
How to Get Cake in Palworld

Palworld - Cake Recipe and How to Make

Unlock the recipe and use Flour, Red Berries, Milk, Eggs, and Honey to get Cake in Palworld! See how to unlock the recipe for Cake, how to make it, how to farm its ingredients, and other uses here!

How to Get Cake in Palworld

How to Get Cake

Unlock the Cake Recipe

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
17 Palworld - Cooking PotCooking Pot 2
Wood ImageWood x20
Ingot ImageIngot x15

For you to unlock the Cake recipe in Palworld, you have to craft a Cooking Pot when you are Level 17!

Get Cake Ingredients

Ingredient How to Get
Palworld - Flour Material Flour ×5 Use Wheat Seeds to build a Wheat Plantation, and a Mill to turn Wheat into Flour.
Palworld - Red Berries Material Red Berries ×8 Produce with the Berry Plantation, or put Caprity in the Ranch.
Palworld - Milk Material Milk ×7 Catch a Mozzarina and put it in your Ranch.
Palworld - Egg Material Egg ×8 Catch a Chikipi and put it in your Ranch.
Palworld - Honey Material Honey ×2 Catch a Beegarde and put it in your Ranch.

After making a Cooking Pot, gather all the ingredients shown above. You can set up a farm for each ingredient if you are planning to create a lot of Cake!

How to Farm Cake Ingredients ▼

Make Cakes Using the Cooking Pot

Palworld - Cake Recipe

Once you gathered all the ingredients needed to make a Cake, you can now make a bunch of them using the Cooking Pot you built.

Use Jormuntide Ignis to Reduce Time

Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Overworld Location

It takes a while to make a Cake and it may be a waste of your time if you are doing it manually. So, you need to capture Jormuntide Ignis which has Kindling Lv. 4. By using it to make a Cake, its production speed will increase!

But, if you cannot catch Jormuntide Ignis yet, there are other Pals that can be used for Kindling.

List of Best Pals for Kindling

How to Farm Cake Ingredients

How to Farm Cake Ingredients

Set Up a Farming Base

Palworld - Drop a Palbox

The first step to farming Cakes is to set up a base for producing Cake ingredients. The best place for a Cake farm is a location where Raids rarely occur and a terrain where your Pals will not get stuck when moving. To set up a base, simply place a Palbox on the ground.

Best Base Locations

Build the Required Technologies

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
2 Palworld - Wooden ChestWooden Chest 1
Wood ImageWood x15
3 Palworld - Straw Pal BedStraw Pal Bed 2
Wood ImageWood x10
4 Palworld - Feed BoxFeed Box 2
Wood ImageWood x20

After you create a base for your Cake farm, the next step is to craft the necessary Technologies needed for the Cake farm to properly function. You need Straw Pal Beds for your Pals to sleep in. You also need a Feed Box and a Wooden Chest to store food and other items!

Build a Flour Farm

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
15 Palworld - MillMill 2
Wood ImageWood x50
Stone ImageStone x40
15 Palworld - Wheat PlantationWheat Plantation 1
Wood ImageWood x35
Stone ImageStone x35

When you are done making the required Technologies, you now have to create a Flour farm that requires the Technologies shown above. Then, you will need one Watering Pal for the Mill and Plantation. Also, you need a Pal that can Plant some Wheat and Gather them!

Do note that you still need to manually queue up the Flour in the Mill for your Watering Pal to produce it!

Farm Red Berries

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
5 Palworld - RanchRanch 2
Wood ImageWood x50
Stone ImageStone x20
Fiber ImageFiber x30
5 Palworld - Berry PlantationBerry Plantation 1
Wood ImageWood x20
Stone ImageStone x20

Once you are done with the Flour farm, you can now set up your Red Berries farm by creating the Technologies shown above. Since you already have the Pals needed for the Flour farm, you do not need to add more that perform the same Work Suitabilities.

Instead, you need to assign several Caprity to a Ranch for them to drop more Red Berries.

Put a Mozzarina to the Ranch

Palworld - Mozzarinas in a Ranch

To produce Milk, you have to put a bunch of Mozzarina in a Ranch as well. You can create another Ranch if you want to. Do note that Milk will get spoiled. So, you need to have a container that does not allow food to expire!

Place a Chikipi to the Ranch

Palworld - Chikipi

Similar to the Milk farm, you also need to put a Chikipi in a Ranch for it to lay Eggs. If you do not have Chikipis yet, you can easily catch them around the Fast Travel Point called Plateau of Beginnings!

Assign a Beegarde to the Ranch

Palworld - Beegarde

Finally, the last step is to assign Beegardes to a Ranch so they can produce Honey, which is the last ingredient to make a Cake!

Use Cakes for Breeding Pals

Store Cakes in a Breeding Farm

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
19 Palworld - Breeding FarmBreeding Farm 2
Wood ImageWood x100
Stone ImageStone x20
Fiber ImageFiber x50

Cake is a special resource in Palworld that is needed to breed Pals. Without enough Cake, it will be impossible for your Pals to hatch an egg. So, it is a resource that needs to be replenished from time to time!

Just outside the Breeding Farm, there is a box that can be opened to store Cakes inside. Similar to Milk, Cakes will also spoil. But, storing it in the Breeding Farm will prevent it from expiring!

Breeding Guide

Cake Details

Basic Information

Cake Information
Palworld - Cake Material Cake
Type Consumable
A dish that is eaten during celebrations. Put it in the chest at your breeding farm to have a Pal lay a particularly healthy egg.

Can Be Used to Remove Hunger

While a Cake's main purpose is for breeding, it can also be eaten by Pals to remove their hunger. However, we do not recommend feeding cakes to satiate hunger. Instead, give them other foods that enhance their combat capabilities or work speed!

Best Food Tier List

Palworld Inventory Guides

Palworld - Inventory Banner

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

All Materials, Consumables and Drops

List of Inventory Guides
How to Get Skill Fruits How to Get High Quality Pal Oil
List of All Pal Spheres and How to Farm List of All Food
How to Farm Pal Souls Best Food Tier List
All Craftable Items and How to Unlock All Materials and Locations
All Consumables and Locations List of New Materials and Consumables


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