
How to Farm Ore and Best Locations

Palworld - How to Farm Ore and Best Locations

Ore is a Material used to refine Ingots in Palworld. Read on to know everything about farming ore, the best locations to farm Ore, how to automate Ore at your base, materials you can craft with Ore, and more!

Ore Guides
How to Get Ore Best Ore Bases

Best Locations to Farm Ore

Best Ore Locations
Ore Resource Map
Fort Ruins Desolate Church
Small Settlement Icy Weasel Hill

All Farming Spots for Ore

The locations pinned above are all great places to put a base for farming Ores. As another option, you can just manually farm each of the Ore nodes you see from the listed locations!

Palworld Interactive Map

Fort Ruins Location

World View Map View
Coordinates: (155, -394)
Location: Can be found west of the Fast Travel Point called Fort Ruins.

You can build a Mining base on this location since you can place a Palbox down. Also, this location is almost free from Enemy Raids since enemies tend to bug out and never reach the base.

Overall, this location is a great place to put a base for farming Ores since it is the closest spot to the initial starting area and also has around 4 ore nodes!

Desolate Church Location

World View Map View
Coordinates: (155, -394)
Location: Can be found beside the Fast Travel Point called Desolate Church.

The Ore farming spot near the Desolate Church and its Statue of Power has around 5 Ore nodes and is covered with trees. So, it can also be turned into a Wood and Fiber farm.

But, this place is located in the middle of a traveling path, making a base set up here susceptible to attacks from multiple angles. If you do not want to spend extra resources to secure and fortify the base, just mine the Ores manually.

Small Settlement Location

World View Map View
Coordinates: (11, -523)
Location: Can be found on a cliff to the west of the Fast Travel Point called Small Settlement.

The spot above is a great place to manually mine Ores and also a great location for a mining base since has 8 Ore nodes. Also, it can act as a Fast Travel Point since there are no Giant Eagle Statues nearby.

While it may be an amazing mining base location that also provides great natural defenses against Raids since enemies can only access the base from one area, it is far from the initial starting area!

Icy Weasel Hill Location

World View Map View
Coordinates: (-28, 159)
Location: Can be found beside the Fast Travel Point called Icy Weasel Hill.

While this spot has fewer Ore nodes than the ones mentioned above, it has other resources such as Pure Quartz, trees, and Stones. Overall, this farming location is a great spot to build a base on or you can just manually gather the materials mentioned!

How to Automate Ore

Ore is one of the early game resources that can be mined, automated and refined to produce other materials such as Ingots in Palworld. Since you will need a lot of it, it is a great idea to automatically farm it by building a mining base!

  1. Find a Base Location
  2. Place a Wooden Chest by the Palbox
  3. Work Area Should be Separated
  4. Bring Out Mining Pals
  5. Optional Structures and Setups

Find a Base Location

Palworld - Sample Mining Base

The image above is a sample base setup once you are done creating one.

Once you have scouted out a location for the base, you will need to consider the placement of your structures so that everything is centralized and easy to access.

Place a Wooden Chest by the Palbox

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
2 Palworld - PalboxPalbox 1
Wood ImageWood x8
2 Palworld - Wooden ChestWooden Chest 1
Wood ImageWood x15

Ideally, you'd want to set up the Palbox and storage chest next to each other so that you can easily move items between bases, especially if you're over-encumbered and can no longer walk.

Make sure that there is only 1 storage chest in the base so that the gathering point is centralized, and you don't need to walk around to collect your resources.

Work Area Should be Separated

For the utility facilities, keep them separated from the main Mining area so that when Pals move around from one area to another, it would get congested and potentially cause the AI pathing to mess up.

Block Trees That Mess Up Pal Spawns

Palworld - Build a Foundation Over Trees

Also, make sure to block off problematic tree spawns by setting down foundations, otherwise Pals working at the base can get stuck on top of one, stopping them from doing any work.

The worst case scenario is that you do not notice that a Pal is stuck up there, and they could get a Major Injury by starving. As a rule of thumb, make sure to always check on your Pals and keep them happy and healthy whenever you're at the base.

List of Sicknesses and Injuries

Bring Out Mining Pals

Palworld - Digtoise

To actually start farming Ores, bring out the Mining Pals you have caught or bred. Make sure that your Pals have at least level 2 Mining suitability before they are able to mine Ore.

