List

Work Suitability Tier Lists

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond Icon.pngKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond Icon.pngWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond Icon.pngPlanting
Palworld - Handiwork Diamond Icon.pngHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond Icon.pngGathering Palworld - Cooling Diamond Icon.pngCooling
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond Icon.pngLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond Icon.pngMining Palworld - Transporting Diamond Icon.pngTransporting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond Icon.pngGenerating Electricity Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond Icon.pngMedicine Production Palworld - Farming Diamond Icon.pngFarming


13 Anonymous24 days

In my opinion, Ribbunny and Ribbunny botan is definitely better than Verdash. Because not only Ribbunny and Ribbunny botan can increase work speed when working on any workbenche and assembly line, She is easy to handle. So instead of let the Verdash the SLOP work at base, just swap him with Ribbunny or Ribbunny botan! (is my opinion so you don't need to do it except you think Verdash is bad) This is all my opinion.

12 Anonymous24 days

In my opinion, Verdash is simply a SLOP. Because Verdash not only just annoying, and also he's hard to handle for me. This is my opinion.


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