
All Palworld Tower Bosses in Order

Palworld - List of All Tower Bosses

There are seven Tower Bosses you can fight in Palworld, with another on the way. Read on for all of the Palworld bosses in order, their tower locations, and additional information pertaining to Tower Bosses!

All Palworld Tower Bosses in Order

New Tower Boss!

Bjorn and Bastigor Trailer

A new Tower Boss, Bjorn and Bastigor, will be added to the game alongside the upcoming Feybreak update on December 23, 2024. This boss is best undertaken last after defeating all other tower bosses.

Feybreak Update Release Date and New Content

Tower Bosses in Order

Palworld Bosses in Order

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The best order to battle Palworld's tower bosses is first going for the boss with the lowest level and moving up to the higher bosses. The order of the tower bosses going from lowest to highest level are as follows:

  1. Zoe and Grizzbolt
  2. Lily and Lyleen
  3. Axel and Orzerk
  4. Marcus and Faleris
  5. Victor and Shadowbeak
  6. Saya and Selyne
  7. Bjorn and Bastigor

Do note that you can still battle the bosses in any order, as there is no requirement to battle any of the bosses.

Palworld Interactive Map

List of All Tower Bosses

Tower Bosses Map Locations



Palworld Interactive Map

Zoe and Grizzbolt

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Palworld - Zoe and Grizzbolt

Zoe and Grizzbolt are located in the forest region near the starting area of the map, at the coordinates 113, -431. It is near the Rayne Tower Syndicate Entrance teleport point.

Zoe's Grizzbolt is at Level 10, and is weak against Ground Element Pals.

Zoe and Grizzbolt Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Zoe and Grizzbolt

Lily and Lyleen

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Palworld - Lily and Lyleen

Lily and Lyleen are located in the snowy forest region located northeast near the center of the map, at the coordinates 181, 29. It is near the Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance teleport point.

Lily's Lyleen is at Level 25, and is weak against Fire Element Pals.

Lily and Lyleen Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Lily and Lyleen

Axel and Orserk

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Palworld - Axel and Orserk

Axel and Orserk are located in the volcanic region found southwest of the map, at the coordinates -587, -517. The tower is near the Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance teleport point.

Axel's Orserk is at Level 40 and is weak against Ice or Ground Element Pals.

Axel and Orserk Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Axel and Orserk

Marcus and Faleris

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Palworld - Marcus and Faleris

Marcus and Faleris are located in the desert region near the northeastern edge of the map, at the coordinates 556, 336. The tower is near the PIDF Tower Entrance teleport point.

Marcus' Faleris is at Level 45 and is weak against Water Element Pals.

Marcus and Faleris Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Marcus and Faleris

Victor and Shadowbeak

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Palworld - Victor and Shadowbeak

Victor and Shadowbeak are located in the snowy mountain region near the northwestern edge of the map, at the coordinates -146, 448. The tower is near the PAL Genetic Research Unit Tower Entrance teleport point.

Victor's Shadowbeak is Level 50, and is weak against Dragon Element Pals.

Victor and Shadowbeak Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Victor and Shadowbeak

Saya and Selyne

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Palworld - Saya and Selyne

Saya and Selyne are located in the Sakurajima region, approximately in the center of its map. The tower's coordinates are -597, 203.

Saya's Selyne is Level 55, but is weak against Dragon Element Pals.

Saya and Selyne Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Saya and Selyne

Bjorn and Bastigor

Jump to a Boss!
Zoe Lily Axel
Marcus Victor Saya

Bjorn and Bastigor

Bjorn and Bastigor are located in the Feybreak Region, towards the lower left of the map. Its coordinates are -1294, -1669.

Bjorn's Bastigor is Level 60, and is weak against Fire Element Pals

Bjorn and Bastigor Tower Location

Overworld Image Map Image

How to Beat Bjorn and Bastigor

Tower Bosses Details

Beating Tower Bosses in Hard Mode Gives Cosmetics

Hard Mode Boss Cosmetics
Palworld - Zoe Hat Weapon Zoe Hat Palworld - Lily Hat Weapon Lily Hat Palworld - Axel Hat Weapon Axel Hat
Palworld - Marcus Hat Weapon Marcus Hat Palworld - Victor Hat Weapon Victor Hat Palworld - Saya Hat Weapon Saya Hat

The Sakurajima Summer update introduces a Hard Mode for each Tower Boss.