Best Mining Pals Tier List

Do Not Forget Other Essential Pals

List of Pals
PlantingPlanting Lv. 1
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
LumberingLumbering Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
Food: 2/10
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
WateringWatering Lv. 1
CoolingCooling Lv. 1
Food: 2/10

These two are the best Pals for Planting, Gathering, and Watering if you are starting a Mining base because of how easy they are to encounter and catch.

All Work Suitabilities Explained

Optional Structures and Setup

Upgrade Your Facilities

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
5 Palworld - Berry PlantationBerry Plantation 1
Wood ImageWood x20
Stone ImageStone x20
31 Palworld - High Quality Hot SpringHigh Quality Hot Spring 3
Stone ImageStone x100
Wood ImageWood x100
Cement ImageCement x20

By adding more Berry Plantations or upgrading to High Quality Hot Springs, you'll reduce the odds of your Pals getting sick or injured. This means that you can go off and do other things without having to worry about what's happening at the base.

Build a Furnace

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
10 Palworld - Primitive FurnacePrimitive Furnace 3
Wood ImageWood x20
Stone ImageStone x50
34 Palworld - Improved FurnaceImproved Furnace 4
Stone ImageStone x100
Cement ImageCement x30
44 Palworld - Electric FurnaceElectric Furnace 5

You can build a variant of a Furnace at the Mining Base so that you can produce Ingots that you need. If you're doing this, make sure that you have the Furnace near the Storage Chest so that you can easily pivot between the two without having to move.

Pickaxe and Helmet Boosts Mining Speed

Level Unlocked Technology Points Material Requirements
30 Palworld - Pickaxe and HelmetPickaxe and Helmet 2
Wood ImageWood x50
Stone ImageStone x50
Ingot ImageIngot x50

If you are level 30, building a technology called Pickaxe and Helmet can be done to passively boost the work speed of any task that requires Mining. Having one in your base will allow your Mining Pals to mine Ore much faster!

Best Technology to Unlock First

How to Get Ore

From Ore Nodes or Rock Piles

Ore Nodes Stone Boulders
Tools To Use
Stone Pickaxe Stone Pickaxe Metal Pickaxe Metal Pickaxe Refined Metal Pickaxe Refined Metal Pickaxe

You can mine Ores from large Ore node. This will be large boulders that almost look like copper. Along with Stones or Paldium Fragments, there is also a chance you can get Ores just by mining Stone boulders.

You can mine Ore nodes or Stone boulders with Pickaxes. Do note that the higher the quality of your pickaxe, the quicker you can get more Ores!

Dropped by Pals

It is possible to acquire Ore from Pals that drop this item. Below is a list of monsters that might drop Ore.

Possible Drop From
Palworld - Cryolinx Terra Pal Cryolinx Terra Palworld - Digtoise Pal Digtoise Palworld - Gorirat Terra Pal Gorirat Terra
Palworld - Knocklem Pal Knocklem

Materials Crafted with Ore

Used to Refine Ingots

Materials That Require Ore
Palworld - Ingot Material Ingot Palworld - Refined Ingot Material Refined Ingot Palworld - Pal Metal Ingot Material Pal Metal Ingot

Ore is a material that is used to refine Ingots and its other variants. You will need a Primitive Furnace to make Ingots and the higher-tier Furnaces to produce Refined Ingots and Pal Metal Ingots.

How to Get Pal Metal Ingot

How to Set Ore Respawn Rate

Tweak Your World Settings

Palworld - Best World Settings

Resources respawn after a full in-game day has passed, so set the respawn rate of resources in your World by setting the Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval metric to 0.5.

Doing this speeds up the respawn times of every resource in your World, and allows you to continouously automate Ore in your base.

Best World Settings for Palworld

Ore Details

Basic Information

Ore Information
Palworld - Ore Material Ore
Type Material
Becomes an ingot when refined using a furnace. Can be found in caves and other places. There are rumors of Pals capable of detecting ore.

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Inventory Banner

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

All Materials, Consumables and Drops

List of Inventory Guides
How to Get Skill Fruits How to Get High Quality Pal Oil
List of All Pal Spheres and How to Farm List of All Food
How to Farm Pal Souls Best Food Tier List
All Craftable Items and How to Unlock All Materials and Locations
All Consumables and Locations List of New Materials and Consumables

