
Rarity Explained

Palworld - Rarities Explained

This guide explains the rarities of items such as schematics, weapons, and armor in Palworld. Learn the different rarities, how to differentiate rarities, and what items and stats rarities affect or change.

Rarities Explained

  1. Designated by Background Color
  2. Indicates Drop Rate
  3. Higher Rarity Items Have Higher Stats
  4. Higher Rarity Schematics Have Higher Costs

Designated by Background Color

Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Palworld - Common Pump-action Shotgun Icon
Palworld - Uncommon Schematic Icon
Palworld - Rare Schematic Icon
Palworld - Epic Schematic Icon
Palworld - Legendary Schematic Icon

An item's rarity is indicated in the background color of their icons, with the rarest being the Gold-colored Legendary Schematics.

Rarity Also Indicated When Selecting Item

You can also check an item's rarity by selecting the item, which brings up a window showing the item's stats and description.

Indicates Drop Rate

While the numbers are hidden, the rarity of schematics indicates their probability of dropping from enemies or chests. Common items spawn frequently. While at the other end of the spectrum, legendary items spawn sparingly.

Rarities in Descending Order of Drop Rates

  1. Common
  2. Uncommon
  3. Rare
  4. Epic
  5. Legendary

Schematics Farming Guide

Higher Rarity Items Have Higher Stats

Pump-action Shotgun Stats Comparison

Damage Durability Magazine
Common 220 150 8
Uncommon 275 250 9
Rare 308 300 10
Epic 352 350 11
Legendary 385 400 12

As items increase in rarity, whether weapons or armor, their stats increase, too, as shown in the sample above.

In our testing of weapons and armor, we found that the Attack, HP, and Defense increase per rarity is consistent across several weapon types, while durability and ammo capacity increase differ and depend on the weapon.

Weapon and Armor Stat Increase By Rarity

Rarity Weapon Attack Multiplier Armor Defense/Health Multiplier
Common x1 x1
Uncommon x1.25 x1.3
Rare x1.4 x1.4
Epic x1.6 x1.5
Legendary x1.75 x1.6

Higher Rarity Items Have Higher Costs

Pump-action Shotgun Costs Comparison

Item Cost
Palworld - Common Pump-action Shotgun Icon Common ・Refined Ingot x30
・Polymer x20
・Carbon Fiber x40
Palworld - Epic Pump-action Shotgun Icon Epic ・Refined Ingot x135
・Polymer x90
・Carbon Fiber x180
・Ancient Civilization Parts x20
Palworld - Legendary Pump-action Shotgun Icon Legendary ・Refined Ingot x202
・Polymer x135
・Carbon Fiber x270
・Ancient Civilization Parts x30

As expected, the higher the rarity of an item, the higher the costs to craft, as shown in the example above. Not only do the numbers increase, but higher rarity items also require an additional type of material, such as the Ancient Civilization Parts in the case above.

Crafting Guide

Rarities in Other Items

Items with Rarities
Skill Fruits Spheres
Materials Key Items

Rarities are also present in other items, such as Pal Spheres and Skill Fruits, and have the same background color that denotes their rarity and power.

Rarer Skill Fruits, for example, grant Pals moves with skills with higher base power.

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

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