
List of Skills

Palworld - Skills
Skills in Palworld consist of Active Skills, Passive Skills, and Partner Skills! Read ahead to learn about each type of skill and more!

Active Skills

What Are Active Skills?

Pal Moves

Active Skills are similar to Moves from the Pokemon series. Each Pal can learn up to 3 different Active skills, each with their own associated elemental attributes.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

What Are Passive Skills?

Randomized Individual Skills

Passive Skills are randomized skills that are unique to the individual Pal.

This means that unlike Partner Skills, two different Foxsparks can potentially have different passive skills.

Passive Skills

Best Passive Skills

Pals will have different best passive skills for them, depending on their role.

Also, a Pal's Work Suitability can affect the best match of passive skill for them.

Best Passive Skills and How to Get

Partner Skills

What Are Partner Skills?

Player-Pal Combos

Partner Skills are Player-Pal active abilities that are unique to each species of Pal.

These Skills will involve the player interacting with the Pal for mounting, combat, or utility.

Partner Skills

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