
Suzaku Location, Breeding, and How to Beat

Palworld - Suzaku

Suzaku, a Fire Element Pal, can be found in the desert to the northeast in Palworld. Learn how to beat Suzaku, the best breeding combos to breed Suzaku, its day, night, and Alpha boss location, stats and IVs, its Active and best Passive skills, work suitability, and item drops!

Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku
Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku - Related Guides
Palworld - Suzaku Location, Stats and BreedingPaldeck Stats Palworld - Suzaku MovesetBest Build

Suzaku Element Type and Details

Suzaku Type and Base Stats

No. 102 Element Type
Palworld - SuzakuSuzaku Palworld - Fire Icon
Work Suitability
KindlingKindling Lv. 3
Base Stats and Rank

All Pals in the Paldeck

Suzaku Paldeck Entry

Palworld - Suzaku Paldeck Entry Suzaku
It was once believed to usher in the dry season. Whenever there was a drought the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull its numbers, hoping to bring about a plentiful harvest in the next year.

Suzaku Tier List Rankings

Tier List Ranking
Screenshot_1.pngSuzaku Ride Tier B Tier
(Flying Mount)
Combat Tier S Tier
Base Tier A Tier
(for Late Game)

Best Pals Tier List

Pal Variant

Pal Variants
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku
Palworld - Fire Icon
Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua
Palworld - Water Icon

This Pal is an elemental variant of another Pal. It's physical appearance is the same, but has a different Element typing from the other one.

List of All Fusion Pals and How to Get

Suzaku Stats

Suzaku Level 60 and Level 1 Stats

Lv. 60 Stats
Lv 1 Stats
Stat 0 IV Max IV Max IV+A Max IV+D Full Atk Full Def
HP 4075 5065 7901
Atk 533 663 1226 696 1913 1000
Def 483 613 735 1011 1147 1444
0 IV: No IVs and no Passives
Max IV: Max IVs with no Passives
Max IV+A: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives
Max IV+D: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives
Full Atk: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Full Def: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Game8 Pal IV Stat Calculator
Stat 0 IV Max IV Max IV+A Max IV+D Full Atk Full Def
HP 565 583 909
Atk 107 110 203 115 317 180
Def 57 60 72 99 112 154
0 IV: No IVs and no Passives
Max IV: Max IVs with no Passives
Max IV+A: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives
Max IV+D: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives
Full Atk: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Full Def: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Game8 Pal IV Stat Calculator

