
STAB Explained

Palworld - STAB Explained
Pals that use Active Skills that match their type gain an attack bonus, or STAB, in Palworld. Here, you'll learn about STAB and how much the damage increase is.

STAB Explained

Bonus for Matching Move and Pal Types

Palworld - Kingpaca STAB

When Pals use moves or Active Skills that match their types, they gain a same-type attack bonus (STAB). STAB works regardless of type effectiveness, so it's always beneficial for your Pals to have a strong move with the same element.

In the image above, Kingpaca used Solar Blast on the left and Pal Blast on the right. Both moves have the same 150 Power, but on average, the Neutral-type Pal Blast dealt more damage as it has the same element as the Neutral-type Kingpaca.

Best Active Skills Tier List

Boosts Damage by Around 20%

Pal Move 1 Move 2 (STAB)
Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer (215 Damage) (250 Damage)
Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound (96 Damage) (110 Damage)
Palworld - Surfent Surfent (28 Damage) (33 Damage)
Palworld - Kingpaca Kingpaca (257-310 Damage) (316-372 Damage)

Based on our testing, STAB increases all damage by around 20%. It appears to stack with Pal Attack Boosting Partner Skills, too, so make sure your Pals have a move that benefits from STAB.

Best Partner Skills Tier List

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