
All Dungeon Locations

Palworld - Dungeon Locations

Dungeons are time-limited caves that offer great loot, rare pals, and an Alpha Pal encounter. See a list of dungeons and the pals and items found in them.

Related Guides
Palworld - Dungeon GuideDungeon Guide Palworld - Dungeon Locations All Dungeon Locations

All Dungeon Locations

Dungeons Interactive Map


Interactive Map Key

Fast Travel Dungeon Field Bosses Black Marketeer
Palworld - Fast Travel Pin Dungeon Boss Icon Black Marketeer Icon
Wandering Merchant Pal Merchant Lifmunk Effigy Tower Boss
Palworld - Wandering Merchant Palworld - Pal Merchant Palworld - Lifmunk Icon Palworld - Tower Boss
Best Base Location Skill Fruit Captured Pal Egg
Palworld - Best Base Location Palworld - Skill Fruit Icon Palworld - Captured Pal Icon Palworld - Egg Icon
Treasure Chest Journal Pal Spawns Slab Fragment
Palworld - Chest Icon Palworld - Journal Icon Palworld - Pal Icon Slab Fragment Icon
Predator Pal Anti-Air Turret Messenger of Love Bounty
Predator Pal Icon Anti Air Turret Icon Messenger of Love Icon Bounty Icon

Palworld Interactive Map

Feybreak Dungeon Locations

Dungeon Coordinates

Area Coordinates
Scorched Ashland -846,-955
Scorched Hill -1100,-825
-1084, -1005
-1001, -1032
-883, -1092
-1205, -1192
-1019, -1342
-1095, -1125
Deserted Ash Plateau -1301, -1152
Emberstone Hill -763, -1194
Loess Plains -970, -1471
-1060, -1471
Frozen Coral Hill -1042, -1329
-1142, -1468
-1226, -1568

All Dungeon Types

Dungeon Type Recommended Level
Hillside Cavern Lvl. 13
Isolated Island Cavern Lvl. 13
Ravine Grotto Lvl. 19
Mountain Stream Grotto Lvl. 29
Cavern of the Dunes Lvl. 35
Volcanic Cavern Lvl. 40
Sacred Mountain Cavern Lvl. 45
Feybreak Cavern Lvl. 58

Dungeon Guide

How to Unlock Dungeons

Palworld - Closed Off Dungeon

Players can unlock Dungeons by approaching and entering the cave entrances. Dungeons have a set level indicating their difficulty and reward tiers, so make sure your Pals and Equipment are optimal.

While Dungeons offer useful Accessories, Schematics, Materials, and Pals, Dungeons are time-limited, and are only open for a set amount of time. If a Dungeon is closed when you try to enter, try to come back later.

When Do Dungeons Respawn?

Palworld - Unlock Dungeon

Unlike most other things in the game that respawn based on the in-game day-night cycle, dungeons respawn based on how many other dungeons have closed off.

Since dungeons last for 299 minutes or 5 hours once they open, it would take a maximum of 3 hours for enough dungeons to close and cause one to respawn. Therefore, it is recommended to go to around 20 dungeons and complete them so that you aren't waiting for them to manually close off.

Note: These estimates can vary from player to player depending on their current respawn cycles and in-game day/night time speed settings.

Dungeon Farming Routes

Dungeon Farming Routes

Lv.45 Late Game Dungeons

Lv. 38 Mid to Late Game Dungeons

If you are planning on farming multiple dungeons, it is recommended to have a farming route so that you can create a cycle of constantly closing off dungeons and respawning the ones that you have finished earlier.

Do note that these recommended farming routes do not have the 20 dungeon estimate needed to respawn the first dungeon that you finish, so it is ideal to combine multiple routes to create a constant cycle of completing and respawning dungeons.