Suzaku Min and Max Stats (IVs) For Every Level

Level Stat Range from 0 IV - 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
Lv 1 565 ~ 583 107 ~ 110 57 ~ 60
Lv 2 630 ~ 666 115 ~ 120 65 ~ 70
Lv 3 695 ~ 749 123 ~ 130 73 ~ 80
Lv 4 760 ~ 832 131 ~ 140 81 ~ 90
Lv 5 825 ~ 915 139 ~ 151 89 ~ 101
Lv 6 890 ~ 998 147 ~ 161 97 ~ 111
Lv 7 955 ~ 1081 155 ~ 171 105 ~ 121
Lv 8 1020 ~ 1164 163 ~ 181 113 ~ 131
Lv 9 1085 ~ 1247 170 ~ 192 120 ~ 142
Lv 10 1150 ~ 1330 178 ~ 202 128 ~ 152
Lv 11 1215 ~ 1413 186 ~ 212 136 ~ 162
Lv 12 1280 ~ 1496 194 ~ 222 144 ~ 172
Lv 13 1345 ~ 1579 202 ~ 233 152 ~ 183
Lv 14 1410 ~ 1662 210 ~ 243 160 ~ 193
Lv 15 1475 ~ 1745 218 ~ 253 168 ~ 203
Lv 16 1540 ~ 1828 226 ~ 263 176 ~ 213
Lv 17 1605 ~ 1911 233 ~ 274 183 ~ 224
Lv 18 1670 ~ 1994 241 ~ 284 191 ~ 234
Lv 19 1735 ~ 2077 249 ~ 294 199 ~ 244
Lv 20 1800 ~ 2160 257 ~ 304 207 ~ 254
Lv 21 1865 ~ 2243 265 ~ 314 215 ~ 264
Lv 22 1930 ~ 2326 273 ~ 325 223 ~ 275
Lv 23 1995 ~ 2409 281 ~ 335 231 ~ 285
Lv 24 2060 ~ 2492 289 ~ 345 239 ~ 295
Lv 25 2125 ~ 2575 296 ~ 355 246 ~ 305
Lv 26 2190 ~ 2658 304 ~ 366 254 ~ 316
Lv 27 2255 ~ 2741 312 ~ 376 262 ~ 326
Lv 28 2320 ~ 2824 320 ~ 386 270 ~ 336
Lv 29 2385 ~ 2907 328 ~ 396 278 ~ 346
Lv 30 2450 ~ 2990 336 ~ 407 286 ~ 357
Lv 31 2515 ~ 3073 344 ~ 417 294 ~ 367
Lv 32 2580 ~ 3156 352 ~ 427 302 ~ 377
Lv 33 2645 ~ 3239 359 ~ 437 309 ~ 387
Lv 34 2710 ~ 3322 367 ~ 448 317 ~ 398
Lv 35 2775 ~ 3405 375 ~ 458 325 ~ 408
Lv 36 2840 ~ 3488 383 ~ 468 333 ~ 418
Lv 37 2905 ~ 3571 391 ~ 478 341 ~ 428
Lv 38 2970 ~ 3654 399 ~ 489 349 ~ 439
Lv 39 3035 ~ 3737 407 ~ 499 357 ~ 449
Lv 40 3100 ~ 3820 415 ~ 509 365 ~ 459
Lv 41 3165 ~ 3903 422 ~ 519 372 ~ 469
Lv 42 3230 ~ 3986 430 ~ 529 380 ~ 479
Lv 43 3295 ~ 4069 438 ~ 540 388 ~ 490
Lv 44 3360 ~ 4152 446 ~ 550 396 ~ 500
Lv 45 3425 ~ 4235 454 ~ 560 404 ~ 510
Lv 46 3490 ~ 4318 462 ~ 570 412 ~ 520
Lv 47 3555 ~ 4401 470 ~ 581 420 ~ 531
Lv 48 3620 ~ 4484 478 ~ 591 428 ~ 541
Lv 49 3685 ~ 4567 485 ~ 601 435 ~ 551
Lv 50 3750 ~ 4650 493 ~ 611 443 ~ 561
Lv 51 3815 ~ 4733 501 ~ 622 451 ~ 572
Lv 52 3880 ~ 4816 509 ~ 632 459 ~ 582
Lv 53 3945 ~ 4899 517 ~ 642 467 ~ 592
Lv 54 4010 ~ 4982 525 ~ 652 475 ~ 602
Lv 55 4075 ~ 5065 533 ~ 663 483 ~ 613
Lv 56 4140 ~ 5148 541 ~ 673 491 ~ 623
Lv 57 4205 ~ 5231 548 ~ 683 498 ~ 633
Lv 58 4270 ~ 5314 556 ~ 693 506 ~ 643
Lv 59 4335 ~ 5397 564 ~ 704 514 ~ 654
Lv 60 4400 ~ 5480 572 ~ 714 522 ~ 664
The numbers on the left are the stats with no IV (0) or the lowest possible stat a Pal can have within a specified level.
The red numbers on the right are the stats with max IV (100) or the highest possible stat a Pal can have.
※This table does not include bonuses from Passive Skills, Partner Skills, or any other stat boosts.

Hidden IV Stat Values for Pals

IVs are hidden stats each Pal has for each stat that randomizes their HP, Atk, and Def to a specific range. Having 0 IV for a stat means the Pal gets a 0% bonus, while having the maximum 100 IV gives a 30% bonus to the respective stat.

For example, if two Lamballs have the same passives and buffs, the Lamball with the higher HP IV will always have a higher HP pool.

A Pal's IVs cannot be altered but can be used to influence its child's IVs through breeding. Therefore, breeding is an excellent option to pass a parent's high IV and favorable Passive Skills to obtain a Pal with the highest IVs possible with the preferred Passive Skills.

All Pal Stats

Suzaku Location

Suzaku Lv. 45 Alpha Boss Location



Suzaku is available as a level 45 Field Alpha Boss in the desert northeast of the map.

Palworld Interactive Map

Suzaku Habitat and Map Locations

Suzaku Location at Daytime

View Full Image
Suzaku Location at Nighttime

View Full Image

Suzaku can be found at the locations marked above during daytime and nighttime.
All Pal Locations

Hatch from Huge Scorching Egg

Palworld - Htaching Eggs
Suzaku can be hatched from a Huge Scorching Egg.

Pal eggs can be found spread across the islands as interactable objects that can be picked up.

