
Palworld Interactive Map

Palworld - Interactive Map

This is a full interactive map of all the areas in Palapagos Island in Palworld. See the locations of all Field Bosses, Pal Locations, Fast Travel Points, and various collectibles, with explanations of each area!

Palworld Interactive Map

Palworld Resource Map

Interactive Map Key

Fast Travel Dungeon Field Bosses Black Marketeer
Palworld - Fast Travel Pin Dungeon Boss Icon Black Marketeer Icon
Wandering Merchant Pal Merchant Lifmunk Effigy Tower Boss
Palworld - Wandering Merchant Palworld - Pal Merchant Palworld - Lifmunk Icon Palworld - Tower Boss
Best Base Location Skill Fruit Captured Pal Egg
Palworld - Best Base Location Palworld - Skill Fruit Icon Palworld - Captured Pal Icon Palworld - Egg Icon
Treasure Chest Journal Pal Spawns Slab Fragment
Palworld - Chest Icon Palworld - Journal Icon Palworld - Pal Icon Slab Fragment Icon
Predator Pal Anti-Air Turret Messenger of Love Bounty
Predator Pal Icon Anti Air Turret Icon Messenger of Love Icon Bounty Icon

Palworld Best Pals Tier List

Fast Travel Points

Palworld - Fast Travel Unlock

Fast Travel points allow you to teleport from one area of the map to another instantly via Great Eagle Statues. You can use these to skip long walking or flying trips.

All Fast Travel Point Locations


Palworld - Dungeons

Dungeons are time-limited caves which spawn around the map. They contain various loot and Pals inside, including an Alpha Pal at the end of the dungeon.

All Dungeon Locations

Field Bosses

Palworld - Field Bosses

Alpha Pals are boss fight-exclusive Pals that, once captured, have the Alpha mark on their icons or names.

List of Alpha Bosses and Locations

Black Marketeer

Palworld - Black Marketeer

Black Marketeers sell rare and common contraband Pals that you won't be able to find from regular Merchants.

All Black Marketeer Locations and Pals

Wandering Merchant

Palworld - Wandering Merchant

Wandering Merchants can be found in specific areas of the map or can spawn randomly anywhere or in your base. They sell schematics, materials, and other crafted materials.

All Wandering Merchant Locations and Items

Pal Merchant

Palworld - Pal Merchant

Pal Merchants buy and sell regular Pals that you can easily find on the map. You can buy Pals from these merchants if you quickly need one.

All Pal Merchant Locations and Pals

Lifmunk Effigies

Palworld - Lifmunk Effigy

Lifmunk Effigies are collectibles scattered all across the map. These are used at Statues of Power to increase your capture rate so you can catch Pals easier.

All Lifmunk Effigy Locations

Tower Bosses

Palworld - Tower Bosses

Tower Bosses are challenging bosses that you can find inside towers on the map that you need to beat within 10 minutes. Beating a boss for the first time will net you some Ancient Technology Points.

All Palworld Tower Bosses in Order


Palworld - Bases

Bases are your home areas in Palworld, where you can set up your own structures, farms, and various buildings. You can set up a base almost anywhere, but there are certain locations that are best suited to build a base at as they contain important resources.

Best Base Locations

Skill Fruit Trees

Palworld - Skill Fruit Trees

Skill Fruits are items that you can use on Pals to learn certain Active Skills that they don't normally learn when they level up. You can get these Skill Fruits from Skill Fruit Trees found across the map.

All Skill Fruit Tree Locations

Captured Pals

Palworld - Captured Pals

Captured Pals inside cages can be found within hostile NPC camps. These Pals can be released inside their cages and will be yours after you free them.

All Captured Pals Locations


Palworld - Eggs

You can find Egg nests which contain Eggs that can hatch into various Pals all around the map . These Eggs differ in size and type which dictate what Pal will hatch from the Egg.

All Egg Locations

Treasure Chests

Palworld - Treasure Chests

Treasure chests of different sizes are scattered around the map, and can contain useful items and loot. Some chests can be opened immediately, while others need certain keys before you can open them.

All Chest Locations and Best Chest Farming Routes


Palworld - Journals

Journals are collectible texts found in certain areas of the map. These journals tell more about Palworld's lore, and some details about the characters that you'll meet in your adventure.

All Journal Locations

Pal Locations

Palworld - Pal Locations

Certain Pals can spawn almost anywhere in the map, while others only appear in specific places.

All Pal Locations

All Palworld Areas in Map

The Islands


The Islands make up the most of Palworld, and serves as the players' starting area.

With its forgiving climate, and docile creatures, setting up Bases within the islands are optimal early on.

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks to Get Started

Sand Dunes

Palworld - Mounted

Located to the northeast of the map, the Sand Dunes is a Desert Island filled with stronger Pals.

The scorching hot Mornings and freezing cold nights in the Sand Dunes requires careful preparation from players, but can yield great rewards in the form of very strong Pals!

The Volcano

Palworld - Multiplayer Guide - Base Building in Server

The Volcano can be found in the southwestern part of the map, and can immediately be recognized by its dangerously high temperature.

The Volcano is home to many Fire Element Pals, and offers an abundance of valuable resources such as Ore and Sulfur!

List of Fire Element Type Pals

The Tundra

Weaken the Enemy

The Tundra region can be found west of the Sand Dunes, and is home to the many Ice Element Pals of Palworld.

Head over to the Tundra Region to learn more about the Ancient Civilization and the secrets that they hold!

List of Ice Element Type Pals


Sanctuaries are isolated, protected areas and are home to Endangered Pals.

While these areas may seem tempting due to the presence of Rare Pals, entering Sanctuaries are considered Criminal Activity!

All Pals in the Paldeck (Monsters)

Future Updates

AI Improvements and New Islands Confirmed

Overworld Map Wandering Merchant Palworld

The devs have announced Base AI Fixes and new places to explore to be implemented on a future update.

Currently, we're only able to explore Palpagos Island, but the upcoming update will provide us with more Pals, items, technologies, and even landscapes to fully immerse ourselves into!

Roadmap and Future Updates

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27 Kadyn Houldsworthabout 2 months

Saya Kurosaki's Dairy - 5 is located at -676, 229. Please Update.

26 Kadyn Houldsworth2 months

Lifmunk Effigy 236 is lacated at 446, 283. Please Update.


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