All Chest Locations and Best Farming Routes

List of Pals Found in Dungeons

Dungeon Pal Jump List
Hillside Cavern Isolated Island Cavern Ravine Grotto Mountain Stream Grotto
Cavern of the Dunes Volcanic Cavern Sacred Mountain Cavern Feybreak Cavern

Hillside Cavern Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- DaedreamDaedream Palworld- FuddlerFuddler Palworld- KillamariKillamari Palworld- MauMau

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- TanzeeTanzee Palworld- JolthogJolthog Palworld- GumossGumoss Palworld- DepressoDepresso
Palworld- FuddlerFuddler Palworld- KillamariKillamari Palworld- MauMau Palworld- DirehowlDirehowl
Palworld- CaprityCaprity Palworld- MelpacaMelpaca Palworld- EikthyrdeerEikthyrdeer

Isolated Island Cavern Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- DaedreamDaedream Palworld- FuddlerFuddler Palworld- KillamariKillamari Palworld- MauMau

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- CattivaCattiva Palworld- ChikipiChikipi Palworld- FuackFuack Palworld- GumossGumoss
Palworld- HoocratesHoocrates Palworld- DepressoDepresso Palworld- DaedreamDaedream Palworld- FuddlerFuddler
Palworld- KillamariKillamari Palworld- CelarayCelaray Palworld- EikthyrdeerEikthyrdeer Palworld- TombatTombat

Ravine Grotto Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- DaedreamDaedream Palworld- NoxNox Palworld- FuddlerFuddler Palworld- MauMau

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- TocotocoTocotoco Palworld- WoolipopWoolipop Palworld- RibbunyRibbuny Palworld- DumudDumud
Palworld- GaleclawGaleclaw Palworld- SweeSwee Palworld- SweepaSweepa Palworld- SurfentSurfent

Mountain Stream Grotto Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- LoupmoonLoupmoon Palworld- BeegardeBeegarde Palworld- GrintaleGrintale Palworld- KatressKatress
Palworld- FelbatFelbat

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- FlopieFlopie Palworld- BristlaBristla Palworld- GobfinGobfin Palworld- MossandaMossanda
Palworld- RobinquillRobinquill Palworld- GoriratGorirat Palworld- KatressKatress Palworld- FelbatFelbat

Cavern of the Dunes Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- TocotocoTocotoco Palworld- IncineramIncineram Palworld- Leezpunk IgnisLeezpunk Ignis Palworld- Pyrin NoctPyrin Noct
Palworld- Blazehowl NoctBlazehowl Noct

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- NitewingNitewing Palworld- IncineramIncineram Palworld- DumudDumud Palworld- PyrinPyrin
Palworld- FlambelleFlambelle Palworld- BushiBushi Palworld- RagnahawkRagnahawk Palworld- WixenWixen
Palworld- BlazehowlBlazehowl Palworld- ReptyroReptyro Palworld- FenglopeFenglope

Volcanic Cavern Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- FuddlerFuddler Palworld- TocotocoTocotoco Palworld- Mossanda LuxMossanda Lux Palworld- CawgnitoCawgnito
Palworld- LovanderLovander

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- NitewingNitewing Palworld- CawgnitoCawgnito Palworld- LeezpunkLeezpunk Palworld- Robinquill TerraRobinquill Terra
Palworld- Dinossom LuxDinossom Lux Palworld- Surfent TerraSurfent Terra

Sacred Mountain Cavern Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- LunarisLunaris Palworld- MaraithMaraith Palworld- TombatTombat Palworld- SibelyxSibelyx

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- PengulletPengullet Palworld- ChilletChillet Palworld- ReindrixReindrix Palworld- MaraithMaraith
Palworld- TombatTombat Palworld- Vanwyrm CrystVanwyrm Cryst Palworld- ElphidranElphidran Palworld- CryolinxCryolinx
Palworld- WumpoWumpo Palworld- QuivernQuivern Palworld- Suzaku AquaSuzaku Aqua

Feybreak Cavern Dungeon Pals

Pals That Appear As Wild Pals

List of Pals
Palworld- StarryonStarryon Palworld- SmokieSmokie Palworld- SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld- TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld- NyafiaNyafia