They can also be obtained through breeding Pals together in a Breeding Farm. Once you have an egg, place it in an Egg Incubator and wait for it to hatch.
How to Hatch Palworld Eggs

Pals that Hatch from Huge Scorching Egg

List of Pals
Palworld- Blazehowl NoctBlazehowl Noct Palworld- BlazamutBlazamut Palworld- SuzakuSuzaku Palworld- FalerisFaleris
Palworld- Bushi NoctBushi Noct

Egg Hatch List

How to Beat Suzaku and Weakness

Tips to Defeat Suzaku

Be Well Equipped for the Fight

Best Weapons and Equipment

Equipment Details
Palworld - Double-barreled Shotgun Weapon Double-barreled Shotgun ・Powerful burst damage.
・Loads up to 8 shots but will take time to reload.
Palworld - Assault Rifle Weapon Assault Rifle ・Weapon with high power and can be fired repeatedly.
・Aim for headshots to do significantly more damage.
Palworld - Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor ・Cold-Resistant Pal Metal Armor and Pal Metal Helm have the highest base defense and HP in the game.
・Make sure to have equipment of the highest tier possible to reduce damage taken.
Palworld - Pal Metal Helm Pal Metal Helm
Palworld - Hyper Shield Hyper Shield ・Hyper Shield will increase your survivability and allow you to take more damage.

When fighting Suzaku, use a powerful weapon like an Assault Rifle to deal high damage. Make sure to aim for headshots to reduce its health faster for easier capture.

Best Armor Tier List

Legendary Sphere is Recommended

Item Materials
Palworld - Legendary Sphere Icon Legendary Sphere

Higher level pals like Suzaku have lower catch rates and lower-tier Spheres will bounce off of it.

It is recommended to use Legendary Sphere to increase capture rate and ensure that it will not bounce off of the Pal.

How to Get Legendary Sphere

Recommended Pals

Pal Details
Palworld - Azurobe Azurobe ・While mounted, Azurobe's Partner Skill, Waterwing Dance, converts the player's damage to Water as well as increases the Water damage dealt by both Azurobe and the player.
Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide ・Jormuntide's Partner Skill, Stormbringer Sea Dragon, allows it to fire a powerful water jet from its mouth, dealing significant Water element damage.
Palworld - Kelpsea Kelpsea ・While Kelpsea is in the party, its Aqua Spout Partner Skill passively increases the Attack stat of the Water Pals in the party.
・Kelpsea can also be used as an active Pal as it is a pal of the Water element.
Palworld - Gobfin Gobfin ・Gobfin increases your attack with its Angry Shark Partner Skill while it is in your team.
・Gobfin can also be used as an active Pal as it is a pal of the Water element.

List of Water Element Type Pals

Fight with a Powerful Water Pal

Palworld - Water Pals vs Suzaku.png

Suzaku is a Fire Pal and is therefore weak to Water pals. Utilize this information to exploit its weaknesses to water by battling with a Water Pal.

Use your Water Pal to distract Suzaku and allow it to take most of the damage while damaging it with your weapons.

Element Type Chart Matchups Explained

Dodge Suzaku's Attacks by Rolling

Suzaku's attacks primarily consist of slow moving projectiles. The projectiles are quite easy to avoid, so utilize your dodge to evade these attacks.

Increase Capture Rate using Statues of Power

Palworld - Statue of Power
If you wish to capture Suzaku, try collecting as many Lifmunk Effigies as possible to increase your capture rate. Suzaku is a powerful Pal, so make sure to bring higher grade Spheres.

How to Increase Capture Rate

How to Breed Suzaku

Suzaku Breeding Combos

Palworld Breeding Calculator

※For all possible breeding combos check out the Breeding Calculator.

Best Ways to Use Suzaku in Breeding

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Chillet Ignis Chillet Ignis Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Bellanoir Bellanoir Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Gorirat Terra Gorirat Terra Palworld - Elphidran Elphidran
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Bushi Noct Bushi Noct Palworld - Quivern Quivern
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Katress Ignis Katress Ignis Palworld - Starryon Starryon
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Kitsun Noct Kitsun Noct Palworld - Azurmane Azurmane

Breeding Combos and Guide

※Not all possible breeding combos are listed.

Suzaku Skills and Pal Gear

Suzaku Partner Skill

Partner Skill Description
Wings of Fire Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted.

All Partner Skills Effects

Effect Per Level

Level 1 Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku by 50% while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted.
Level 2 Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku by 55% while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted.
Level 3 Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku by 65% while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted.
Level 4 Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku by 80% while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted.
Level 5 Increases the Fire damage dealt by the player and Suzaku by 100% while mounted. Enables Suzaku to be mounted.

