
HP Stat Explained

Palworld - HP Stat Explained

HP or Health Points determine how much vitality your character has. Read on to learn how the HP stat works, items that increase HP, how to restore health, and what happens if you run out of HP.

HP Stat Explained

Represents Player Life Remaining

HP is the stat that determines the vitality or the amount of life your character has left. You can level it up with stat points, and each point gives an additional 100 HP.

Best Stats to Level Up

Items that Increase HP

Head and Body Armor

Equipping certain headgear and body armor can grant your character additional health on top of defense.

Best Armor Tier List


Palworld - Shields

Shields act as an extra layer of HP on top of your existing health. Damage reduces your shield points first before draining your HP, and these regenerate passively when not taking damage.

Depending on the strength of the shield and the enemy's attack, it's possible to not receive HP damage at all when equipped with a shield.

List of Shields and How to Craft

Health Boosting Accessories

Accessory Rarity Description
Palworld - Life Pendant Life Pendant Common HP increased by 5%
Palworld - Life Pendant +1 Life Pendant +1 Uncommon HP increased by 10%
Palworld - Life Pendant +2 Life Pendant +2 Rare HP increased by 15%

Equipping Life Pendants will increase your HP by by 5%, 10%, and 15% depending on the rarity. You can also equip two Life Pendants to have their effects stack.

How to Get Life Pendants

How to Restore HP

Restore HP with Partner Skills

Pal Partner Skill
Teafant Teafant Soothing Shower
Teafant heals the player for a set amount per level of Soothing Shower when activated.
Petallia Petallia Blessing of the Flower Spirit
Petallia heals the player for a set amount per level when activated.
Lyleen Lyleen Harvest Goddess
Lyleen heals the player for a set amount per level when activated.
Felbat Felbat Life Steal
Felbat and the player heals a portion of the damage they deal while fighting together.
Lovander Lovander Heart Drain
Lovander and the player heals for a portion of the damage they deal while fighting together.

Best Partner Skills Tier List

Recover HP Passively

There is currently no way to recover HP passively outside of waiting outside of battle for your health to recover. This only happens if your character isn't hungry.

How to Heal Pals and Player HP

What Happens if You Run Out of HP?

Player Dies and Respawns at a Fast Travel Point

Palworld - Player Defeat

When you run out of HP, your player is considered defeated and can respawn at a fast travel point of your choosing after 5 seconds. Note that depending on your world settings, you may drop your items and Pals upon death.

Death Penalty Settings and How to Change

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