Completing this daunting challenge rewards you with hat cosmetics that take the likeness of each Tower Boss!

Beat the Boss in 10 Minutes

Palworld - Beat the Boss

To defeat a tower boss, you must beat them within 10 minutes. The bosses' Pals use all sorts of attacks, so make sure to use the pillars around the area and dodge if you need to.

The bosses also have a lot of HP compared to wild Pals and hostile NPCs, so make sure to prepare items, weapons, and Pals before each fight so you can have a better chance of beating the boss!

How to Train Perfect Pals and Maximize Stats

Battle Boss with Friends

Palworld - Battle Bosses with Friends

If you are playing with other people via multiplayer, you bring up to three more players during the battle!

Interacting with a tower door will not immediately start the fight, so your friends can approach the tower and queue up before starting.

Palworld Multiplayer Guide

Rewards 5 Ancient Technology Points on First Battle

Palworld - Ancient Technology Point Reward

Once you defeat a tower boss for the first time, you can get 5 Ancient Technology Points after defeating them.

You can only get this during the initial fight; you will not be able to get more if you rematch the boss.

How to Get Ancient Technology Points Fast

Unlocks Fast Travel Point After Clearing Tower

Palworld - Tower Fast Travel Point

You will also unlock a fast travel point at the top of the tower once you defeat the tower boss. You can use this height to reach far distances via gliding if you don't have flying Pals yet.

All Fast Travel Point Locations

Can Tower Bosses Be Rematched?

Bosses Can Be Rematched

Palworld - Rematching Bosses

After initially defeating a tower boss, you can fight the boss again. Approach the tower and interact with the door to start a boss battle.

Do note that you will not receive 5 Ancient Technology Points again, as this reward is only given after beating the boss for the first time.

You can, however, still earn experience points once you defeat the boss again, which can be useful if you are looking to level yourself and Pals.

How to Level Up Fast

Tips for Beating Tower Bosses

Use the Strongest Weapons You Can Make

Weapon Lv. Attack Durability
Palworld - Poison Bow Weapon Poison Bow 8 65 150
Palworld - Three Shot Bow Weapon Three Shot Bow 10 40 250
Palworld - Crossbow Weapon Crossbow 13 280 300
Palworld - Metal Spear Weapon Metal Spear 13 80 250
Palworld - Musket Weapon Musket 21 1000 200

These are some of the best early-game weapons to beat Tower Bosses. Generally, ranged weapons are easier against Tower Bosses, but a strong melee weapon can also work if it suits your playstyle.

You do not need a gun to fight Zoe and Grizzbolt, but try your best to craft one as soon as you unlock the Musket. It is the first gun you can make, and the difference in attack power is astounding.

How to Get a Gun Fast and Early in Palworld

Use Your Strongest Pals

SS TierTier Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon Palworld - Frostallion Frostallion
Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero Palworld - Paladius Paladius Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide
S TierTier Palworld - Xenogard Xenogard Palworld - Bastigor Bastigor Palworld - Incineram Noct Incineram Noct
A TierTier Palworld - Kitsun Kitsun Palworld - Warsect Terra Warsect Terra Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Leezpunk Ignis
B TierTier Palworld - Kitsun Noct Kitsun Noct Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin Palworld - Pyrin Noct Pyrin Noct

While the strong Legendary Pals may be difficult to get such as Jetragon and Necromus, there are several strong Pals you can obtain early on.

Jormuntide Ignis has a good chance of hatching from Huge Dragon Eggs scattered around the game. Huge and Large Eggs in general are quick and easy sources of strong Pals if you're lucky enough to find them.

Breeding is also a good way to get strong Pals without having to catch them in the wild.

Best Pals for Combat Tier List

How to Catch Tower Bosses

Get Wanted Level to Catch the Boss

Palworld - Capturing Tower Boss

Unfortunately, this glitch has been patched in the version update.

In previous versions of the game, if you get a wanted level, get chased by PIDF Guards, battle a Tower Boss, and have the guards damage the boss, you'll be able to catch the Pal along with the Tower Boss! Caught Tower Boss Pals retain their HP from the boss fight, making them very tanky and useful in battles.

How to Catch Tower Bosses

More Tower Bosses Coming Soon

Major Update Coming December 2024

Palworld - New Tower Boss

Palworld has announced that the next major update to the game will be released on December 2024, which will include a new Tower Boss!

Palworld December 2024 Major Update

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