Suzaku Pal Gear

Pal Gear Materials Needed
Suzaku Saddle
Ingot ImageIngot x20
Cloth ImageCloth x10
Required Level Lv. 40

List of All Pal Gear

Active Skills

Level Move Type Power CT
1 Air Cannon Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 25 2
Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.
7 Ignis Blast Palworld - Fire Type Icon 30 2
Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.
15 Spirit Fire Palworld - Fire Type Icon 45 7
Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.
22 Flare Arrow Palworld - Fire Type Icon 55 10
Fires three flaming arrows in succession that home in on an enemy.
30 Ignis Breath Palworld - Fire Type Icon 70 15
Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.
40 Flare Storm Palworld - Fire Type Icon 80 18
Generates two flaming tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.
50 Fire Ball Palworld - Fire Type Icon 150 55
Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.

List of Active Skills

Best Passive Skills

Passive Skill Effect
Palworld - Positive Tier Two Musclehead Attack +30%
Work Speed -50%
Palworld - Positive Tier Two Runner 20% increase to movement speed
Palworld - Positive Tier Three Burly Body Defense +20%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier Swift 30% increase to movement speed
Palworld - Positive Tier Three Flame Emperor 20% increase to Fire attack damage
Palworld - Rainbow Tier Legend Attack +20%, Defense +20%, and Movement Speed +15%

Best Passive Skills and How to Get

Suzaku Work Suitability

Work Suitability Description
Kindling Lv. 3 Kindling is used for any work that requires fire, like cooking or refining ore.

Work Suitability List:
All Pals by Work Suitability

Suzaku Material and Item Drops

Materials Dropped by Suzaku

Possible Drops
Palworld - Flame Organ Material Flame Organ

Suzaku Alpha Boss Materials

Possible Drops
Palworld - Ancient Civilization Parts Material Ancient Civilization Parts Palworld - Flame Organ Material Flame Organ Palworld - Legendary Pump-action Shotgun Material Legendary Pump-action Shotgun (Schematic)
Palworld - Precious Plume Material Precious Plume

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Paldeck Banner

Complete Paldeck and List of All Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals
Palworld - XenolordXenolord Palworld - NitemaryNitemary Palworld - StarryonStarryon
Palworld - SilvegisSilvegis Palworld - SmokieSmokie Palworld - CelesdirCelesdir
Palworld - OmasculOmascul Palworld - SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld - TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld - AzurmaneAzuremane Palworld - BastigorBastigor Palworld - PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld - NyafiaNyafia Palworld - GildaneGildane Palworld - Gorirat TerraFoxparks Cryst
Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld - Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld - Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux
Palworld - Caprity Noct IconCaprity Noct Palworld - Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld - Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua
Palworld - Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld - Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld - Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

Feybreak Update New Features Guide

All Pals by Element Types

All Pal Element Types
Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Ice Type Electric Type Ground Type
Dark Type Dragon Type Neutral

All Pals by Work Suitability

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond IconKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond IconWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond IconPlanting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond IconElectricity Palworld - Handiwork Diamond IconHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond IconGathering
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond IconLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond IconMining Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond IconMedicine
Palworld - Cooling Diamond IconCooling Palworld - Transporting Diamond IconTransporting Palworld - Farming Diamond IconFarming

All Pals by Stats

All Pal Stats
List of Pals by HP List of Pals by Attack
List of Pals by Defense All Pals by Max IV Stats

Pal Lists

All Pal Lists
All Pals by Work Suitability All Night Exclusive Pals
All Fusion Pals All Alpha Bosses and Locations
All Mount Pals All Legendary Pals
All Mineshaft Field Bosses All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals
List of Rare Pals All Dungeon Exclusive Pals
New and Upcoming Pals List of Pals that Improve Carry Capacity
All Predator Pal Locations -

Pal Egg Lists

All Pal Egg Lists
Normal Egg Pals Large Egg Pals Huge Egg Pals
Pal Eggs by Element
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg

Previous and Next Pal

Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku
Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua


4 Gnubblezabout 1 year

I checked a Google Doc with Breeding Combinations and found that Suzaku and Astegon actually breeds Cryolinx. I have it incubating and will have it tomorrow.

3 Gnubblezabout 1 year

Curious.. I did the Astegon and Suzaku breeding combination but I got a Large Frozen Egg instead of a Huge Scorching Egg? Someone I know got a female Suzaku, which is why it matched with the male Astegon I have.. However, I got a Large Frozen Egg and not another Suzaku.


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