Pals That Appear as Dungeon Bosses

List of Pals
Palworld- StarryonStarryon Palworld- SmokieSmokie Palworld- OmasculOmascul Palworld- SplatterinaSplatterina
Palworld- TarantrissTarantriss Palworld- PruneliaPrunelia Palworld- NyafiaNyafia Palworld- GildaneGildane
Palworld- Foxparks CrystFoxparks Cryst Palworld- Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld- Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld- Caprity NoctCaprity Noct
Palworld- Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld- Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua Palworld- Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

List of All Pals

List of Items Found in Dungeon Chests

  1. Schematics
  2. Accessories
  3. Skill Fruits


Palworld - Old Bow Schematic

Opening Dungeon Chests can reward players with Schematics with higher rarities than those learned from Technology.

All Dungeon Schematics

Palworld - Schematic IconCrossbow Schematic Palworld - Schematic IconPelt Armor Schematic Palworld - Schematic IconCold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic Palworld - Schematic IconHeat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic
Palworld - Schematic IconFeathered Hair Band Palworld - Schematic IconMetal Helm Palworld - Schematic IconHandgun Palworld - Schematic IconCold Resistant Metal Armor
Palworld - Schematic IconHeat Resistant Metal Armor Palworld - Schematic IconPump-action Shotgun Palworld - Schematic IconRefined Metal Armor Palworld - Schematic IconRefined Metal Helm
Palworld - Schematic IconHeat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Palworld - Schematic IconCold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Palworld - Schematic IconAssault Rifle Palworld - Schematic IconPal Metal Armor
Palworld - Schematic IconPal Metal Helm Palworld - Schematic IconHeat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Palworld - Schematic IconRocket Launcher

Schematic type and rarity in Dungeons are random, and will depend on the Dungeon Type

Schematics Guide


Palworld - Accessories

One reliable way to obtain and farm Accessories is through Dungeon Chests you can open after defeating Dungeon Bosses.

All Dungeon Accessories

Palworld - Pendant of Diligence Pendant of Diligence Palworld - Life Pendant Life Pendant Palworld - Attack Pendant Attack Pendant Palworld - Defense Pendant Defense Pendant
Palworld - Heat Resistant Undershirt Heat Resistant Undershirt Palworld - Thermal Undershirt Thermal Undershirt

Accessories in Dungeons are random, and will depend on the Dungeon Type

Clothes, Armor, Accessories

Skill Fruits

Palworld - How to Use Skill Fruits

Alternatively, Dungeon Chests can also reward players with Skill Fruits. Higher level Dungeons can also reward players with high rarity Skill Fruits such as Pal Blast and Dark Laser!

All Dungeon Skill Fruits

Palworld - Earth Skill Fruit IconEarth Skill Fruit: Sand Tornado Palworld - Earth Skill Fruit IconEarth Skill Fruit: Stone Blast Water Skill Fruit IconWater Skill Fruit: Hydro Jet
Palworld - Fire Skill FruitFire Skill Fruit: Flare Arrow Palworld - Electric Fruit Skill IcontElectric Skill Fruit: Tri-Lightning

Skill Fruits in Dungeons are random, and will depend on the Dungeon Type

How to Get Skill Fruits

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Maps Partial Banner

Palworld Interactive Map

All Map Locations

All Map Locations
All Fast Travel Point Locations All Dungeon Locations Black Marketeer Locations
Wandering Merchant Locations All Lifmunk Effigy Locations All Egg Locations
All Skill Fruit Tree Locations All Chest Locations Resource Map
All Captured Pals Locations All Journal Locations All Pal Locations
Level Map All Pal Merchant Locations

All Dungeon Guides

All Dungeon Guides
Hillside Cavern Guide Isolated Island Cavern Guide Ravine Grotto Guide
Mountain Stream Grotto Guide Cavern of the Dunes Guide Volcanic Cavern Guide
Sacred Mountain Cavern Guide Cherry Blossom Cave Dungeon Guide -


17 Anonymous21 days

There's a cluster of 6 quartz nodes and a skill tree right next to it, a decent place to put up a base at

16 Anonymous12 months


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