All Materials

Advanced Recovery Meds Ancient Civilization Core Ancient Civilization Parts
Ancient Pal Manuscript Ancient Technical Manual Baked Berries
Baked Mushroom Beautiful Flower Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab
Bellanoir Libero's Slab Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment Bellanoir's Slab
Bellanoir's Slab Fragment Berry Seeds Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab
Blazamut Ryu Slab Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment Bone
Bread Broiled Dumud Broncherry Fried Noodles
Broncherry Meat Broncherry Rib Roast Burden Elixir
Burden Remedy Cake Caprity Meat
Carbon Fiber Carbonara Carrot
Carrot Seeds Carrying Lotus (L) Carrying Lotus (S)
Cavern Mushroom Cement Charcoal
Chikipi Poultry Chikipi Saute Chromite
Circuit Board Cloth Coal
Common Egg Concentrated All-Purpose Pal Extract Copper Key
Cotton Candy Crude Oil Damp Egg
Dark Egg Dark Fragment Dazzi Cloud
Diamond Dog Coin Dragon Egg
Dumud Chowder Earth Skill Fruit: Sand Tornado Egg
Eikthyrdeer Loco Moco Eikthyrdeer Stew Eikthyrdeer Venison
Electric Egg Electric Organ Emerald
Fiber Flame Organ Flour
French Fries Fried Chikipi Fried Egg
Fried Kelpsea Frozen Egg Future Technical Manual
Galeclaw Nikujaga Galeclaw Poultry Giant Pal Soul
Gold Coin Gold Key Gratin
Grilled Chikipi Grilled Galeclaw Grilled Kelpsea
Grilled Lamball Gumoss Leaf Gunpowder
Herb Roasted Caprity Herb Roasted Lamball Hexolite
Hexolite Quartz High Grade Medical Supplies High Grade Technical Manual
High Quality Cloth High Quality Pal Oil High Quality Recovery Meds
Honey Horn Hot Milk
Huge Common Egg Huge Damp Egg Huge Dark Egg
Huge Dragon Egg Huge Electric Egg Huge Frozen Egg
Huge Rocky Egg Huge Scorching Egg Huge Verdant Egg
Ice Organ Ice Skill Fruit: Frost Missile Ingot
Innovative Technical Manual Jam-filled Bun Katress Hair
Killamari Tentacle Lamball Kebab Lamball Mutton
Large Common Egg Large Damp Egg Large Dark Egg
Large Dragon Egg Large Electric Egg Large Frozen Egg
Large Pal Soul Large Rocky Egg Large Scorching Egg
Large Verdant Egg Leather Leezpunk Crest
Lettuce Lettuce Seeds Life Fruit
Life Lotus (L) Life Lotus (S) Low Grade Medical Supplies
Low Quality Recovery Meds Mammorest Curry Mammorest Meat
Mammorest Steak Marinated Mushrooms Medical Supplies
Medium Pal Soul Memory Wiping Medicine Meteorite Fragment
Might Elixir Might Remedy Milk
Mind Control Meds Minestrone Mozzarina Cheeseburger
Mozzarina Hamburger Mozzarina Meat Mozzarina Steak
Mushroom Mushroom Quiche Mushroom Soup
Mysterious Mushroom Mysterious Mushroom Juice Nail
Nightstar Sand Omelet Onion
Onion Seeds Ore Pal Fluids
Pal Metal Ingot Paldium Fragment Pancake
Penking Plume Pizza Plasteel
Polymer Potato Potato Seeds
Power Fruit Power Lotus (L) Power Lotus (S)
Precious Claw Precious Dragon Stone Precious Entrails
Precious Pelt Precious Plume Predator Core
Pure Quartz Raw Dumud Raw Kelpsea
Recovery Meds Red Berries Refined Ingot
Reindrix Stew Reindrix Venison Revival Potion
Ribbuny Ribbon Roast Eikthyrdeer Roast Reindrix
Roast Rushoar Rocky Egg Ruby
Rushoar Bacon 'n' Eggs Rushoar Gyoza Rushoar Hot Dog
Rushoar Pork Salad Sapphire
Scorching Egg Silver Key Small Pal Soul
Speed Elixir Speed Lotus (L) Speed Lotus (S)
Speed Remedy Spring Rolls Stamina Elixir
Stamina Lotus (L) Stamina Lotus (S) Stamina Remedy
Stewed Galeclaw Stir-Fried Vegetables Stone
Stout Fruit Strange Juice Successful Bounty Token
Sulfur Suspicious Juice Swee Hair
Tocotoco Feather Tomato Tomato Seeds
Training Crystal Training Manual (L) Training Manual (M)
Training Manual (S) Training Manual (XL) Venom Gland
Verdant Egg Vital Elixir Vital Remedy
Wheat Wheat Seeds Wood
Wool Xenolord (Ultra) Slab Xenolord Slab
Xenolord Slab Fragment


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